900字范文 > 晋升机制 Promotion Mechanism英语短句 例句大全

晋升机制 Promotion Mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-04 05:06:07


晋升机制 Promotion Mechanism英语短句 例句大全

晋升机制,Promotion Mechanism

1)Promotion Mechanism晋升机制

1.The Study onPromotion Mechanism Based on the Enterprise Manager s Competency Model;基于企业管理者素质模型的晋升机制研究


1.A Research on the Selecting and Promoting Mechanism for the Public Functionaries of Administrative Enforcement Category;行政执法类公务员选拔晋升机制研究

2.The Study on Promotion Mechanism Based on the Enterprise Manager s Competency Model;基于企业管理者素质模型的晋升机制研究

3.The Research on the Selection and Promotion Mechanism of National Civil Servants of Administrative Law Enforcement行政执法类国家公务员选拔晋升机制研究

4.Features and Problems of Academic Promotion System for College-based personnel: a perspective of "dual-ladders" theory;高校专业人员职务晋升机制:特征及问题——从双梯阶机制理论的视角

5.Problems and Countermeasures on the Exciting Mechanism forChina s Public Official s Promoting to a Higher Office;中国公务员晋升制度激励机制的问题及对策

6.Fixing wages and lacking of promotion act as a disincentive to employees工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性

7.Fix wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employee.工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。

8.Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性.

9.The Study on the Competition Mechanism in the Promotion of China s Civil Servants;我国公务员晋升管理中的竞争机制研究

10.An Analysis of the Competitive Mechanism for Government Officials to Promote and Build a Learning Government中国政府官员的晋升竞争机制与学习动力分析

11.The job offers prospects of promotion.这份工作有晋升的机会.

12.with no real chance of advancement.没有真正的晋升机会。

13.The promotion of officers should also be systematized.军官的晋升也要制度化。

14.ad personam promotion system任职者个别晋升制度

15.What are the chances for advancement or increase in responsibilities?晋升机会或权限增加的机会有多大?

16.His appreciation of her chance of get the promotion is correct他对她晋升机会所作的估计是对的

17.The job offers good opportunities for advancement.这份工作有很好的晋升机会.

18.S: We don"t have the same opportunities for advancement.(我们得不到与男同事一样的晋升机会。


academic promotion system职务晋升机制

1.Theacademic promotion system for college-based personnel has increasingly had problems that cannot be solved within the system s own framework.我国高校现行的专业人员职务晋升机制,已日益暴露出许多自身难以解决的问题。

3)promotion system晋升制度

1.The reasonable side of the traditionalpromotion system with the inspiriting function and internal promoting function cannt be denied,but with the development of modern management and technology,the traditionalpromotion system has been found its disadvantages.传统的晋升制度体现了激励职能和内部选拔人才的职能,不可否认,他们都有其自身合理的一面,但随着企业管理水平和技术水平的发展,晋升作为传统的激励员工和选拔人才的一种机制也有一些值得商讨的地方。

4)promotion chances晋升机会

5)winner-up tournament首位晋升制

1.The innovation incentives of employees inwinner-up tournament and loser-out tournament are different.员工在首位晋升制和末位淘汰制两种锦标激励制度下受到的创新激励程度存在较大差异。

6)promotion by seniority军功晋升制


