900字范文 > 基本功训练 basic skill training英语短句 例句大全

基本功训练 basic skill training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 10:07:20


基本功训练 basic skill training英语短句 例句大全

基本功训练,basic skill training

1)basic skill training基本功训练

1.Production and development of computer-aided system forbasic skill training of Chinese pharmacy;中药学基本功训练计算机辅助系统的研制开发

2.Skills were the core of flashing and snatching the rebound,coordination was the guarantee andbasic skill training was the most important foundation.技术是冲抢篮板球能力的核心;配合是冲抢篮板球能力的保障;基本功训练是冲抢篮板球能力的重要基础。

3.Thebasic skill training is one of the important indispensable components in teaching the piano.基本功训练是钢琴教学中不可缺少的重要组成部分之一,它是随着学习程度的提高而变化的。


1.Basic Training of Dancers in Yunnan;浅谈云南民族舞蹈演员的基本功训练

2.Training in the fundamentals may extent to all the employees, especially in new hotels.基本功训练可扩大到全体职工,新旅馆尤其如此。

3.Probe and Practice to Training Well Workover Operators Basic Skill;修井作业员工基本功训练的探索与实践

4.A Recognition of Gymnastic Basic Training Theory of Young Gymnasts;对少儿体操运动员基本功训练理论的再认识

5.Discussion Basic Skills Training of Juvenile Table Tennis Players;浅谈儿童少年乒乓球运动员的基本功训练

6.Therefore, the urgent countermeasures to take are to update teaching ideas, enrich skill-training programs and put in effect the function of the basic skill training.因此,积极改变教学思路,优化训练内容,发挥基本功训练的功能是当务之急。

7.This article puts forward three suggestions of how a master thinks of the basic skill and how to emphasize the basic skill training.文章就如何以大师为榜样来对待基本功及怎样抓好基本功训练提出了三点建议。

8.The training of basic skills in item of gun slow shoot;手枪慢射项目基本功和基本技术训练

9.They"ve come out quite well.Their basic training has been particularly good.他们训练得不错,基本功特别好。

10.The Systematic Training for Perfecting Basic Piano Technique--Hanon;《哈农》——完善基本功的系统训练

11.We attached great important to the training of basic skills in our teaching.在我们的教学中,我们十分重视基本功的训练。

12.On Training of Left Hand Basic Skills of Youngster Basketball Athletes;浅谈少年篮球运动员左手基本功的训练

13.On the fundamental teaching ability for mathematics majors;谈谈高师数学系学生教学基本功的构成与训练

14.Rules of Smging Training and Conditions Concerned;关于歌唱训练规律和基本状态的训练

15.Basic Training Manual for Correctional Workers惩戒人员基本训练手册

16.Discussion on the Teaching and Training Method of JuvinileBasketball Athletes on Amateur Juvinile Sports School;基层业余少体校篮球运动员基本功教学训练方法初探

17.Obviously, it is very important to stress the training of basic skill in music education.显然,在音乐教学中强调基本功的训练是十分重要的。

18.Disabled children in welfare homes take part in various rehabilitation training programs, and some of them have recovered or basically recovered from disability.一些经过康复训练的残疾儿童已恢复或基本恢复了身体功能。


basic skills training基本功训练

1.Thereforebasic skills training still demands great attention to it and a good mastery of skills and sufficient information is the foundation for creative CAD work.计算机辅助艺术设计课程片面强调其作为辅助设计的作用,导致作品毫无新意可言,缺少学生自己的创意等问题,因此基本功训练仍不容忽视,熟练的基本功和丰富的信息资源是计算机辅助艺术设计创意的基础。

3)training in basic skills基本功训练

1.The author believes the structural approach in English teaching can reach a strong effect,specially in the further consolidation of the Englishtraining in basic skills.对结构法在句型教学、听说教学和电化教学等方面的应用作了探讨,认为把结构法应用于英语教学中,对强化英语的基本功训练有着明显的效果。

2.The teachers should strengthen the education of Wushu morality to the students and thetraining in basic skills,make a serious study of the difficult points of teaching materials,adopt various teaching techniques and make the students master"three-basic" of Wushu and series drills.教师在教学中应加强对学生武德教育和武术基本功训练 ,认真分析教材难点 ,采取多种教学方法 ,使学生能较快掌握武术“三基”和套路练习 ,增强体质 ,培养意志 ,提高竞争意识 ,养成自觉锻炼身体的习惯 ,达到终身受益的目的 。

4)basic training基本功训练

1.This paper discusses the training of listening ability for college students from the following: create a language atmosphere, enhance listening awareness; study the characteristics of listening, carry onbasic training; adopt techniques, develop students listening skill; obtain background knowledge, improve listen.本文从营造语言环境,强化听力意识;研究听力特点,进行基本功训练;加强技巧训 练,培养学生听力;掌握背景知识,提高学生听力等方面,论述了大学生英语听力能力的培养。

5)the training of teaching basic skills教学基本功训练

6)basic training基本训练

1.Considering the lack of practical and uniform basic contents for surgical resident training,the paper proposes fivebasic training strategies and discusses their role in training surgical residents.针对目前外科住院医师缺少实用统一的基本训练内容,提出并探讨五项基本训练在临床实践中的应用价值。

2.Firstly,the fundamental phenomenological outlook of Husserl is interpreted as thebasic training of phenomenology.第一,把胡塞尔对现象学的基本考察诠释为现象学的基本训练;第二,把其主要步骤归结为:悬置自然立场———体验意识的本质性质———从自然世界中分离出意识———关闭自然世界———取消精神实在———进入纯粹意识并确立现象学立场;第三,分析这种训练所具有的多方面重要意义,并指出其不彻底性以及如何加以彻底化。

3.The thesis states in detail thebasic training methods of listening in music from these five sections: scale exercises and singing mode, monosyllabic structure singing and tone of perception, intervals and chords of perception, rhythm of perception and melody of perception.文章从音阶练习和模唱、单音构唱和单音听辨、音程与和弦的听辨、节奏的听辨、旋律的听辨等五个部分详细介绍了音乐中听力的基本训练方法。


