900字范文 > 容灾 disaster recovery英语短句 例句大全

容灾 disaster recovery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-20 14:49:52


容灾 disaster recovery英语短句 例句大全

容灾,disaster recovery

1)disaster recovery容灾

1.Oracle Database Disaster Recovery in Electrical Power System’s Application;Oracle数据库容灾在电力系统中的应用

2.Research ofdisaster recovery and backup of Guangzhou power network SCADA system;广州电网调度自动化系统容灾备份研究

3.Design and Realization of Disaster Recovery Strategy Based on Oracle Data Guard;基于Oracle Data Guard的容灾策略设计与实现


1.Study on Technology of Data Error Tolerance and Disaster Tolerance in Network Storage;网络存储中的数据容错与容灾技术研究

2.Large-Capacity and Real-time Data Disaster Recovery of WCDMA Home Location Register;WCDMA归属位置寄存器大容量实时数据容灾

3.Research of Data Disaster Recovery Based on IP-SAN;基于IP-SAN的数据容灾备份技术研究

4.Research and Design of Disaster Recovery System Based on Storage Area Network;基于SAN的容灾方案的研究与设计

5.Research and Implementation of Data Replication Disaster Tolerance System on Windows;Windows数据复制容灾系统的研究与实现

6.Research of Remote Heterogeneous Disaster-Tolerant Technology for Massive Database;海量数据库的远程异构容灾技术研究

7.Research and Implementation of Data Disaster Tolerance System on Linux;Linux平台数据容灾系统的研究与实现

8.The Design and Implementation of the Disaster Recovery System Based on Internet;基于Internet的容灾系统的设计与实现

9.Improving security of the remote disaster tolerate system with SELinux;采用SELinux增强远程容灾系统的安全性

10.A Service Ensure System Based on Database Tolerance;一种基于数据库容灾的服务保障体系

11.Design and Implement of an Oracle Database Disaster Tolerance System;一种Oracle数据库容灾系统的设计与实现

12.Research on Disaster Tolerance Based on PPRC of Disk System;基于磁盘系统的PPRC容灾技术研究

13.Research and applications of network disaster tolerance technology in based telecommunications network;基础电信网络容灾技术的研究与应用

14.Research on the Key Technologies of Intelligent Network Disaster Tolerant System智能网容灾系统设计的关键技术研究

15.Design and Implementation of a High Availability and Disaster Recovery System一个高可用性容灾系统的设计与实现

16.Research on Oracle Database Disaster TechnologyOracle数据库容灾技术应用与研究

17.NGN nNetwork Intellectualized Services Nested Network Technology and the Disaster Recovery TechniqueNGN网络智能化业务嵌套、容灾技术应用

18.Build up and Simulation of Disaster Recovery System Based on Flexsim基于Flexsim的容灾系统建模和仿真


disaster tolerance容灾

1.Implementations of storage backup anddisaster tolerance to hospital information system;医院信息系统存储与容灾建设的体会

2.Usingdisaster tolerance backup system in power enterprises;容灾备份系统在电力企业中的应用

3.Design and implementation ofdisaster tolerance system base on dataflow;基于数据流的容灾系统的设计与实现

3)Disaster Tolerant容灾

1.Design and implementation of disaster tolerant system guaranteeing service continuity;一种保证服务连续性的容灾系统的设计和实现

2.Design and implementation of multi-point disaster tolerant system;一种多点容灾系统的设计与实现

3.Design and implementation of database disaster tolerant system;数据库服务容灾系统的设计与实现


1.Designing fordisaster-tolerance based on DSS of model driven;基于模型驱动的DSS的容灾系统设计

2.A multi-mode datadisaster-tolerance model is presented for information systems based on Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on Linux.提出一种基于Linux平台逻辑卷管理系统的块级别多模式数据容灾模型,论述了其系统结构与工作流程,并详细讨论了快照数据备份、连续数据保护、远程数据复制3种容灾模式的工作原理与关键技术。


1.Investigation of scenarios forredundancy system;容灾系统的建设方案研究

2.A Simple Method of Mobile Intelligent Network Redundancy一种简单易行的移动智能网容灾备份方案

3.Based on short message system network architecture,signaling interaction and MO short message address- ing flow,this paper analyses the short message system in CMCC,proposes aredundancy solution for SMC to improve the reliability and security of short message system and the ability of providing perfect service for users.从中国移动对短消息业务中心(SMSC)的组网要求、信令交互过程和MO短消息寻址流程出发,结合移动某省短消息系统的实例,探讨了移动短消息系统的容灾解决方案,最大程度地保障短消息系统的安全可靠性,为用户提供优质服务。



