900字范文 > 危机激励 crisis motivation英语短句 例句大全

危机激励 crisis motivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-11 04:22:09


危机激励 crisis motivation英语短句 例句大全

危机激励,crisis motivation

1)crisis motivation危机激励

2)The crisis drive"s mechanism危机激励机制


4)motivation mechanism激励机制

1.On the Motivation Mechanism in Tobacco Enterprises;浅析烟草企业的激励机制

2.Research on themotivation mechanism of public human resources management;公共部门人力资源管理激励机制的探析

3.The development of motivation idea and the choice of private enterprises’motivation mechanism;激励思想的发展与民营企业激励机制的选择


1.excitation mechanism激发机理;激发机制;激励机理;激励机制;兴奋机制

2.The Present Conditions and Countermeasures of Our Country sIncentive Mechanism;我国激励机制的现状及引进EVA激励机制的对策

3.On the Incompletion,Incentive Deviation and Intensity of Artificially-Designed Incentive System Within Organizations;组织内人工设计激励机制的不完备性、激励偏差与激励强度

4.Incentive Mechanism, Incentive Effect and Performance of Stock Option Contracts;股票期权的激励机制、激励效应与绩效研究

5.Negative Incentive Perspective to the Grassroots Party and Government Cadres Incentive Mechanism;负激励视角下基层党政干部激励机制研究

6.The Study on Employee s Motivational Chine-processed and Measure of Private Enterprises;民营企业员工激励机制及激励措施研究

7.Application of Stimulation Theory and Construction of Stimulation Mechanism in the University;高等学校激励理论的应用与激励机制的构建

8.Reputation Incentive:New Thoughts about Chinese Independent Director Incentive Mechanism;声誉激励:我国独立董事激励机制的新思维

9.Guidance and Inspiration--On Strengthening the Mechanism of Inspiration in College Education;引导与激励——强化高职高专教育的学习激励机制

10.Apply Incentive Theory to Construct Ration ally Incentive Mechanism of the Stated-owned Enterprises;运用激励理论,合理构建国有企业激励机制

11.The development of motivation idea and the choice of private enterprises’ motivation mechanism;激励思想的发展与民营企业激励机制的选择

12.An incentive system for public servants under the condition of insufficient salary;收益激励不足条件下公务员激励机制的设计

13.Types of innovative mechanism of competitive gymnastics and stimulation methods;竞技体操创新激励机制类型与激励方法研究

14.Sharing Incentive and Mechanism Innovationof Incentive in High-tech Enterprise;分享型激励与高科技企业的激励机制创新

15.The Establishment of Personnel Management Mechanism and Incentive Mechanism in State-own Enterprises;国有企业用人机制与激励机制的建立

16.The Optimizing Research of Person s Mechanism and Prompting Mechanism For Enterprises;企业的用人机制和激励机制优化研究

17.Toward Supervision Mechanism,Incentive Mechanism,Substitution Effect and Firm Value监督机制、激励机制及组合与公司价值

18.Passive Mechanism of the Learning Achievement Evaluation System in the Middle and Primary School;中小学学业评价奖励制度的去激励机制剖析


The crisis drive"s mechanism危机激励机制


4)motivation mechanism激励机制

1.On the Motivation Mechanism in Tobacco Enterprises;浅析烟草企业的激励机制

2.Research on themotivation mechanism of public human resources management;公共部门人力资源管理激励机制的探析

3.The development of motivation idea and the choice of private enterprises’motivation mechanism;激励思想的发展与民营企业激励机制的选择

5)incentive mechanism激励机制

1.Study of anincentive mechanism on allocation of total permitted pollution discharge capacity;激励机制下污染物允许排放总量的分配模型

2.Application ofincentive mechanism in coal enterprise;浅谈煤炭企业中激励机制的运用

3.Discussion on multidimensionalincentive mechanism building in hospital;多维度构建医院新型的激励机制刍议

6)excitation mechanism激励机制

1.Principle ofexcitation mechanism for selection of project manager in construction enterprises;建立国有施工企业项目经理激励机制的原则

2.Study onexcitation mechanism to improve innovation abilityof science and technology;我省科技创新能力的激励机制探讨

3.Brief analysis onexcitation mechanism centering on structual wage system;试论以结构工资制为核心的激励机制


