900字范文 > 乏气送粉 exhaust pneumatic pulverized coal convey system英语短句 例句大全

乏气送粉 exhaust pneumatic pulverized coal convey system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 00:34:40


乏气送粉 exhaust pneumatic pulverized coal convey system英语短句 例句大全

乏气送粉,exhaust pneumatic pulverized coal convey system

1)exhaust pneumatic pulverized coal convey system乏气送粉

1.The application and research results of the small oil gun on the boiler withexhaust pneumatic pulverized coal convey system and its role of energy saving are analyzed and discussed,and its practical application results are given.现就小油枪技术在乏气送粉锅炉上的应用研究结果以及在节能方面的作用进行分析论述,并给出其实际应用效果。


1.A Study of the Kinetic-Energy Method-based Measurement of the Concentration of Pulverized Coal Transported by Exhaust Gas基于动能法测量乏气送粉煤粉浓度的研究

2.An Overview:Dense-phase Pneumatic Conveying of Pulverized Coal for Entrained Bed Gasifier气流床气化炉煤粉浓相气力输送综述

3.Experimental Study on Goaf Filling with Flyash by Air Delivery;采空区粉煤灰气力输送充填试验研究

4.Coarse material is conveyed by a stream of air to variable speed whizzer-separator.粗料由空气流输送到变速风力选粉机那里。

5.Study of the Settlement of Dust Pollution in Cement Pneumatic Transport System;水泥气力输送系统粉尘污染治理的研究

6.The Flow Mechanism of Solids in Pneumaticconvenging and Experimental Analysis;气力输送系统中粉料流动机理及实验研究

7.Development of a Powder Feeder with Carrying Gas for Lase Cladding Directed Shaping用于激光熔覆直接成型的载气式送粉器研制

8.Design Methodology and Equipment Technology of Pneumatic Delivery System for Titanium Dioxide钛白粉气力输送系统设计方法与装备技术

9.Effect of Mean Particle Size of Pulverized Coal on Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying at High Pressure煤粉平均粒径对高压密相气力输送的影响

10.On-line monitoring for pulverized coal pneumatic conveyance锅炉煤粉气力输送状态在线监测系统研究

11.Blockage critical state of pulverized coal dense-phase pneumatic conveying in horizontal pipe水平管煤粉密相气力输送堵塞临界状态

12.Resistance characteristics of dense-phase pneumatic conveying pulverized coal with various particle size under high pressure高压浓相变粒径煤粉气力输送阻力特性

13.Dense-phase Pneumatic Conveying for Pulverized Coal with Different Mean Particle Size Under High Pressure不同平均粒径煤粉的高压密相气力输送

14.Experimental Study on the Characteristics of High-pressure and Dense-phase Pneumatic Conveying of Different Pulverized Coal不同煤粉高压密相气力输送特性实验研究

15.Discussion about the major parameters in flour positive-pressure pneumatic conveying system面粉正压气力输送系统主要参数的探讨

16.Shell′s coal gasification process is a dry process that uses nitrogen gas to transport powdered coal to the burners.壳牌煤气化技术采用干法进料,用氮气将煤粉送到气化炉。

17.He is wanting in courage [courtesy].他缺乏勇气 [礼貌] 。

18.Experimental Studies and Numerical Simulation of Pneumatic Conveying of High Concentration Powdered Solid;高浓度粉体气力输送特性试验研究及其数值模拟


boiler with exhaust pneumatic convey system乏气送粉锅炉

3)vent pulverized coal handling system乏气送粉系统

1.1 boiler working conditions over the years,this paper analyzes the effects of different operating modes ofvent pulverized coal handling system on the air and heat exchange of the air preheater.通过对瑞明电厂 1号炉历年运行工况的统计 ,分析乏气送粉系统不同运行方式对空气预热器风量、换热情况的影响 ,提出导致排烟温度过高的主要原因及相应的改进建

4)carrier air输送空气,送粉风

5)powder transport by use of gas power粉体气力输送

6)pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal煤粉气力输送


乏气乏气 乏气 证名。气虚之甚者。《诸病源候论·乏气候》:“夫虚极之人,荣卫减耗,府脏虚弱,气行不足,所以呼吸气短也。”
