900字范文 > 高技能人才培养 education of high skilled talents英语短句 例句大全

高技能人才培养 education of high skilled talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-24 17:58:06


高技能人才培养 education of high skilled talents英语短句 例句大全

高技能人才培养,education of high skilled talents

1)education of high skilled talents高技能人才培养

1.This paper attempts to discuss the objectives,specialties,modes,teachers and other relevant issues ineducation of high skilled talents in colleges.院校培养是我国高技能人才培养的主要模式之一。


1.National Professional Standards and the Cultivation of High-skilled Talents in Higher Vocational Education;国家职业标准与高职高技能人才培养

2.On Constructing the Mode for Developing High-Skilled Talents in Vocational Colleges高职院校高技能人才培养模式的构建

3.Vocational Colleges are the Main Channel of Training Professionalswith High-Technical Ability;职业院校是高技能人才培养的主渠道

4.Investigation of Training and Education System for Advanced Technicians in Mold Industry模具专业高技能人才培养模式的探索

5.School-enterprise Cooperation in Promoting the Training of High-skilled Manufacturing校企合作 推进制造业高技能人才培养

6.Attaching Importance to Cultivation for Talents with High Skill and Implementing Talents Strategy to Raise Competitive Ability of Enterprise;重视高技能人才培养 实施人才强企战略

7.Strengthen the Key Skills,Improve the Cultivation Quality;强化核心技能培养,提高人才培养质量

8.College-Business Cooperation--the Only Way of China Higher Technical and Vocational Education;校企合作才能培养高素质技能型人才

9.Vocational Education Should Training skillsbased Technical Personnel;高职教育要培养技能型实用技术人才

10.Create High Level Base and Train Talented Person with High Skill;创建高水平基地 培养高技能人才

11.Heighten Physics Teaching Quality and Cultivate High Grade Technique Talent;提高物理教学质量 培养高级技能人才

12.Cultivating the "High Skill Talents" in the Art Designing Major of the Higher Vocational Education高职艺术设计专业“高技能人才”的培养

13.Exploration of Training of High Quality Skill Type Talent in Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校高素质技能型人才培养探索

14.On Training High-technical Talents in Higher Vocational Education;浅谈民办高职教育技能型人才的培养

15.On the Effective Ways of Professional Secretarial Talents Training;试论培养高技能文秘人才的有效途径

16.Take Market as Guidance,Establish Jiangsu Commercial Vocational Labor Force Base;与区域经济互动 培养高技能商贸人才

17.Expeditely Develop Vocational Education and Cultivate High Skill Person;加快发展职业教育 培养高技能人才

18.Strengthen Practice Training and Cutivate high Diathesis Skill Person;加强实训 培养高素质的技能型人才


high skill talent training of Civil Aviation民航高技能人才培养

3)professional skilled person培养技能型人才

4)training skillful personnel inside in Enterprise企业内技能人才培养

5)cultivation of scientific technology talents科技人才培养

6)Nurtuition of Sports Talents竞技人才培养


