900字范文 > 硅质碳酸盐 siliceous carbonate英语短句 例句大全

硅质碳酸盐 siliceous carbonate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-13 17:43:35


硅质碳酸盐 siliceous carbonate英语短句 例句大全

硅质碳酸盐,siliceous carbonate

1)siliceous carbonate硅质碳酸盐

1.The expansion behavior of typicalsiliceous carbonate(Spratt limestone) autoclaved in LiOH solution were studied in this paper, the morphologies and chemical composition of the products produced by reaction ofsiliceous carbonate with LiOH were studied through SEM and EDS.通过研究典型的硅质碳酸盐Spratt石灰岩在LiOH溶液中的膨胀行为和产物形貌、组成,认为Spratt石灰岩既具有碱-硅酸反应活性,又具有碱-碳酸盐反应活性;通过研究碱-碳酸盐反应过程中离子的迁移,认为白云石晶体在碱的侵蚀下会发生解离,而解离出来的Ca2+和CO32-向外迁移,离开了它们原来的位置。

2.The behavior characteristic of lithium ion during the procedure of alkali-aggregate reaction has been thoroughly studied on the base of investigation of mineral characteristic ofsiliceous carbonate aggregate by X-ray diffraction analysis,chemical composition analysis and polarization microscope analysis.在采用X射线衍射分析、化学组成分析和偏光显微镜分析对硅质碳酸盐集料的矿物学特征充分研究的基础上,研究了锂离子迁移渗透在混凝土碱集料反应过程中的行为特征。

2)siliceous carbonate rocks硅质碳酸盐岩

3)silicate host硅酸盐基质

1.Of these, thesilicate host phosphors with UV, nUV or blue-UV lights in wider excitation wavelength range for white-emitting is one of the innovative and competitive approaches.其中采用紫外、近紫外或蓝紫光激发下的宽激发带硅酸盐基质白光发射的荧光体材料是一个重要的创新途径。


1.Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Silicate Long Afterglow Phosphors Actived by Europium铕激活硅酸盐基质长余辉发光材料的制备与发光性能表征

2.Preparation and Encapsulation Characteristics of Silicate-based Phosphor for White-light-emitting LED白光LED用硅酸盐基质发光粉的制备及其封装特性

3.portland-pozzolana cement火山灰质硅酸盐水泥

4." Portland blastfurnace-slag cement, portland pozzolana cement and portland fly-ash cement"GB1344-1992矿渣硅酸盐水泥、火山灰质硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥

5.Synthesis and Luminescence of Sr_2ZnSi_2O_7-based Phosphors Co-doped with Different Ions;掺杂焦硅酸盐Sr_2ZnSi_2O_7基质发光材料的合成与表征

6.Preparation and Characterization on PEO-Based Layered Silicate Composite Polymer Electrolyte;PEO基层状硅酸盐复合聚合物电解质的制备与表征

7.UV-VUV Photoluminescence and Host Electronic Structure of Several Typical Rare-earth Silicates几种典型稀土硅酸盐的UV-VUV光致发光性能及其基质电子结构研究

8.sulfate resisting silicate cement抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥

9.Technique of Silicate Collection Conservation硅酸盐质地藏品保护技术

10.Preservation Techniques of Silicate Cultural Relics硅酸盐质地文物保护技术

11.Thaumasite form of sulfate attack of cementitious materials水泥基材料碳硫硅钙石型硫酸盐腐蚀

12.Modification of Ce(SO_4)_2 on Phosphosilicate Gels used as Proton Conductors硫酸高铈对磷硅酸盐凝胶质子导体的改性处理

13.Portland cement and ordinary portland cementGB175-1992硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥

14.Research development of poly(methyl methacrylate)/layered silicate nanocomposites聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯/层状硅酸盐复合材料的研究

15.pyrex(-brand) glass派莱克斯(牌)耐热(硬)玻璃(硼硅酸盐耐热硬质玻璃)

16.The Photosensitivity and Nonlinear Optical Properties of a ChargeTransfer Salt Based on Tungstosilicic Acid钨硅酸电荷转移盐的光敏性及非线性光学性质

17.Research of components and spectral properties on the Yb~(3+)-doped lithium silicate glass掺Yb~(3+)锂硅酸盐玻璃组分与光谱性质的研究

18.Influence of Au Fine Particles on Photoluminescence of Eu~(3+) in Melted Silicate GlassesAu/Au~(3+)对硅酸盐玻璃中Eu~(3+)发光性质的影响


siliceous carbonate rocks硅质碳酸盐岩

3)silicate host硅酸盐基质

1.Of these, thesilicate host phosphors with UV, nUV or blue-UV lights in wider excitation wavelength range for white-emitting is one of the innovative and competitive approaches.其中采用紫外、近紫外或蓝紫光激发下的宽激发带硅酸盐基质白光发射的荧光体材料是一个重要的创新途径。

4)Carbonate media碳酸盐介质

5)mixed carbonate siliciclastic sediments碳酸盐与硅质碎屑的混合沉积

6)Carbonate conversion-silicofluoric acid leaching碳酸盐转化-硅氟酸浸出


重质碳酸镁 ,碳酸镁药物名称:碳酸镁英文名:别名: 重质碳酸镁 ,碳酸镁适应症: 用于胃及十二指肠溃疡的治疗。 用量用法: 口服:每次0.5~1g,每日3次。 注意事项: 有轻泻作用;可产生CO2气体,有严重溃疡病患者慎用。禁与酸性药物配伍。 规格: 散剂。 类别:抗酸及抗溃疡药
