900字范文 > 企业培训机构 enterprise-training institution英语短句 例句大全

企业培训机构 enterprise-training institution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-17 06:27:37


企业培训机构 enterprise-training institution英语短句 例句大全

企业培训机构,enterprise-training institution

1)enterprise-training institution企业培训机构

1.The core competitive competence ofenterprise-training institution is a key factor that makes one enterprise take a characteristic advantage over other ones and be of great capacities.企业培训机构的核心竞争力是其不同于其他培训机构的独具特色的培训优势与能力。

2)enterprise training企业培训

1.The capitalization of human resource and the innovation ofenterprise training in knowledge economic times;知识经济时代人力资源资本化与企业培训创新

2.On the Application of Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning to Enterprise Training;计算机支持协作学习(CSCL)在企业培训中应用的研究


1.training of trainers for small and medium-size enterprises中小型企业培训员训练

2.Experiential Training in the Enterprise Training in Applied Research体验式培训在企业培训中的应用研究

3.Research on Outward Bound Training-New Mode of Enterprise Training企业培训新形式—素质拓展训练的研究

4.Applying Staff Training Model and Constructing Enterprise Training System;合理运用员工培训系统模型构建企业培训体系

5.Building up Effective Training System --Suggestion to Corporation Training Mistaken Areas;建立有效的培训体系——我国企业培训误区的对策

6.The Preliminary Study on Enterprise Training Psychology and Training Psychological Technique System;企业培训心理与培训心理技术体系初探

7.Studying and Exploring on the Model and Mechanism of the Modern Enterprise Training;构建现代企业培训模式和培训机制的研究

8.Transforming the Training Mechanism and Blazing New Trails-A Ponder on Coal Geological Enterprise Personnel Trainings;转变培训机制 实现培训创新——关于煤炭地质企业培训工作的思考

9.Problems existing in the training of soe employees and a Comparisim with the training of American enterprises;国有企业员工培训的问题及与美国企业培训的比较

10.Analysis on the Trainng in Overseas Enterprises and the Problems in Our Enterprises;国外企业培训趋势及国内企业培训存在的问题分析

11.Training Quality Control in Estate Management Enterprises;物业管理企业培训工作质量控制初探

12.A Study on the Relationship among Corporate Culture, Training Practices and Organizational Performance;企业文化、企业培训与组织绩效关系研究

13.Study on the effect of Corporate Culture and Training Practices on Organizational Performance;企业文化、企业培训对组织绩效的影响研究

14.Enterprise E-learning Training Model Analysis;企业e-learning培训模式浅析

15.The training rate of administrator in enterprises is 100.0%,the worker training rate is 97.6%.企业负责人培训率为100.0%,工人培训率为97.6%。

16.Construction of Enterprise Employee Training System Based on Training Outsourcing;基于培训外包的企业员工培训体系的构建

parison of E-learning Training Costs with Face-to-face Training Costs;企业E-learning培训与传统面授培训的成本比较分析

18.Tentative searches of the forestry enterprise traveling jobholders on-the-job training;林业企业旅游从业人员在职培训初探


enterprise training企业培训

1.The capitalization of human resource and the innovation ofenterprise training in knowledge economic times;知识经济时代人力资源资本化与企业培训创新

2.On the Application of Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning to Enterprise Training;计算机支持协作学习(CSCL)在企业培训中应用的研究


1.Entrepreneurialtraining m has increasingly become the subject of concern, but modern enterprise awareness andtraining effectiveness have serious problems.企业培训已经越来越成为管理者关注的主题,但是现代企业培训的认识与实效却存在着严重的问题。

2.It is also believed thattraining is viewed as a typical investment tool according to the human capital theory.「人力资源」是企业保持竞争优势的关键因素之一,企业文化在企业核心竞争力中的作用越来越重要,而培训是人力资本理论中最典型的人力投资工具,因此,企业文化、企业培训与组织绩效三者之间关系的重要性是刻不容缓的课题,然而过去鲜少有探讨企业文化、企业培训与组织绩效三者之间的关系研究,此乃本研究所欲了解及探讨的问题,在选题上具有某种程度的创新。

3.As a way to manage and develop human resourcestraining is also facing with this challenge.为了了解目前企业网络培训实施的基本情况,找出实施过程中出现的问题并给出建议,从而使网络培训方式在企业培训中能够发挥更有效的作用,提高企业培训的效果。

4)training in enterprise企业培训

1.So as to realize the aim and effectiveness which should be possessed in training project operation and to make thetraining in enterprise full of vitality and vigor.结合中原石油勘探局培训项目管理的实践,总结培训项目管理工作必须做到"6个到位"中的28个关键环节,以达到培训项目整体运行应具有的针对性和有效性,使企业培训充满生机和活力。

5)corporation training企业培训

1.This article will introduce the course,advantages and characteristics of sand table experiment as a new method ofcorporation training and in the end will discuss some methods of improving the effects of sand table training.本文介绍了作为企业培训方式之一的沙盘模拟实验的过程、优势及特点,并对提高沙盘模拟培训效果作出了几点思考。

2.This dissertation is focused on why and how to carry out the proactive needs assessment incorporation training programs.本文研究的课题是企业培训的前瞻性需要分析。

3.Now most corporations have realized thatcorporation training is an important par.企业培训能否有效实施,能否满足企业及员工的培训需求,归根结底依赖于培训课程的开发。

6)corporate training企业培训

1.Application of Corporate Training Model to Marketing Teaching in Higher Vocational College企业培训模式在高职院校市场营销专业教学中的应用

2.American, one of the most important global economic subjects, has been reforming thecorporate training in all its aspects to deal with globalized economy, knowledge-based economy and the challenge that the constantly-changing organization bring to the outer and inner environments, thus maximizing the mutual career development of individuals and companies.作为世界上重要的经济主体之一,美国从90年代以来对企业培训进行了全方面的改革,来应对经济全球化、知识经济以及不断变革的组织结构对企业内外部环境的挑战,最大程度地实现个人和组织职业生涯的共同发展。

3.Based on the introduction of X3D(Extensible 3D) concept and its main characteristics,the article discusses some advantages of X3D technique incorporate training.文章通过介绍X3D(Extensible 3D)技术的概念、主要特征,探讨了X3D技术在企业培训中的优势。


