900字范文 > 直观教学手段 andiovisual teaching method mechanical英语短句 例句大全

直观教学手段 andiovisual teaching method mechanical英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 17:42:05


直观教学手段 andiovisual teaching method mechanical英语短句 例句大全

直观教学手段,andiovisual teaching method mechanical

1)andiovisual teaching method mechanical直观教学手段


1.Research on the Tendentious of Middle School Geographical Teachers Selection to Different Types Visual Teaching Way;中学地理教师对不同类型直观教学手段选择的倾向性研究

2.Using Object Teaching Method to Enhance English Teaching Effect in Higher Vocational School;运用直观手段 增强高职英语教学效果

3.Taking intuitional measures to improve geographical teaching effect in preschool normal schools;充分运用直观手段提高幼师地理教学效果

4.On the View of Student-Oriented Reform of Teaching Approaches and Skills;学生为主体观念下教学方法和手段的改革

5.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Multi-media Teaching Method in Engineering Graphics;工程图学教学采用多媒体手段的利弊观

6.The Exercising of Intuitionistic Means in Cultivating the Ability of Geography Space Visualized Thinking of Student;直观手段在中学生地理空间形象思维能力培养中的运用

7.Methods In the teaching process of the surgical department, the surgery live broadcast teaching, surgery scene visit, medical( record) teaching and multimedia teaching were used.方法:在外科教学过程中,应用手术直播教学、手术现场参观、案教学、媒体教学。

8.Renovation of Concept and Teaching Approaches in Colledge Chinese Teaching--Base on Subjects Advantages of UESTC,Promote Teaching Quality;大学语文教学观念与教学手段的更新——依托电子科大的学科优势,提升教学质量

9.Application in the Teaching of Modern Means at High School;现代化教学手段在中学教学中的应用

10.Research and Discussion in Teaching Methods of College Physics;大学物理教学方式、教学手段的探讨

11.Application of the modern teaching methods in the teaching for surveying and mapping;现代教学手段在测量学教学中的应用

12.Reform of Teaching Methods for Senior Mathematics高等数学教学方法和教学手段的改革

13.Multi-media Teaching Method in English Teaching;多媒体教学手段在外语教学中的体现

14.Optimization over teaching--Attempts in using auxiliary teaching of multimedia;优化教学——多媒体辅助教学手段的尝试

15.Make Use of Modern Teaching Means to Promote Chinese Teaching Reform;利用现代教学手段促进语文教学改革

16.Brief Discussion on Teaching Methods and Ways of Reform about Education Course;《教育学》教学方法与手段改革刍议

17.The Application of Multimedia in the Teaching of"Marxism and Moral Education";多媒体教学手段在“两课”教学中的应用

18.Application of Modern Teaching Means in Chinese Teaching;现代化教学手段在语文教学中的应用


intuitional measures直观手段

1.Takingintuitional measures to improve geographical teaching effect in preschool normal schools;充分运用直观手段提高幼师地理教学效果

3)teaching means教学手段

1.Study on the matching among teaching content,lessons system,teaching method andteaching means of dying and technology subject;染整工艺学的教学内容、课程体系与教学方法、教学手段的匹配性研究

2.Experimental analysis to the connotation and structure of teaching methods andteaching means;教学方法与教学手段内涵及结构维度的验证性分析

3.Effects of Implementing Multi-factor Teaching Means in Hurdles Run Technique;实施多因子教学手段对田径跨栏跑技术的影响

4)means of teaching教学手段

1.This paper studies the teaching method,means of teaching and extra-curriculum activities in carrying creative education in the teaching of Chemical Technology and Chemical Industrial Draft-reading.该文围绕教学方法,教学手段,课外活动等方面,对在“化学工艺学”“化工识图”课程教学中实施创造性教育进行了探索。

2.This paper discusses the characteristics, system composition, and functions of the modernmeans of teaching——network teaching, and puts forward several suggestions as to the construction of teaching resources, the kernel content in the implementation of network teaching.对网络教学这一现代化教学手段的特性、系统的组成和功能进行了探讨 ,并对实施网络教学的核心内容———教学资源建设提出了几点建议。

5)teaching instrument教学手段

1.Taking"Textile Technology"as an example,the paper illustrates the application of multimediˉateaching instruments from the teaching surroundings,teaching media and teaching design in detail.以《纺织工艺学》为例,从教学环境、教学媒体和教学设计等方面详细介绍了多媒体教学手段的应用模式,并对教学的实践过程进行了分析和总结。

2.Traditionalteaching instrument and multimedia teaching had their own advantages.在数学教学中,师生间表达、加工、传递教学信息的工具及其使用方式,就构成教学手段,教学手段必须适合教学内容和教学方式的发展状况。

3.The article discusses Chineseteaching instruments in the history and indicates their advantages and disadvantages.文章论述了汉语教学历史沿用的手段,并指出各类教学手段的利弊。

6)teaching methods教学手段

1.On the integrated application of the variousteaching methods in physiology;浅谈生理学多样化教学手段的综合应用

2.Thoughts about some problems of reformingteaching methods with com-puer multimedia tech nology;用多媒体技术改革教学手段的一些问题

3.A study on multi-mediateaching methods in technical classes for institutes and departments of P.E.;体育院系技术课多媒体教学手段与方法的研究


模象直观模象直观simulational imaginal intuition模象直观(5 imulational imaginar intuit;on)直观教学类型之一,指通过对实际事物的模拟性形象的感知提供感性材料的直观方式。如观看图片、图表、模型、幻灯、录像、电影等。模象直观的优点是:(l)它能通过人为的手段消除或减弱实物的非本质因素对本质因素的掩蔽作用。如在图片或模型中,用着色、放大、对比等手段改变非本质因素的强度以突出本质因素。(2)它可以突破时间和空间的限制,来扩大感性材料的来源。如利用地图或模型表现某一地区的地形,通过示意图展示某些不能直接观察的事物的内部结构,运用影视形式重演历史事件等。由于上述优点,使模象直观成为现代化教学的重要手段。因模象与它所标志的实物之间还存在着一定的差趴,容易造成知识理解土的障碍,与实物直观结合可在定程度上消除这-缺陷。(戚立夫撰匣亘国审)
