900字范文 > 转换层结构 transfer floor structure英语短句 例句大全

转换层结构 transfer floor structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-08 02:59:47


转换层结构 transfer floor structure英语短句 例句大全

转换层结构,transfer floor structure

1)transfer floor structure转换层结构

1.The influence factors and analytical methods oftransfer floor structure in high-rise buildings;高层建筑中转换层结构的影响因素与分析方法

2.Statistical analysis of influencing factors on selectingtransfer floor structure in tall building;高层建筑转换层结构形式选择影响因素的统计分析

3.The characteristics oftransfer floor structure are introduced.介绍了转换层结构的特点,对厚板转换层结构的优缺点和注意事项进行了认真总结分析,并结合多年的工作经验对厚板转换层结构施工技术进行了探讨,可供工程技术人员在实际转换层结构工程中参考。


1.On the effects of the transfer story height on the twin-tower transfer structure with base block转换层高度对大底盘双塔带转换层结构的影响

2.The Analysis of Beam-type Transfer Floor Structure and the Optimum Design of Transfer Beam;带梁式转换层结构的分析及转换梁的优化设计

3.Study on Analysis and Design of Structure Transfer Story in Zhenhua Mansion;振华大厦转换层结构分析与设计研究

4.Talking about construction technology of concrete beam-type transform layer structure混凝土梁式转换层结构施工技术探讨

5.Static Behaviors Analysis of Laminated Vierendeel Truss Used as Structure Transformation Story迭层空腹桁架转换层结构的静力性能分析

6.Seismic Design of Tall Building Structure with the Box Transfer Story at Highposition高层建筑中高位箱形转换层结构的抗震设计

7.Research and Apptication of Thick Plate Transition Ftoor in Tall Building;高层建筑厚板转换层结构的研究和应用

8.The Analysis and Design of the Structure of Thick Plate Converting Layer in High Buildings;高层建筑厚板转换层结构的分析与设计

9.Study on Conversion from Surface-Layer Structure of a Chinese Sentence to Its Deep-Layer Structure从中文表层句到深层结构的转换研究

10.Multi-tower High Building Structure with a Transfer;多塔带转换层高层结构抗震性能研究

11.Analysis of High-Rise Building Transfer Thick Slab;高层建筑厚板结构转换层的内力分析

12.Study of construction method for the transform floor of the high bnflding structure;高层建筑结构转换层的施工方法探讨

13.Structure Design of a High-Rise Building with Partial Transfer Floor某带局部转换层的高层建筑结构设计

14.Deep Structure and Surface Structure: A Review of Trans formational-Generative Grammar;深层结构与表层结构:转换生成语法片论

15.Abrupt Changes of the Lateral Stiffness and Shear Forces in Tube Structure with Transfer Storey and Experiment on Transfer Bracket;带转换层筒体结构刚度和内力突变及“搭接柱”转换层的试验研究

16.Seismic Behavior Researches on High-rise Building with Transfer Thick Slabs;带厚板转换层高层建筑结构抗震性能分析

17.Research on High Position Transfer Storey in High Rise Building;带高位转换层高层建筑结构抗震性能分析

18.Seismic Behavior Researches on High-rise Building with Thick Transfer Slabs;带厚板转换层的高层建筑结构抗震性能分析


transfer storey structure转换层结构

bined with an actual engineering,the pseudo\|dynamic test of a prestressed part shaped steel reinforced concrete laminated vierendeel trusstransfer storey structure is conducted in this paper.结合一实际工程进行了预应力部分型钢混凝土迭层空腹桁架转换层结构的拟动力地震反应试验研究 ,并对其进行了弹塑性动力分析 ,与实测曲线作了比较 ,二者符合良好。

bined with Nanjing New Century Square, experimental study on a prestressed high strength concrete trusstransfer storey structure model is carried out under lowfrequency cyclic loading.结合南京新世纪广场工程,进行了一榀预应力高强混凝土桁架转换层结构在低周反复荷载下的试验,对预应力高强混凝土桁架转换层结构的变形能力、延性系数等抗震性能及其破坏机制作了研究。

3)transfer story structure转换层结构

1.Application of laminated vierendeel trussin high-positiontransfer story structure;迭层空腹桁架在高位转换层结构中的应用(英文)

4)Transfer structure转换层结构

1.A new type of building structure system--the reinforced concrete staggered trussis acomplex transfer structure.分析了钢筋混凝土错列桁架体系(一种复杂的转换层结构)在建筑使用功能上的优点,结构体系的受力构造特点及空间工作情况;并对这种结构推导出实用的计算方法。

5)structural transfer floor结构转换层

1.Construction technology of beam-typestructural transfer floor;梁式结构转换层的施工技术

2.Construction technology of 2.7 m high boxstructural transfer floor;2.7m高箱型结构转换层施工技术

3.Research and application ofstructural transfer floor in tall buildings结构转换层在高层建筑中的研究与应用

6)transfer story结构转换层

1.The thesis adopts a new type oftransfer story to a kind of tower buildings in view of real engineer.本文从工程实际出发,对一种塔式建筑采用了新型的结构转换层形式,采用外墙加腋的方法处理节点,针 对该转换层节点中的一些不确定性的因素,目前结构设计人员不是很清楚它的受力机理,对它的安全性表示怀疑,因此本 文使用有限元软件对这种转换层的节点进行了分析,论证了这种结构的可行性和合理性,为以后的工程设计人员提供了一 种新的工程设计方案,使该结构轻便,增加了建筑的使用净高,节约了材料,是一种安全经济有效的结构形式。

bining with actual engineering construction,from the aspects of formwork support system construction of high-rise buildingtransfer story,concrete and prestress construction,and so on,complex of construction is indicated.结合工程实际施工情况,从高层结构转换层的模板支撑体系施工、混凝土施工和预应力施工等多个方面,提出了其施工的复杂性,并阐述了转换层施工的技术措施。


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