900字范文 > 灾备 disaster recovery英语短句 例句大全

灾备 disaster recovery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 03:31:02


灾备 disaster recovery英语短句 例句大全

灾备,disaster recovery

1)disaster recovery灾备

1.Paper by comparing the different data replication program, select the SRDF is designed and implemented adisaster recovery company IDC, in practice, achieved good results.该文通过对比不同的数据复制方案,选择SRDF设计并实现了企业IDC的灾备,在实际中取得了较好的效果。


1.United Nations Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Group联合国应急防灾备灾小组(应急防灾小组)

2.Editorial Board on the Guidelines for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness in Tropical Cyclone Areas热带旋风地区防灾备灾指导方针编辑委员会

3.Research of Data Disaster Recovery Based on IP-SAN;基于IP-SAN的数据容灾备份技术研究

4.Application of Disaster Backup Technology Based on Network Cooperative in the Library;网络协同灾备技术在图书馆中的应用

5.Design of Efficient Reliable Storage System for Disaster Recovery面向灾备的高性能可信存储系统设计

6.Pan-Caribbean Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Project泛加勒比备灾防灾项目

7.(5) preparation for disaster evaluation; and(五)灾害评估准备;

pensation after Disasters:the Emerging Process of The Law of Disaster Relief Reserve in 1930;灾难的补偿:1930年《救灾准备金法》之出台

9.pre-disaster planning and preparedness灾前规划和准备工作

10.It also stockpiled food to give relief in times of famine.政府还准备储备物资以防灾荒。

11.South Pacific Disaster Preparedness and Relief Seminar南太平洋防灾前准备和救灾工作讨论会

12.Always keep a bucket of water bandy, in case of fire.你手边总要备一桶水,以防火灾。

13.Our water supply has diminished as a result of the drought.由于旱灾我们的水贮备减少了。

14.Our water supply have diminish as a result of the drought由於旱灾我们的水贮备减少了

15.Terms in connection with fire alarm equipmentsGB/T4718-1996火灾报警设备专业术语

16.fire alarm control and indicating equipment火灾报警控制和显示设备

17.provision against possible disaster为防备可能发生的灾难而采取的措施.

18.They make provision against possible disasters.他们采取措施防备可能发生的灾难。


disaster recovery system灾备系统

1.Design and implementation ofdisaster recovery system in HIS;医院信息系统中灾备系统的设计与实现

3)disaster backup容灾备份

1.Analysis of databasedisaster backup system construction for Ningxia power communication network;宁夏电力通信网数据库容灾备份系统组建分析

2.This article introduces briefly the content of thedisaster backup technology which should be attached same great importance to, as the construction and application of a information system.简要地介绍了容灾备份技术的内容。

4)disaster backup灾难备份

1.Disaster backup and recovery technology can efficiently ensure the information system to work normally when the disaster occurs,so it becomes a very important field in information security.灾难备份与恢复技术能够充分保证灾难发生时,信息系统仍能正常工作,目前已成为信息安全领域一个备受瞩目的研究方向。

2.This paper introduces briefly the concepts of thedisaster backup and recovery,expounds in detail thedisaster backup and recovery techniques and the representative products,and looks forward to the development of thedisaster backup techniques.简介了灾难备份和恢复的概念,详细陈述了目前的灾难备份和恢复技术及其代表性的产品,并对灾难备份技术的发展进行了展望。

3.This paper introduces the disasters that probably occur in library s information system,analyzes on the importance of thedisaster backup and recovery of library s information system,and puts forward some corresponding solving methods.介绍了图书馆信息系统可能遇到或发生的灾难,分析了图书馆信息系统灾难备份与恢复的重要意义,并提出了相应的解决方法。


1.Redundancy is the system s response and recovery capabilities when accident occurs.本文简要介绍了容灾的定义和等级,详细阐述了核心网部分、智能网部分和彩铃部分的各种容灾备份方案,对于WCDMA网络的建设具有指导意义。

2.This paper briefly introduces the definition and class of redundancy, expatiating various redundancy programs of MSC server, MGW, SGSN and GGSN.本文简要介绍了容灾的定义和等级,详细阐述了MSCServer、MGW、SGSN、GGSN的各种容灾备份方案,对于WCDMA核心网络的建设具有指导意义。

6)Databackup center灾备中心


