900字范文 > 高级技能人才 High Skill Talents英语短句 例句大全

高级技能人才 High Skill Talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-20 19:57:21


高级技能人才 High Skill Talents英语短句 例句大全

高级技能人才,High Skill Talents

1)High Skill Talents高级技能人才

1.Growing-Up & Motivating Research aboutHigh Skill Talents of AISC;鞍钢集团高级技能人才成长与激励研究


1.Heighten Physics Teaching Quality and Cultivate High Grade Technique Talent;提高物理教学质量 培养高级技能人才

2.Higher Professorship Education Should Take Scientific Talent s View as its Guideline And Carry forward Work for Training Highly Skilled Talent in a More Cost-effective Way;高职教育要以科学人才观为指导 大力推进高级技能人才培养工作

3.Growing-Up & Motivating Research about High Skill Talents of AISC;鞍钢集团高级技能人才成长与激励研究

4.Research on Excitation Mechanism of the Senior Technical Talents in Medium and Small-sized Manufacturing Enterprises;中小型制造企业高级技能人才激励机制研究

5.Study on Training and Employment of the Senior Technical Talents in Wuhan;武汉地区高级技能人才的培养和使用问题研究

6.Probe into the Trends and Countermeasures of Advanced Skilled Talents Demand in Jiangsu Province;江苏省高级技能人才需求趋势及对策探讨

7.Setting up long-term effective mechanism to speed up the training for high-tech personnel;创建长效机制 加快高级技能人才培养步伐

8.Research on Supply-demand Gap of Advanced Technicians in Jiangsu Province;江苏省高级技能人才供需缺口原因与解决对策研究

9.Cultivation of competence of learners and optimization of regional industrial structure加强高技能人才培养 促进区域产业优化升级

10.Training High-Level Technical Personnel through Changing Idea of Making Use of Personnel;转变用人观念 培养高级技术人才

11.College-Business Cooperation--the Only Way of China Higher Technical and Vocational Education;校企合作才能培养高素质技能型人才


13.Ideas on the "Cultivation of High-tech Talents" in Talent Research对人才研究中“高技能人才开发”的探讨

14.On the New Approach of Training Senior Talents of Sports Science;试论高级体育科技人才培养的新途径

15.Supply and demand gap forecasting of Tianjin s high-level technical talents;天津市高级技术人才的供需缺口预测

16.On the New Approach of Training Senior Talents of Sports Science;试论培养高级体育科技人才的新途径

17.The Conversion of Talents Cultivation Objective in Higher Vocational Education--From"Technique Applied Talents"to"High Skilled Talents";高职人才培养目标的转换——从“技术应用性人才”到“高技能人才”

18.Why Do We Call Them "Highly Qualified Talents" --On Highly Qualified Talents Knowledge Structure;高技能人才“高”在何处——解析高技能人才的知识结构


higher skilled talent高级技能型人才

1.The educational goal and building orientation of training base in higher vocational schools should be related with the qualities and ability ofhigher skilled talent according to social demands.高职院校的培养目标和实训基地建设方向应紧紧围绕社会需求,围绕社会对高级技能型人才的素能要求来规划。

3)high-skilled talent高技能人才

1.Strengtheninghigh-skilled talent groups construction is an important content of the great-power stratagem through talents.高技能人才是人才队伍的重要组成部分,加强高技能人才队伍建设,是实施人才强国战略的重要内容。

2.It s made the demand ofhigh-skilled talents be large and urgent.现代制造业生产内涵的变化,要求技能型人才的知识、能力结构不断高移,使得社会对高技能人才的需求日益凸显。

4)high-skilled personnel高技能人才

1.The analysis and consideration to thehigh-skilled personnel shortage in the power field;电力行业高技能人才短缺解析及应对思考

2.The combination of enterprise and education is an important mode and effective way for traininghigh-skilled personnel,which is based on the school-enterprise cooperation,strengthens the students production and social practice,reforms the traditional training model taking classroom as the center,by using multi-mode teaching focusing on the combination of enterprise and education.它建立在校企合作的基础上,通过以工学交替为主的多种教学模式,强化了学生的生产实习和社会实践,改革了以课堂为中心的传统教学模式,是培养高技能人才的有效途径。

3.At present,thehigh-skilled personnel in our country are critically in a shortage.目前,我国高技能人才严重短缺,难以适应经济社会发展的需要。

5)high-skilled talents高技能人才

1.On scientific research ofhigh-skilled talents in automotive industry;论汽车高技能人才的科学开发

2.Definition and Forming Mechanism Study of the High-skilled Talents Implicit Human Capital;高技能人才隐性人力资本的界定与形成机理研究

3.A review ofhigh-skilled talents;高技能人才及其培养研究述评

6)High skilled talents高技能人才

1.Study on the Formation and Transformation of High Skilled Talents Implicit Human Capital;高技能人才隐性人力资本形成与转化研究

2.The shortage of high skilled talents restricts the development of Changqing oilfield, and who are the force to promote the development of scientific technical process and harvest inverting.高技能人才是人才第一资源的重要组成部分,是社会财富的直接创造者。

3.Shortage of high skilled talents has become a hot problem to settle down in China.高技能人才短缺问题已成为当代中国亟待解决的热点问题。


