900字范文 > 安全系统 safety system英语短句 例句大全

安全系统 safety system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-27 07:11:50


安全系统 safety system英语短句 例句大全

安全系统,safety system

1)safety system安全系统

1.Reliability analysis on indoor gassafety system;室内燃气安全系统可靠性分析

2.Design of a newsafety system for marine electric equipment;新式船舶电气安全系统设计


1.global maritime distress and safety system全球海难和安全系统

2.security system design, wiring diagrams, external security安全系统设计, 接线图, 外部安全

3.Design of Network Security System Based on USB Security Key;基于USB安全钥的网络安全系统设计

4.driver"s vigilance device [tram]无人操纵安全系统〔电车〕

5.Internet Security Architecture;Internet网络安全系统结构

6.Examples on passive safety systems include safety belts, airbags, and WHIPS whiplash protection system.被动安全系统组成包括安全带、安全气囊,和 WHIPS 头颈部保护系统。

7.GMDSS - Global Marine Defense Safe System全球海上安全救助系统

8.System Security - Security password retry count exceeded.系统安全性-超出安全性密码重试次数。

9.Optimal Security Control and Security Pricing of Power System;电力系统最优安全控制和安全性定价

10.Study on Network Security Technologies of Marine Safety Information System;水上安全信息系统网络安全技术研究

11.Mainstream operating system security analysis and security;主流操作系统安全性分析及安全策略

12."How Secure is Secure" for Embedded Systems嵌入式系统“多大程度的安全才算安全”

13.Security analysis and policy of EPON systemEPON系统安全性分析与安全策略

14.reactor safety control system反应堆安全控制系统

15.missile range safety system导弹靶场安全防护系统


17.containment spray injection system安全壳喷淋注入系统

18.containment spray recirculation system安全壳喷淋再循环系统


security system安全系统

1.The design and realization ofsecurity system for provincial governmental public information service platform;省级政府公众信息服务平台安全系统设计与实现

2.Evaluation ofsecurity system in Dalian Victory Shopping Plaza关于大连胜利购物广场相关安全系统的分析论证

3.This paper discusses software engineering problems insecurity system design.本文讨论了安全系统设计方面的软件工程。

3)Safety and arming system安全系统

1.This paper studies the dynamic characteristics of the differential gear train of the safety and arming system of the submunition fuze possessing delayed arming function by using Working Model saftwares.在 Working-Model软件环境中对所提出的具有延期解除保险功能的子弹引信安全系统差动轮系进行了动力学仿真研究 ,根据仿真结果 ,分析了该差动轮系的性能 ,提出了再设计建

2.This paper describes the principles of laser firing and initiating system(LFIS) and discusses the guidelines on controlling LFIS by using all electronic safety and arming system.介绍激光点火与起爆系统( L F I S)的工作原理,论述采用全电子安全系统对 L F I S进行控制的基本原则,通过建立激光火工品在激光照射下的热力学模型,分析起爆时间、激光器功率、光纤直径及激光脉冲宽度之间的相互关系,并讨论光能在传输过程中的能量损耗。

3.Stepping motor is applied to fuze safety and arming system as a low power motor at low frequency.步进电机在引信安全系统中是一种小功率的低频应用。


1.Emulating MEMSS&A by Finite Element Method;有限元法在MEMS安全系统仿真中的应用

2.In this dissertation, the microactuator which is used in the Safety and Arming device (S&A) was investigated theoretically and experimentally, wherein theS&A is a planar structure fabricated based on the MEMS technology and the barrier has a dimension of 25mm×25mm×2mm.本论文针对MEMS引信安全系统隔爆机构的微驱动器进行研究,隔爆机构采用MEMS工艺在基板上加工的平面结构,基板体积大小为25mm×25mm×2mm,要求其驱动必须同时满足小体积、大行程、大驱动力、非接触、适应复杂的引信系统环境等指标,采用电磁驱动较好地解决了此问题。

5)secure system安全系统

6)security systems安全系统


