900字范文 > 吸引测度 attraction measure英语短句 例句大全

吸引测度 attraction measure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-30 18:46:00


吸引测度 attraction measure英语短句 例句大全

吸引测度,attraction measure

1)attraction measure吸引测度

1.Theattraction measure of connection-nodes is estimated based on the general joint traffic distribution/assignment model and its solution by network representation.提出多点连接双子网分布式分配的方法,将整网分为具有共同连接点的子网,基于一般交通分布/分配组合模型及其网络变换解法,提出连接点吸引测度的具体度量方法。

2)m-measure-theoretic chaotic attractorm-测度混沌吸引子

3)attractive intensity吸引强度

1.Base on the Site-Level demand forecasting method,this study emphasize on theattractive intensity in this area,get the result of the relationship between theattractive intensity and the distance.建设停车换乘(P&R)设施已经成为解决大城市交通拥堵的途径之一,基于具体地点的需求预测方法,从P&R设施影响范围的确定方法出发,在已有研究的基础上,进一步对这一影响范围内的吸引强度进行了研究,得出了换乘吸引强度与距离之间的相互关系,并对影响吸引强度的因素进行了分析。

4)Attraction Degree吸引度


1.Research on BA Scale-Free Networks Evolving Models with Random Initializing基于随机初始吸引度的BA无标度网络演化模型研究

2.Yunnan draws holiday takers云南吸引假日度假者

3.She needs the right clothes, and a few attractive mannerisms.她需要合适的衣服,一些吸引人的风度。

4.They were greatly drew by his frank, straightforward manner.他们被他坦白直率的态度吸引住了。

5.D(∧) Convergence Rate of Conditional MomentsD(∧)吸引场的条件矩的收敛速度

6.Your laid-back tude will be a major friend magnet.你柔和的态度是交朋友的一块吸铁石(吸引朋友的主要因素)。

7.Brand management:promoting the effect of advertisement from attraction to persuasiveness品牌管理:提升广告从吸引到说服的力度

8.Effect of negative pressure suction on rabbit retinal nerve fiber layer thickness负压吸引对兔视神经纤维层厚度的影响

9.Harry has a way with him and seems to attract lots of beautiful girls.哈里风度翩翩,似乎吸引着许多漂亮的女孩子。

10.Loyalty-the Shortcut of Attracting and Retaining Talents in Small & Medium-sized Enterprises in Central and Western China;忠诚度——中西部中小企业吸引和留住人才的捷径

11.On the Necessity of Attracting More Foreign Capital in Jilin Province Now;论现阶段吉林省加大吸引外资力度的必要性

12.Research on at Traction Suck Current Rate to Improve the Accuracy of the Fault LocationAT牵引网吸上电流比测距精度改进的研究

13.A Study on the Development of Rural Tourism in Southern Fujian Province from the Perspective of Tourist Attraction从旅游吸引物角度探索闽南乡村旅游的发展

14.Target plasma concentration of remifentanil for respiratory depression瑞芬太尼引起呼吸抑制时的靶控血浆浓度

15.To capture and hold briefly(the attention, for example); engage.引起注意吸引并短时间吸引住(如注意力);吸引

16.The concentration of acid in vomitus or aspirate need not reach this limit.呕吐物或吸引液内酸的浓度不需要达到这一程度。

17.To possess or use the power of attraction.有吸引力,有迷惑力拥有吸引力或运用吸引力

18.gain the audience"s attention吸引住听众[观众]


m-measure-theoretic chaotic attractorm-测度混沌吸引子

3)attractive intensity吸引强度

1.Base on the Site-Level demand forecasting method,this study emphasize on theattractive intensity in this area,get the result of the relationship between theattractive intensity and the distance.建设停车换乘(P&R)设施已经成为解决大城市交通拥堵的途径之一,基于具体地点的需求预测方法,从P&R设施影响范围的确定方法出发,在已有研究的基础上,进一步对这一影响范围内的吸引强度进行了研究,得出了换乘吸引强度与距离之间的相互关系,并对影响吸引强度的因素进行了分析。

4)Attraction Degree吸引度

5)suction head吸引高度


1.In the algorithm, thedot-attraction was introduced,an enlightened function was constructed,and the different strategies were adopted to incarnate different restrictions.为充分利用装载工具的装载重量和容积,在考虑货物重量、容积、配装优先级以及混装限制等约束条件下,基于待装货物比容动态逼近装载工具剩余空间比容的思想,通过引入节点吸引度、构造合理的动态能见度函数以及采取多样化约束处理策略,设计了求解多品种货物配装问题的蚂蚁算法,并对42件不同品种的待装货物装入TBJ10型集装箱的配装问题进行了优化,求解结果实现了集装箱的装载重量和装载容积的同时优化。


