900字范文 > 硝酸吸收塔 nitric acid absorption tower英语短句 例句大全

硝酸吸收塔 nitric acid absorption tower英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-14 09:48:32


硝酸吸收塔 nitric acid absorption tower英语短句 例句大全

硝酸吸收塔,nitric acid absorption tower

1)nitric acid absorption tower硝酸吸收塔

2)chlorhydric acid absorber盐酸吸收塔

1.In thechlorhydric acid absorber imported by Qilu Petrochemical Co.由日本引进的齐鲁股份有限公司氯碱装置的盐酸吸收塔上段为碳钢衬特种橡胶板,下段为整体石墨。


4)nitric acid absorber硝酸吸收器

5)Nitrate uptake硝酸盐吸收

1.Objective:It is valuable for fertilizer optimization to investigated the effects of different amino acids on the nitrate uptake in rice in low nitrate concentration.目的:在较低NO3-浓度下,研究不同氨基酸对水稻硝酸盐吸收的调控作用。


1.Effects of Eight Amino Acids on the Nitrate Uptake in Rice八种氨基酸对水稻硝酸盐吸收的影响

2.Investigation on the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of the Nitrate Solution and the Phosphate Solution硝酸盐、磷酸盐溶液的紫外吸收光谱的研究

3.determination of nitrite (molecular absorption spectrometric method)亚硝酸盐含量的测定-分子吸收光谱法

4.The determination of nitrate in the boiled vegetables by Uv-vis spectroscopy紫外可见吸收光谱法测定蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量

5.an explosive containing nitrate sensitized with nitroglycerin absorbed on wood pulp.一种炸药,含有硝酸盐,用被木质纸浆吸收的硝化甘油引爆。

6.The Effects of Uptake and Reduce Ability in Spinich Lateral Roots to the Aerial Parts菠菜侧根对硝酸盐的吸收和还原能力对地上部分硝酸盐含量的影响

7.The Determination of Nitrite by Indirect Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Indirect Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy;间接荧光法与间接原子吸收法测定痕量亚硝酸盐的研究

8.Uptake and Transport of Nitrogen, the Effect of Nitrogenous Fertilizer on Their Nitrate Accumulation in Three Kinds of Fruit Tree;三种果树氮吸收运转及氮肥对其硝酸盐累积影响的研究

9.Effect of Pharmacokinetics and Distribution of Nifedipine for Metformin Hydrochloride in Mice硝苯地平控释片对盐酸二甲双胍在小鼠体内吸收及分布的影响

10.a type of dynamite in which the nitroglycerin is absorbed in a base of wood pulp and sodium or potassium nitrate.一种炸药,其中硝化甘油被木质纸浆和钠或钾的硝酸盐构成的主剂吸收。

11.Experimental Research for Simultaneous Removal of NO_x and SO_2 by Nitric Acid;硝酸氧化吸收法联合脱硫脱硝的实验研究

12.nitrate and sulphate reduction硝酸盐与硫酸盐还原

13.nitrate and iodate minerals硝酸盐和碘酸盐矿物

14.Nitrazepam Hydrochloride盐酸硝西泮(硝基安定)

15.Effect of Sodium Caprate on Intestinal Tract Absorption of Berberine;癸酸钠对盐酸小檗碱肠道吸收的影响

16.Recovery of Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Using Salt-Contained Distillation and Desorption加盐精馏和加盐解吸回收稀盐酸的研究

17.Adsorption and Corrosion Inhibition of Nitrazine Yellow on Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution盐酸中硝氮黄染料在钢表面的吸附及缓蚀作用

18.Adsorption Property of Chitosan Composite Resin for Nitrite-Nitrogen壳聚糖复合树脂对亚硝酸盐氮的吸附性能


chlorhydric acid absorber盐酸吸收塔

1.In thechlorhydric acid absorber imported by Qilu Petrochemical Co.由日本引进的齐鲁股份有限公司氯碱装置的盐酸吸收塔上段为碳钢衬特种橡胶板,下段为整体石墨。


4)nitric acid absorber硝酸吸收器

5)Nitrate uptake硝酸盐吸收

1.Objective:It is valuable for fertilizer optimization to investigated the effects of different amino acids on the nitrate uptake in rice in low nitrate concentration.目的:在较低NO3-浓度下,研究不同氨基酸对水稻硝酸盐吸收的调控作用。


1.Multiobjective optimization of phosgeneabsorber using NSGA-Ⅱ;NSGA-Ⅱ用于光气吸收塔的多目标优化

2.Discussion on the WFGDabsorber process design of a 600MW unit;浅谈600MW机组湿法脱硫吸收塔的设计

3.Theabsorber module in wet FGD system;湿法烟气脱硫系统的吸收塔设备


