900字范文 > 风粉 on-line air and pulverized coal monitoring system英语短句 例句大全

风粉 on-line air and pulverized coal monitoring system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 02:19:35


风粉 on-line air and pulverized coal monitoring system英语短句 例句大全

风粉在线,on-line air and pulverized coal monitoring system

1)on-line air and pulverized coal monitoring system风粉在线


1.Design and Realization of On-line Air and Pulverized Coal Monitoring System for Direct-fi red Boilers风粉在线在直吹式锅炉上的设计与实现

2.Study on On-line Measurement of Two-phase Flow of Wind-coal in Coal-fired Power Plant Bioler;煤粉锅炉风粉两相流在线监测技术研究

3.The Design of Primary Fans Coal-powder Concentration Online-monitor System;一次风煤粉浓度在线监测系统的设计

4.On-line Electrostatic Determination of Coal Dust Character in Primary Tuyere Pipe基于静电技术的一次风管内煤粉特性在线检测

5.Application of high-efficiency & energy-saving fan coal mill on slag micro-powder production line高效节能型风扇煤磨在矿渣微粉生产线上的应用

6.a chalked string used in the building trades to make a straight line on a vertical surface.一种用在建筑业上的在垂面画出直线的粉线。

7.keep under the lee of land保持在海岸挡风航线上

8.The kite caught in the electric wires.风筝钩在电线上了。

9.Study of Liquefaction of Bamboo in Glycol by Realtime IR竹粉热化学液化的在线红外光谱分析

10.East Air Shaft Main Ventilator Online Monitoring Research and Application东风井主通风机在线监控研究与应用

11.Application of frequency conversion energy saving technology in cooling blower for high speed wire rod rolling mill of Qingdao Iron & Steel Group Holding Co.,Ltd.变频节能技术在青钢高线风冷线风机上的应用

12.Determination of Sensitivity Baseline of Sphaerotheca Fuligine to SYP-1620 and Assessment of Its Laboratory Resistant Risk黄瓜白粉病菌对烯肟菌胺敏感基线的建立及室内抗性风险评估

13.Study of the Technology of On-line Pulverized-coal Concentration and Velocity Measurement for Power Plant Pulverized-coal Conveyance Systems电厂送粉系统煤粉浓度和速度的在线测量技术研究

14.The contractors renovating the air vents found a video camera.商场的业主在粉刷通风道时 找到了一个录像机

15.He chalked a beautiful landscape on the floor.他用粉笔在地板上画了一幅漂亮的风景画。

16.One of his legs was thrust tensely through the shattered glass of the windshield.一条腿穿过粉碎的挡风玻璃直挺挺翘在外边。

17.The Proceedings for the Sedimentation of Dust in Ventiduct;粉尘在通风除尘管道内沉积行为的研究

18.Briefly Discussing Application of Compensator in Air Flue Coal Powder Piping Design浅谈补偿器在烟风煤粉管道设计的应用


on-line air and pulverized coal control风粉在线控制

1.Staged-distributed typeon-line air and pulverized coal control system of boiler;分级分布式锅炉风粉在线控制系统

3)on-line monitoring system of air and coal风粉在线监控系统

1.In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of generators at low output, anon-line monitoring system of air and coal was equipped in accordance with the features of equipments of Xiangfan Power Generation Co.为了保证机组低负荷的安全稳定运行,襄樊电厂针对厂里的设备情况,加装了锅炉风粉在线监控系统,对燃烧器的一次风喷嘴和火检检测逻辑进行了改造,经过近2年的运行,证明对防止锅炉低负荷灭火是积极有效的。

4)the on-line monitoring system of Primary-air and coal powder density风粉在线监测系统

5)the system of air-powder examining in-line风粉在线检测系统

6)on-line flour blending粉路在线配粉


百叶包线粉汤百叶包线粉汤原料配方 干线粉150克 大百叶6张 瘦肉100克 海蜒40克 熟猪油50克 细盐、黄酒、葱末、姜末适量 味精少许制作方法 1.先将海蜒用黄酒浸泡,然后放入清洁的小布袋内,扎紧袋口,放入锅内,加 细盐及水(约3千克)煮沸,即成鲜汤。2.将肉洗净,用绞肉机绞:(或用刀剁)成肉末,放在大碗内,加细盐,姜末、葱末、黄酒和水(适量),顺着一个方向搅匀,搅至肉末起韧劲,便成肉馅。3.把大百叶浸入热水中泡软,即捞出。取浸泡好的百叶逐张叠好,用刀切开,每张切成24小张。将肉馅均匀地包入百叶,做成24只百叶包,每8只用线扎成一捆,放入鲜汤锅内烧熟。4.将干线粉放入锅内,用沸水浸发,并加盖稍焖,再置火上煮沸,随即捞起浸在冷水中。5.取清洁消毒碗,加味精,再从鲜汤锅内取出百叶包2只(百叶包须用消毒剪刀剪开扎线),放入碗内。6.取锅放入水煮沸,把湿线粉盛在漏勺内,放在沸水锅中烫一烫,然后倒入装有百叶包的碗内,再舀上煮沸的海蜒汤,加上猪油,即成百叶包线粉汤。
