900字范文 > 行销 Marketing英语短句 例句大全

行销 Marketing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-06 10:24:10


行销 Marketing英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on theMarketing Theory,This paper discusses the management of digital library users,to focus on the information service,to meet the personification needs and to improve the service quality.本文使用行销理念,讨论了数字图书馆信息用户的客户关系管理。

2.There will be small role to copy the method of traditional marketing on the internet,because it is quite diffirent from traditional media to internet.将传统行销学的方法照搬到互联网上作用甚微 ,因为传统媒体与网络媒体之间有很大差异。

3.This paper,discussed the contents and the main points of the research on the Mode of the practical capacity of marketing and business training.本文论述了一种行之有效的行销及商务实践能力的培养模式,以及该模式的内容和把握要点。


1.Consultative selling: benefit selling, not hard-selling.谘询销售技巧:利益销售而非强行销售.

2.The famous-Brand goods sell all over the world.名牌货,行销世界。

3.Never turn 100 percent of your marketing over to an outsider, marketing consultant or marketing agency.绝对不要把行销工作100%交给外人,行销顾问或是行销公司。

4.I think he is in the Sales Section.我想他是在行销组。

5.With marketing messages, results are achieved only when the entire package comes together.行销诉求要有效果,各项行销要素都必须完备。

6.traveling salesmanph.1. 旅行推销员

mercial travelerph.1. 商业推销员旅行推销员

8.Study on the Combination of E-marketing and Traditional Marketing of Travel Agencies;论旅行社网络营销与传统营销之整合

9.Database Marketing--New Travel Agency Marketing;数据库营销——旅行社营销的新发展

10.pilot pin operating limit switch导销操纵的行程开关

11.Nordic Union of Commercial Traveller北欧旅行推销员联盟

12.travelling salesman旅行各地的商品推销员

13.Grooved pins--Parallel groovedGB/T13829.1-1992槽销平行沟槽

14."selling, general and administrative expenses [SGA expenses]"销售、行政及一般开支

15.There has Been a marginal improvement in the firm"s sales.商行的销路稍有好转。

16.EXECUTE ODAS PROMPTLY OTHRWS CANCES-execute orders promptly, otherwise cancel立即执行订单,否则撤销

17.Direct placement发行债券时的直接销售

18.discount amortizatio债券发行贴水的摊销


sell goods销货,行销

3)the character sells个性行销

4)marketing behavior营销行为

1.The article analyzes the dilemma of the university and suggests that university should involve in the market actively,set up marketing thought and takemarketing behavior in order to prompt the technology transfer.本文分析了高校所面对的技术转移困境,提出了高校目前应积极融入市场,建立营销思想,采取营销行为促进技术转移。

5)Interruption marketing干扰行销

6)marketing process行销过程

1.System dynamic models formarketing process of new products;新产品行销过程的系统动力学模型


行销1.谓销售货物。 2.引申为畅销。
