900字范文 > 有机胶粘剂 organic adhesive英语短句 例句大全

有机胶粘剂 organic adhesive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-19 16:29:08


有机胶粘剂 organic adhesive英语短句 例句大全

有机胶粘剂,organic adhesive

1)organic adhesive有机胶粘剂

1.Progress and current situation of heat-resistingorganic adhesives耐高温有机胶粘剂的现状与发展

2.This paper studies the making process of composite expanded pearlite heat-insulated product which main components areorganic adhesive and expanded pearlite,discusses its testing process and result,and shows that this heat-insulated product has the advantages of lower thermal conductivity and water intake capability compared with traditional expanded pearlite product.研究了以有机胶粘剂和膨胀珍珠岩为主要组分的复合型膨胀珍珠岩绝热制品的制作过程。

2)silicone adhesive有机硅胶粘剂

1.Preparation of Ketone-oxime Type one-component RTVsilicone adhesives;酮肟型单组分室温硫化有机硅胶粘剂的研制

2.Evaluation of useful life ofsilicone adhesive for certain model product某型号有机硅胶粘剂使用寿命的评估


1.Evaluation of useful life of silicone adhesive for certain model product某型号有机硅胶粘剂使用寿命的评估

2.phenolic-silicone adhesive酚醛-有机硅树酯胶粘剂

3.Study on Organosilicone Modifying CPP Adhesive有机硅改性氯化聚丙烯胶粘剂的研究

4.The Effects of Different Agents on the Surface Treatment of Silicone Rubber Bonded Inorganic-Organic Laminated Glass Bonding Performance不同表面处理剂对硅橡胶粘结无机-有机夹层玻璃粘结性能的影响

5.Silane coupling agents effectively to increase bonding performance of adhesives硅烷偶联剂提升胶粘剂和粘接性能卓有成效

6.Preparation of Organic-inorganic Composite Binder by Sol-gel Process溶胶凝胶法制备有机无机复合胶粘剂

7.Various kinds of RTV silicone adhesives/sealants and CR,PU,polysulfide, IIR based adhesives/sealants and PSA.各种性能的有机硅、氯丁、聚氨脂、聚硫、丁基橡胶的胶粘剂/密封剂和压敏胶带。

8.Synthesis and Properties of a Self-adhered and High Transparent Silicone Gel自粘性高透明有机硅凝胶制备与性能

9.Research on Preparation and Characteristics of Improving Silicate Adhesive;改性硅酸盐无机胶粘剂的制备及性能研究

10.Preparation and Characterization of Room Temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber Adhesive室温硫化硅橡胶胶粘剂的制备与表征

11.Application of organo-silicone peroxide coupling agent on bonding有机硅过氧化物偶联剂在粘接上的应用

12.Inorganic-Organic Multiple Betterment Methods of Urea-Formaldehyde Resin Adhesive;无机有机复合改性脲醛树脂胶粘剂性能的研究

13.The investigation of adhesion mechanism of the interfaces between polytitanosiloxane gel and Al, or Fe metals聚钛硅氧烷凝胶与铝、铁界面粘接机理

14.Study on preparation and performance of bone glue adhesive intercalated modified by organic nano-montmorillonite插层有机纳米蒙脱土改性骨胶胶粘剂的制备与性能研究

15.Study on Space Grade Addition Cured RTV Silicone Rubber空间级加成型室温硫化硅橡胶粘结剂的研究

16.Silicon Sol Agglutinated Ceramic Core by Pouring Forming以硅溶胶为粘结剂的浇注成型陶瓷型芯

17.Study on foaming coating of ceramic shell mould of colloidal silica bander in investment casting;精密铸造硅溶胶粘结剂型壳发泡涂料的研究

18.A New Energy-saving Binders for Investment Casting-ZF-801 Rapidly Dried Sol Silicate新型节能精密铸造粘接剂——ZF-801型快干硅溶胶


silicone adhesive有机硅胶粘剂

1.Preparation of Ketone-oxime Type one-component RTVsilicone adhesives;酮肟型单组分室温硫化有机硅胶粘剂的研制

2.Evaluation of useful life ofsilicone adhesive for certain model product某型号有机硅胶粘剂使用寿命的评估

3)sillcone pressure-sensitive adhesive有机硅压敏胶粘剂

4)silicone modified phenolic adhesive酚醛-有机硅树脂胶粘剂

5)synthetic organic adhesives合成有机胶粘剂<林>

6)phenolic-silicone adhesive酚醛-有机硅树酯胶粘剂


