900字范文 > 浓硝酸 concentrated nitric acid英语短句 例句大全

浓硝酸 concentrated nitric acid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-04 06:32:39


浓硝酸 concentrated nitric acid英语短句 例句大全

浓硝酸,concentrated nitric acid

1)concentrated nitric acid浓硝酸

1.The reconstruction of heater inconcentrated nitric acid production by magnesium nitrate method;硝酸镁法生产浓硝酸的加热器改造

2.,Ltd have developed spiral type of column forconcentrated nitric acid bleaching.针对传统的帽罩式浓硝酸漂白塔存在的缺点和不足,找出原因并予以改进,开发研制出螺旋式浓硝酸漂白塔,改进了工艺状况,减少了维修工作量,达到了节能降耗的目的,确保了直接法浓硝酸装置的长周期运行。

3.Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were treated by oxidation method withconcentrated nitric acid, and the adsorption of p-nitrophenol on MWNTs before and afterconcentrated nitric acid treatment has been compared by Raman, SEM and spectrophotometer.本文采用浓硝酸氧化法来改性多壁碳纳米管,用Raman光谱、SEM和分光光度计对改性前后的多壁碳纳米管对4-硝基苯酚溶液的吸附能力进行了比较研究。


1.Nitracidium and hydronitracidium nitrastes are present in concentrated nitric acid.浓硝酸中有硝酸合氢和氢合硝酸合氢的硝酸盐存在。

2.Method of test for nitric acid content in concentrated nitric acid--VolumetryGB/T4147.1-1984浓硝酸中硝酸含量的试验方法容量法

3.Method of test for nitrous acid content in concentrated nitric acid--VolumetryGB/T4147.2-1984浓硝酸中亚硝酸含量的试验方法容量法

4.Method of test for sulfuric acid content in concentrated nitric acid--VolumetryGB/T4147.3-1984浓硝酸中硫酸含量的试验方法容量法

5.Study on Corrosion and Structure about the Reacting Kettle"s Inner Vessel and Its Appurtenace of Producing Nitric Acid Using Direct Method;直硝法生产浓硝酸反应釜内筒及附件的腐蚀和结构的研究

6.The New Method Research about the Determination of Trace Amounts of Chloride and Heavy Metals in Nitric Acid;浓硝酸中微量Clˉ及重金属测定的新方法研究

7.Method of test for ignited residue content in concentrated nitric acid--GravimetryGB/T4147.4-1984浓硝酸中灼烧残渣含量的试验方法重量法

8.To start the oxidation reaction of glaoxal smoothly, it is usefull to add some alcohol (CH3CH2OH) to nitric acid.为使乙二醛的氧化反应平稳地启动,可在浓硝酸中加入少量乙醇。

9.Selection and Optimization of Concentration Nitric Acid Indirect Production Process for Lanzhou Petrochemical Company;兰州石化公司间接法制取浓硝酸工艺的选择及优化

10.nitrate and chloride concentrations硝酸盐和氯化物浓度

11.increased concentration of nitrates in water水中硝酸盐浓度的增加

12.Determination of Serum Nitrate Concentration by Nitrate Reductase One Step Method硝酸盐还原酶一步法测定血清中硝酸盐浓度

13.The Integrated Experiment Plant of Copper and Thick,Thin Nitric Acid Reaction铜与浓、稀硝酸反应的一体化实验装备

14.Determination of nitric acid-insoluble uranium in uranium ore concentrateGB/T11848.2-1989铀矿石浓缩物中硝酸不溶铀的测定

15.Representative sampling of plutonium nitrate solutions for determination of plutonium concentration??测定钚浓度用硝酸钚溶液的代表性取样

16.Effects of Different Nitrogen Concentration and Form on Nitrate in Radish Leaf;氮素浓度及形态对叶用萝卜硝酸盐含量的影响

17.Research of Indirect Electroless Nickel Plating using Low Concentration Nitrate Nickel低浓度硝酸镍间接化学镀镍工艺的研究

18.Measurement of Low Concentrations of Nitrate and Nitrite Using Chemiluminescent Technique and Its Application化学发光法测定海水中低浓度硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量的方法探究及应用


the concentration of nitric acid硝酸浓度

1.In order to solve the problems encountered in determination of Fe,Mn,Ni,Cu and Zn by FAAS method,the effect ofthe concentration of nitric acid and the integrated time on determination results was studied in this paper.针对火焰原子吸收法测定铁、锰、镍、铜和锌时遇到的问题,考察了溶液中硝酸浓度及积分时间对测定结果的影响,发现保持标准系列与被测样品中的硝酸浓度一致有利于提高分析结果的准确性;采用5 s的积分时间可提高测定铁和镍的准确度和精密度。

3)concentrated nitric acid tank浓硝酸储罐

4)Fe(NO3)3 concentrations硝酸铁浓度

5)nitrate concentration硝酸盐浓度

1.By controlling thenitrate concentration in the anoxic stage,the methods and effects of inducing Denitrifying Phosphate Accumulating Organisms(DNPAOs) were studied.通过控制缺氧段硝酸盐浓度,研究了反硝化聚磷菌的诱导方法及效果。

6)KNO_3 concentration硝酸钾浓度

1.reticulata under differentKNO_3 concentrations were studied.研究了不同硝酸钾浓度对蔷薇藻生长代谢的影响,分析测定蔷薇藻比生长速率、胞外多糖产量、藻蓝蛋白含量、色素含量、硝酸还原酶活性和SOD活性等参数。


