900字范文 > 团队激励 team motivation英语短句 例句大全

团队激励 team motivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-19 11:05:05


团队激励 team motivation英语短句 例句大全

团队激励,team motivation

1)team motivation团队激励

1.The Comparative Research of Individual Motivation and Team Motivation;个体激励与团队激励比较研究


1.The Analysis on the Relations of Peer Pressure and Team Incentive;同事压力与团队激励关系的模型分析

2.Incentive Research for Marketing Team of Gansu Red Light Liquor Corporation;甘肃红光酒业集团公司营销团队激励问题研究

3.Operating Mechanism of Team Salary and Its Applicationin Developer Encouragement;团队激励薪酬的运行机理及其在企业研发人员激励中的应用

4.On the Application of Team Encouragement in the Management of Marketing Department;试论团队激励在企业营销部门管理中的运用

5.Analysis of Team Incentive Effects of Construction Projects Based on the Incentive Theory:An Empirical Research of Construction Projects in China;基于激励理论的建设项目团队激励效果分析——对我国建设项目的实证研究

6.Incentive Mechanism for Team Cooperation Based on Implicit Side Contract;基于隐性边合约的团队合作激励机制

7.Design of Motivation Strategies for Team Learning During Teacher Training教师培训中团队学习激励策略的设计

8.On Incentive Mechanism of Scientific and Technological Innovation Team in Universities and Colleges高校科技创新团队组织激励机制研究

9.Analysis of knowledge sharing strategies of university scientific research teams高校科研团队知识共享激励策略分析

10.Research on the Optimal Incentive Schemes ofTeam Production Within Enterpris Group;企业集团内部团队生产的最优激励机制研究

11.Discussion on optimization and incentive of scientific research team of university/college according to the basic characters of team management;从团队管理基本特征看高校科研团队的优化与激励

12.With the team, I feel that I can inspire myself!和团队在一起,我发现我能激励我自己了!

13.Able to manage,train and motivate the team.有管理、培训、激励团队及组织活动的能力。

14.Construction Project Management Team Incentive Pay System;工程施工项目管理团队薪酬激励体系研究

15.Study on Incentive Model of Research and Development Team in the High-tech Enterprises;高新技术企业R&D团队的激励模式研究

pletes the Marketing Drive How by the Insurance Team Superintendents;论保险团队管理者怎样做好营销员激励

17.Study on the Effectiveness of Incentive Mechanism on Knowledge Sharing within Teams;促进团队知识共享的激励机制有效性研究

18.Building Incentive System of R&D Project Team in High-tech Enterprises;构建高技术企业研发项目团队的激励体系


team incentive团队激励

1.From the perspective of the team norms,The paper analyzed the relations of peer pressure andteam incentive.从团队规范的视角分析了同事压力与团队激励的关系。

3)team encouragement团队激励

1.In this paper, the authors pose some new encouragement on the basis of previous encouragement modes, such as stock encouragement, training encouragement, joining encouragement,team encouragement and objective encouragement, which inspire people from different lights.在前人研究激励方式的基础上总结提出一些新的激励机制,如股权激励、培训激励、参与激励、团队激励及目标激励,每一种都是从各个不同的侧面对员工进行激励。

2.According to the actual need and current situation of the marketing management, the author emphasizes the importance ofteam encouragement in building marketing team.从目前企业营销部门管理的实际需要和现状出发,认识营销团队建设的必要性,强调团队激励在营销团队精神树立中的重要性,同时提出了团队激励在营销部门管理中的运用方式和方法。

4)Team And Team Incentives论团队与团队激励

5)Team optimization and incentive团队优化与激励

6)team inspiriting salary团队激励薪酬

1.The operating mechanism ofteam inspiriting salary is analysed.分析团队激励薪酬的运行机理 ,并将其应用于研发项目团队的激励 ,对激发研发人员的工作热情 ,提高创新效率具有一定的现实意


