900字范文 > 硅质废弃物 siliceous waste英语短句 例句大全

硅质废弃物 siliceous waste英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-22 12:40:46


硅质废弃物 siliceous waste英语短句 例句大全

硅质废弃物,siliceous waste

1)siliceous waste硅质废弃物

2)waste biomass废弃生物质

parison of two mechanism models for pyrolysis ofwaste biomass;废弃生物质热解的两种反应模型对比研究

2.Six typicalwaste biomass (sawdust, chaff, wastepaper, food residue, waste plastic, waste rubber) were analyzed by thermogravimetric experiment and pyrolysis kinetic.对6种典型废弃生物质(锯末、稻壳、纸屑、橱芥、废塑料、废橡胶)进行热重实验分析及热解动力学分析;同时,利用TG/DTG曲线分析了它们的基本热解特性,包括热解区间、最大热解速率的温度、不同加热速度等对热解进程的影响等;通过热解动力学分析,给出了基本的热解动力学方程,研究了各种原料在不同升温速率下的热解动力学参数,为废弃生物质制取生物质能源技术提供基础数据。


1.Study and Application on Using-Technology of Waste Biomass;废弃生物质资源综合利用技术研究与应用

2.Biohydrogen Production from Alga Waste by Anaerobic Fermentation海藻类生物质废弃物的发酵生物制氢研究

3.Research on Hydrothermal Reutilization Process and Mechanics of Biomass Wastes;生物质废弃物水热资源化处理过程及机理研究

4.Researh Progress in Hydrolysis Methods of Waste Cellulose Biomass纤维素类生物质废弃物水解方法的研究进展

5.Studies on Converting Agriculture-forestry Organic Wastes into Growing Media on Ornamentals Technology and Foreground农林有机废弃物生产花木栽培基质技术和前景

6.Chemicals used for industrial processes often create dangerous forms of waste.用于工业程序的化学物质通常会产生危险的废弃物。

7.Hydrogen production by biomass gasification is a promising technology, which belongs to the comprehensive utilization of agricultural wastes.生物质制氢是农业废弃物资源化利用的一项很有发展前途的技术。

8.Present Situation and Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Biomass Power Generation on Straw and Forestry Waste in Henan Province河南省生物质(秸秆、林业废弃物)发电现状、存在问题及对策研究

9.Experimental Researches on Ecological Effects of Peat and Plants" Ameliorating the Soil Media of Coal Mining Wastelands;泥炭和植物改良煤矿废弃地基质的生态效应试验研究

10.Advances on Eco-friendly Soilless Substrates Manufactured by Organic Soild Wastes有机固体废弃物再生环保型无土栽培基质研究进展

11.Study on the Effect of Agricultural Wastes as Substitute for Peat in Materials of Slope Ecology Protection农业废弃物替代生态护坡基质中泥炭的效果研究

12.Biodegradability: Capacity of a material to decompose by Biological action. The term usually refers to the environmental Breakdown of waste by microorganisms.生物降解:一种物质藉生物反应而分解的能力,通常指微生物对环境废弃物的分解。

13.Construction Garbage in Light of Sound Insulation Wall Applied Research建筑废弃物在轻质隔声墙板中的应用

14.Research on Logistics Network of Living Solid Wastes of Beijing;北京市生活固体废弃物物流网络研究

15.Study on Anaerobic Digestion Process of Organic Waste of Animals and Vegetation;动植物生产废弃物厌氧消化工艺研究

16.Study on Bio-diesel Preparation from Scrap Botanic Oil;利用废弃植物油合成生物柴油的研究

bustible: Generalgarbage,plant waste,plastics,rubbers,tires,dying and finishing industrial waste,plastic foam,polystyrene,resins,discarded engine oil.适用行业:民生废弃物染整业、工厂事业废弃物、代处理业、公有焚烧厂。

18.Research on the Management of the Reclamation of the Urban Solid Waste;城市生活废弃物回收链管理对策研究


waste biomass废弃生物质

parison of two mechanism models for pyrolysis ofwaste biomass;废弃生物质热解的两种反应模型对比研究

2.Six typicalwaste biomass (sawdust, chaff, wastepaper, food residue, waste plastic, waste rubber) were analyzed by thermogravimetric experiment and pyrolysis kinetic.对6种典型废弃生物质(锯末、稻壳、纸屑、橱芥、废塑料、废橡胶)进行热重实验分析及热解动力学分析;同时,利用TG/DTG曲线分析了它们的基本热解特性,包括热解区间、最大热解速率的温度、不同加热速度等对热解进程的影响等;通过热解动力学分析,给出了基本的热解动力学方程,研究了各种原料在不同升温速率下的热解动力学参数,为废弃生物质制取生物质能源技术提供基础数据。

3)woody waste material木质废弃物

4)biomass waste生物质废弃物

1.Under the background of energy and resource shortage and the environment pollution, the utilization and research ofbiomass wastes as a kind of resource attracting worldwide attention.随着能源与资源的短缺和环境污染的日益严重,生物质废弃物资源化的利用研究引起了广泛的关注。

2.China is a large agricultural country and has abundantbiomass wastes resources, such as plant straw, grain husk, which can provide us with renewable materials.我国是一个农业大国,拥有丰富的生物质废弃物资源,如植物秸秆、稻壳麦麸等,可转化为一种新的能源。

5)residual biomass of beer啤酒废弃生物质

1.Study on the development of healthy soy sauce using oat andresidual biomass of beer;利用燕麦和啤酒废弃生物质酿造酱油的研究

6)silicate solid wastes硅酸盐固体废弃物


