900字范文 > 师能训练 teaching skill training英语短句 例句大全

师能训练 teaching skill training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-29 07:06:45


师能训练 teaching skill training英语短句 例句大全

师能训练,teaching skill training

1)teaching skill training师能训练

1.Based on the basic requirements of practice teaching of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics(Normal) in East China Institute of Technology,the paper constructs a new practical teaching model ofteaching skill training with a combination of theory and practice.基于东华理工大学数学与应用数学专业(师范类)实践教学的基本要求,构建以课堂教学为中心、师能训练为主要内容;师能实践为重要环节;以师能竞赛为必要补充;以课堂教学、课外实训和中学实践三元对接为主要载体;以师能训练"大课堂、多渠道、开放式"为主要特征;以观摩、备课、实训、评议、小结为主要环节;以准备阶段、实训阶段和总结阶段为主要阶段的师能训练实践性教学新模式。


1.On "Six-step" Autonomous Teaching Skill Training by Future Chinese Teacher;准语文教师“六步”自主师能训练模式初探

2.A Brief Discuss on the Teachers Profession and Skill Training of Teachers College Students;试论师范院校学生教师职业技能训练

3.The Systematic Training of the Ability of the Teachers Spoken Language of theStudents in the Teachers College;谈师范生“教师口语”能力的系统训练

4.A Tutoring System for IT Skills Training: Principles, Design, and Application;IT技能训练导师系统iTutor——原理、设计与应用

5.The Training of Teachers Expertise against the Background of the New Curriculum;新课程背景下教师专业技能训练探究

6.The Vocal Training in Oral Language Teaching;浅谈《教师口语》教学中的发声技能训练

7.The New Model of Skill-Training for Trainees Majoring in Teaching;构建高师学生职业技能训练的新模式

8.Theory and practice in students training for the mastery of modern education techniques in teachers college (Ⅰ);师范生现代教育技能训练的探索与实践(一)——规范书面语技能训练

9.On the Status of Teachers Vocational Skill Training of the Normal students and its Countermeasures师范生教师职业技能训练现状及其对策研究

10.A skilled technician takes years to train.一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。

11.seco nd,to use ad-v anced teaching means and intensify the training o f the teaching technical abil ity;二是运用先进的教学手段,强化师范技能的训练;

12.The Discussion of Cultivating and Training of the Comprehensive Abilities of Piano Teaching in the High Normal Universities;论高师钢琴教学中综合能力的培养与训练

13.The Experimental Research of the Influence of Reflection Training on Social Skills for Primary School Teachers;小学教师社会技能反思训练的实验研究

14.Setup of an occupational skill training curriculum for teachers specializing in physical education;体育教育专业教师职业技能训练课程的设置

15.On Improving Normal Students Classroom Teaching Skills Through Microteaching Training;通过微格训练提高师范生的课堂教学技能

16.Construction of Collaborative Action Learning Training Models for Teaching Capacity;教师教学能力协作式行动学习训练模式的构建

17.Practice and Consideration on Normal School Students Professional Training;关于师范生职业技能训练的实践与思考

18.The Skill Training for English Normal School Students Should Attach Importance to the Non-intellectual Factors;英语师范生技能训练应重视非智力因素


teaching skills training师范技能训练

1.Through summarizing the reform measures of the practice teaching mode,teaching skills training,and the initial teacher training planning,this paper suggests that the information technique should be fully utilized in rethinking and reforming each step of initial teacher training for improved the quality and the benefit of talent training.以深化教师教育改革、推进能力建设为契机,探讨从教育教学实习、师范技能训练和培养计划制订等方面多维培养职前教师的模式、途径与方法。

3)Physical Training Instructor体能训练导师

4)unsupervised training无师训练

1.On the other hand, the watchful limit and the switching control for running state in the network were introduced, which combined the ART2 network sunsupervised training ability.针对 General Fuzzy Min- Max(GFMM)神经网络不能自适应学习新类的缺陷 ,提出了一种基于该网络的无师训练改进算法。

2.This network is a new neural network with the ability ofunsupervised training and cluster recognition, which inherits the merits of original general min-max network and adds the self-adjusted and on-line learning capacities which improve the logical net structure and arithmetic.新型的无师训练(General Fuzzy Min-Max,GFMM)神经网络是一种具备无师训练聚类识别能力的新型神经网络,它继承了原有GFMM网络的特点,在网络的拓扑结构和算法方面进行了较大的改进,增加了能够进行自适应在线学习的能力。

5)supervised training有师训练

6)training of English teaching techniques英语教师职业技能训练

1.This article discusses the main contents,basic approaches and methods oftraining of English teaching techniques based on English teachers’ challenges faced with the new English curriculum and the demand of the professional skills of pre-English-teachers .文章基于英语新课程标准对英语教师的新挑战以及教师专业化时代对英语教育师范生教师专业技能发展提出的要求,探讨英语教师职业技能训练的内容体系、主要途径和基本方法。


视觉技能训练视觉技能训练visual skill training视觉技能订11练(visual skill training)通过加强对运动员脑的信息刺激,强化眼肌,使眼球能快速和精确地运动,增强眼、脑、肌肉的密切联系及眼睛的同步性训练方法。运用这种训练,能够提高运动员的速度、时机感和精确度,对运动员的反应能力、空间判断、协调性、专注心等都会产生积极影响。其基本方法有:双目旋转训练法,双目敏锐性训练法,双目调节力训练法,专注力、协调性、视野、识别力、景深感等训练方法。(谢三才撰刘淑慈审)
