900字范文 > 集市 market英语短句 例句大全

集市 market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-21 17:33:13


集市 market英语短句 例句大全



1.The vigorous growth of Shandongmarket began from the middle age of Ming Dynasty and once declined in the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty.山东集市的兴起始于明代中叶,明末清初一度衰落,经康熙、雍正年间的恢复、整顿,到乾隆时进入全面、持续的发展阶段,纵观来看,影响清朝山东集市及集市贸易发展的主要原因是:人口数量的变化、农业及农村工副业的发展、政府对集市管理的加强等。

2.Themarket in mountainous areas not only has trading functions but also is a place for people to entertain and interchange information.山区集市除了其本身所具有的贸易功能外,还是山区人休闲和自发进行信息交流的重要场所。


1.a market stall, trader, day集市货摊、集市交易者、 集日.

2.Call in the troops and clear the bazaars.召集军队,荡平集市区!

3.Markets did not change, he reasoned.集市还是那个集市,他思忖着。

4.Open land where fairs or exhibitions are held.集市场所举行露天集市或展览的地方

5.A place of congregation, especially an ancient Greek marketplace.广场,集市集会地点,尤其指古希腊的集市

6.Towns are links between cities and country fairs.镇市是城市与乡村集市之间的纽带。

7.The next market is on the 15th.下一次集市是15号.

8.They are going to the fair.他们正在到集市上去。

9.He brought his piglets to the fair.他把小猪带到集市去卖。

10.As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.我跟着她走出了集市。

11.Are you going to Scarborough fair您要去斯卡布罗集市吗

12.The old man is going to sell the pears in the market.老人打算到集市上去卖。

13.Hello, Orient Bazaar.喂,这里是东方集市。

14.The next market is on Monday.下次集市是星期一。

15.Don"t miss this year"s fair.不要错过今年的集市。

16.The characteristics of data marts are:数据集市的特性包括:

17.The village has a fair once a month.那村庄每月有一次集市。

18.Beware of the sharpers at the fair.当心集市上的骗子。



1.Many of the thirty towns under You county,like Shalingpo,Xinshi,Jiubujiang,Yatangpu and Pinyangmiao,are named after some famous buildings,bazzars and countryfairs,and have rich cultural implications.以建筑及商铺、集市命名的,有沙陵陂乡、新市镇、酒埠江镇、鸭塘铺乡、坪阳庙乡等乡镇,这些地名有着丰富的历史文化意蕴。

2.The local authorities at different levels in North China,especially the local official bodies,had carried out the management and control for thefairs since Ming and Qing.明清以来 ,华北地区各级官府尤其是地方官府对集市实施了一定的管理和控制 ,清末至民国年间 ,其管理和控制的力度进一步增强。


1.Cultural Identification and Main Content of Life——Summary of Form Study onBazaar Settlement in the View of Economic Anthropology;文化认同与生活主体——经济人类学视野中的集市聚居形态研究综述

2.Analysis of the Restriction Factors ofBazaar Development in Modern Henan Province;近代河南集市发展的制约因素分析

4)Country fair集市

1.There appeared some large country fairs in some parts of Anyang area and metal and paper currency in circulation, which made some commerce more prosperous.安阳各地出现了一些大的集市、金属货币和纸币的流通,使商业更趋繁荣。

5)county fair市集

1.To strengthen the management to thecounty fair,the pawnshop,the play field and so on,Tian Wenjing who was then appointed Henan governor thought that many robberies were caused by the accumulation population that led to the social disorder.清前期河南市集的发展对以保甲制度为基础建立社会秩序的传统体制提出了挑战,各类文献留给人们河南盗案多发的印象。



