900字范文 > 构式 construction英语短句 例句大全

构式 construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-24 07:54:04


构式 construction英语短句 例句大全



1.A Cognitive Constructional Account of Unaccusative Phenomena in English and Chinese;英汉语中非宾格现象之认知构式角度探索

2.The concept of "construction" posited by Goldberg covers all the levels of the grammatical hierarchy in traditional grammar,ranging from morphemes to sentence patterns,as can be seen from her definition,exemplification and explanations.Goldberg界定的构式语法的"构式"包括了传统语法的从语素到句型的各个层级单位,这一点可以从其定义、示例和一再出现的阐释中看出来。

3.This paper elaborates onconstruction andconstruction grammar,with Chinese as example.我们的语言知识是由大小不一、抽象程度和内部复杂程度不同的构式组成的。


1.a structural formula【化】结构式, 构造式

2.structured COBOL结构式COBOL语言

3.non structured interview非结构式访谈非结构式晤谈

4.semi structured interview半结构式访谈半结构式晤谈

5.Research of Construction [Can you VP?] with Embodied Construction Grammar;从体验构式语法浅析[能+VP+吗]构式

6.A Construction Grammar Approach to the Caused-Motion Construction英语致使—移动构式的构式语法研究

7.structured multiprocessor system结构式多处理机系统

8.concertina movement折叠[蛇腹]式构造

9.mechanical power lift机械式自动起落机构

10.rack fuel control mechanism齿杆式油量调节机构

11.body structure: semin-monocoque车身结构:半承载式

12.modular and dimensional co-ordination concept构件式组合及尺寸配合

13.shingled construction of tank套筒式油罐罐体结构

14.precast reinforced concrete construction装配式钢筋混凝土结构

15.parallelogram linkage steering四边联杆式转向机构

16.Mechanic Information Transmission Device机械式传输信息机构

17.Mechanical Information Transmission Device机械式信息传输机构

18.indirect valve gear间接式气门驱动机构


Construction Grammar构式

1.In this mind,the theory ofConstruction Grammar should be taken as a better way to analyze the verb zheng and other generalized .本文通过对"整"进行"词义成分-模式"分析,总结出泛义动词与一般多义动词的区别,认为"整"的众多意义是对构式强制解读的产物,对于动词"整"及汉语中其他泛义动词的研究应本着构式语法的研究思路进行。

2.Given this situation, the paper will draw on the theory of the construction grammar and three plane theory of Chinese grammar, pay attention to the interaction between the overall structure and nouns,and from syntax, semantics and pragmatics, research on the relation between Degree adverbs and nouns comprehensi.鉴于这种情况,本文将借鉴构式语法和三个平面的语法理论,注重结构整体和名词的互动关系,对程度副词和名词的关系从句法、语义、语用进行全面地分析研究,以期对程度副词和名词关系有更全面更深刻的认识。

3)"as...as" construction"as...as"构式

4)schematic construction图式构式

1.Lexically fixed forms like morphemes,words,idioms are substantive constructions,while partially lexically filled and fully abstract phrasal patterns areschematic constructions.语素、词、复合词及固定的短语或句式叫做实体构式,而半固定习语以上的句式如双及物结构、动结结构叫做图式构式。

5)built-up member格构式构件

6)tectonic pattern构造模式

1.Based on tectonic characteristics of foreland basin in mid-west China,this paper studies the development,evolution,profile structure,sequence relationship and source-reservoir-cap association of thrust nappe structure, summarizes fourtectonic patterns,i.在中国中西部前陆盆地构造特征研究基础上,对逆冲推覆构造带的发展、演化、剖面结构、层序关系和生、储、盖层组合等方面进行了研究,总结了逆冲推覆构造的4种构造模式,即台阶式逆冲推覆构造、双重逆冲构造、冲断褶隆、反冲断层。

2.In literature[1] Thrust Belt Structure and Significance for Petroleum Exploration in Hala"alat Mountain in Northwestern Margin of Junggar Basin, the Triassic and Permian strata in Heshituologai basin, which were used for supporting its proposedtectonic patterns, are in big differences compared with the actual geologic data.在《准噶尔盆地哈拉阿拉特山冲断带构造及找油意义》一文中,用于支持其构造模式成立的和什托洛盖盆地的三叠系和二叠系具有很大的推测成分,与实际地质资料差别大。


