900字范文 > 国家推进机制 the mechanism of state promotion英语短句 例句大全

国家推进机制 the mechanism of state promotion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-18 01:10:42


国家推进机制 the mechanism of state promotion英语短句 例句大全

国家推进机制,the mechanism of state promotion

1)the mechanism of state promotion国家推进机制

2)National promotion国家推进


1.Noteworthy Issues in Process of Democratization in Developing Countries;经济不发达国家推进民主进程应注意的问题

2.Models of Promoting Educational Equality in OECD Countries: Korea and Finland;OECD国家推进教育公平的典范——韩国和芬兰

3.Civil-Military Integration in Some Typical Countries;世界典型国家推进军民融合的主要做法分析

4.Governmental promotion of technological innovation of enterprises and realization of mechanism;试论国家推进企业技术创新及其实现机制

5.We must press ahead with the building of a national innovation system.推进国家创新体系建设。

6.Following Stragedy of Ruling Country by Law, Making Progress of Legal System Country;贯彻落实依法治国方略,推进法治国家进程

7.Significant progress was made in establishing China"s innovation system.国家创新体系建设积极推进。

8.Fresh efforts were directed to the development of a state scientific and technological innovation system.国家创新体系建设继续推进。

9.Perfecting National Awardable of Science and Technology for Pushing Independent Innovation;完善国家科技奖励体系,推进自主创新

10.On the Experience of the Western Countries in Legally Advancing Urbanization;西方国家依法推进城市化经验及借鉴

11.Establishing the Ensuring System to Promote the National Financial Aided-loan Work;建立保障体系 推进国家助学贷款工作

12.Promoting the Government - subsidized Loan Policy:Reflection and Countermeasures;积极推进国家助学贷款的思考与对策

13.On Government Policy in Promoting the Establishment of National Creation System;论推进国家创新体系建设的政策取向

14.Chinese Academy of Sciences Put Forward the Construction of an Innovation-oriented Country Through Academy-Locality Cooperation中国科学院以院地合作推进创新型国家建设

15.If I go down into your country, I"ll level your great city to the ground.“如果我南下进入你们的国家,我会推平整座城市。”

16.Essential imports had stretched the national reputation to the breaking point.基本进口将国家声誉推向了崩溃的边缘。

17.Information and knowledge are the factors that push a country forward today.信息和知识是当今推动国家前进的因素。

18.The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。


National promotion国家推进

3)advance mechanism推进机制

1.It is very important in practice to research theadvance mechanism of informatization.因此,深入考察信息化的推进机制,具有重要的现实意义。

4)promoting mechanism推进机制

1.Extra large-sized coal mine areas:a study on coordinated development of resources and environment and theirpromoting mechanism特大型矿区群资源与环境协调开发及推进机制研究

2.So it is feasible to study on thepromoting mechanism of developing Agricultural Circular Economy based on integrated mechanism of the Agri-Supply Chain which builds the micro-organization of agricultural Circular Economy.文本认为,基于农产品供应链构建农业循环经济微观组织,基于农产品供应链集成机制研究循环经济推进机制,可以解决农业产业链上独立经济主体循环经济目标不一致与行为不协调的问题。

5)national mechanism国家机制

1.The Guideline provides that member states or international organizations should establish anational mechanism to mitigate space debris.联合国外空委于6月通过的《空间碎片减缓指南》,也明确要求会员国或国际组织通过国家机制最大限度地减缓空间碎片。

2.Since the nineties of the 20th century,China has made three breakthroughs on thenational mechanism construction to raise women s status,creating a favorable environment to promote gender equality and women development.性别平等立法和政策的社会性别主流化、国家行动计划的制定与实施以及促进性别平等国家机构的建设是建立完善提高妇女地位的国家机制的重要内容。

6)Supranational Institution超国家机制


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