900字范文 > 安全制度 safety system英语短句 例句大全

安全制度 safety system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-22 02:19:14


安全制度 safety system英语短句 例句大全

安全制度,safety system

1)safety system安全制度

1.When the schoolsafety system is established, whether to choose the centralized mode, the decentralized or the mixed is a question for discussion.学校安全制度模式,是指为了将学校运行过程中人员伤亡或财产损失控制在人们可接受的水平状态,而制定的一系列用以规范学校安全管理相关人员行为规则的标准形式或学校安全工作人员行为程序和方法的标准样式的复合体。


1.(I) Formulate fire control safety system and operation rules on fire control safety;(一)制定消防安全制度、消防安全操作规程;

prehensive system of international peace and security全面国际和平与安全制度

3.Asean and American Asian-Pacific Security System and Its Influence upon Regional Security东盟、美国的亚太安全制度及对地区安全的影响

4.Collective Security Law and the Perfecting of United Nations Collective Security Regime;集体安全法与联合国集体安全制度的完善

5.regime of peace and security for the Mediterranean region地中海区域和平和安全制度

6.The accident prompted a review of school safety policy.这场事故引起对学校安全制度的反思

7.She was dismissed from her job for breaking the company safety regulations.她违反公司的安全制度,被解雇了。

8.Punitive Damages and Construction of Food-consumption Safety System;惩罚性赔偿与食品消费安全制度构建

9.How Does the "Safety Valve" Ensure Safety--On the Complaint Letters and Visits System;“安全阀”如何保安全——对信访制度的思考

10.safety management system inspection regime安全管理制度视察策略

11.Establishing and Perfecting the System about the Right of Information Sharing in Public Security Crises;建立健全公共安全危机中的知情制度

12.Briefly on the Criminal Rules for Food Safety--From the angle ofFood Safety Law浅议食品安全的刑法规制——从《食品安全法》的角度

13.Effectiveness analysis of coalmine safety management institution based on behavior safety基于行为安全的煤矿安全管理制度有效性分析

14.Strengthening Accounting Controlling System and Insuring Accounting Information Safety;强化会计控制制度 确保会计信息安全

15.On the Construction of Regulatory System for China’s Public Safety of Food论我国食品公共安全规制的制度建设

16.a driver who exceeds the safe speed limit.超出安全速度限制的司机。

17.Institutionalized Security Cooperation and the Self-restraint of Power制度化安全合作与权力的自我约束

18.consumer-safety rules保障消费者安全规章制度


safety representative system安全员制度

1.To study Norway s advanced management experience of work safety and promote the development ofsafety representative system in China,thesafety representative system in Norway s oil and gas industry was introduced,including its theory frame and development process,the duty and obligation of safety representatives in laws and the study situation ofsafety representative system.结合我国石油天然气行业的安全生产现状,在不断完善HSE管理体系的基础上,借鉴挪威石油行业安全生产管理的成功经验,建议在我国石油天然气行业建立安全员制度并在立法中确立其职能和义务,进一步提高行业及企业的安全管理水平。

3)relief-valve system"安全阀"制度

4)safe harbor system安全港制度

5)margin of safety安全系数;安全限制;强度储蓄;安全度

6)safety arrestment retarded velocity安全制动减速度


