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文学圈 literary circle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-07 04:40:05


文学圈 literary circle英语短句 例句大全

文学圈,literary circle

1)literary circle文学圈

1.In Asia,there are threeliterary circles: the Han literature circle in East Asia,the Indian literature circle in South Asia and Southeast Asia,the Islamic literature circle in West Asia and Mid-east,which are somewhat independent from each other but correlate and overlap as well.亚洲有三大文学圈:东亚地区的汉文学圈、南亚东南亚地区的印度文学圈、西亚中东地区的伊斯兰文学圈。


1.The eccentric poet was a byword in literary circles.这个古怪的诗人在文学圈内臭名昭著

2.Description and Comment on the Adult Education of La Verneda-Sant Marti Literary Circle in Spain西班牙拉维那达桑特玛蒂文学圈成人教育述评

3.The Differences between Chinese and American Cultures: Culturogical Approach to the Study of Ingroup and Outgroup;中美文化差异:圈内和圈外的文化学研究

4.The Research of the Teaching of Chinese Character to the International Students Who Have no Background of Chinese Character;非汉字文化圈留学生的汉字教学研究

5.I could not resist trying to go just once round in Vincenti"s fashion.我禁不住学着文森特的样子旋转一圈。

6.On How Literary Criticism Becomes "Listless" & Ges into a "Small Circle";文学批评何以会“精神涣散”和“小圈子化”

7.Balance Circle: Mechanism That Impedes the Development of Hubei s Literature;均衡圈:掣肘湖北文学发展的阻滞机制

8.Thingking about the Ecological Literature of"Yellow River-Yangtze River Literary Circles"and Environment Concern Research;黄河-长江文化圈生态文学与环境关怀研究思考

9.Strategies for Teaching Foreign Students Who Learn Chinese from ABC;非汉字文化圈留学生汉字课教学策略研究

10.The Cognitive Difficulty of Chinese Characters of the Learners from the Non-Chinese Character Cultural Sphere and the relevant Teaching Strategy;非汉字文化圈留学生汉字认知难点及教学策略

11.On the Inclusiveness of English Cultures and English Instruction in the Global Perspective;全球化语境中的英语文化圈及其语言教学

12.The Opening Cyclic Circle: On the Phenomenon of “Academic Return”;开放的循环圈——论文艺理论研究的“学术轮回”现象

13.Mirror image errors by non-Chinese students in writing Chinese characters;非汉字文化圈留学生汉字偏误“镜像错位”析

14.The GuanLong Folk Custom Cultural Circle Wase put forward and their Upper Significance of Folklore关陇民俗文化圈的提出及其在民俗学上的意义

15.Abstract: In the cultural circle of Confucianism, both generality and differentiae exist in Chinese and Japanese Confucianism.文摘:在儒学文化圈内,中日儒学既有共同性,又有差异性。

16.The Research and Application of "Socratic Circles" in Chinese Classes of International School“苏格拉底圈”讨论式教学法在国际学校中文课堂教学中的应用研究

17.Circling Imagery Motifs in Traditional Western Cosmology: The Border Town and Death in the Woods;岸与圈:一个天文学的隐喻——沈从文的《边城》与安德森的《林中之死》

18.Discussion on the Teaching Chinese Characters to Foreigners from the View of the Students Rule in Learning Chinese Characters;从非汉字文化圈学习汉字的规律谈对外汉字教学


literature circles teaching approach文学圈教学法

1.As a method of infinite generation reading teaching approach,literature circles teaching approach provides a lot of valuable reference for our domestic reading teaching.文学圈教学法是美国一种比较成熟的阅读教学方法,在美国推行已有十五年之久。

3)Literature Circles as an Approach of Reading Instruction文学圈教学法初探

4)the foreign students who have no background of Chinese character非汉字文化圈留学生

5)Dong Nationality"s culture circles侗文化圈

6)culture circle文化圈

1.Culture circle is a region in which people share common.人类共同生活所形成的相同文化的区域称之为文化圈。


