900字范文 > 病历管理 medical record management英语短句 例句大全

病历管理 medical record management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-10 11:52:34


病历管理 medical record management英语短句 例句大全

病历管理,medical record management

1)medical record management病历管理


1.Research and Implement of Clinical Records Management Information System临床病历管理信息系统的研究与实现

2.Design and Implementation of a Medical Record Management System as a Part of a Telemedicine System Based on .NET;基于.NET的远程医疗系统中病历管理子系统的设计与实现

3.The EMR Regulation of Military Hospital:Principles and Key Points《军队医疗机构电子病历管理办法》制订的原则和要点

4.Study and application of prosthodontics computerized medical record management system网络化口腔修复电子病历管理系统的研制与应用

5.Using Process Management to Improve Nurse Records Quality应用流程管理提高护理病历书写质量

6.Seen From a Medical Dispute Case Files of Medical Records Management;从医疗纠纷案例中看病历档案的管理

7.The Application of Paper-free E-Medical Records Changed the Management Mode of Medical Records无纸化电子病历的应用,改变了病案管理的模式

8.Effect of Autonomous Nursing Team on Terminal Quality Control of Nursing Charts护士自主管理小组在护理病历终末质量管理中的作用

9.The Research on Design of Computerized Orthodontic Record Management System;口腔正畸病历计算机管理系统设计的研究

10.Resources and Managements of Electronic Case History and Problems and Strategies of The Development电子病历资源管理与开发利用的问题与策略

11.On hospital medical records management and patient"s privacy protection浅谈医院病历档案管理与保护患者隐私权

12.Quality Management of Electronic Medical Record: Problems and Countermeasures浅谈电子病历质量管理存在的问题及对策

13.On Application of Front Control Thought in Archival Management of Medical Records论前端控制思想在病历档案管理中的运用

14.Design and Implementation of Diabetes Data Analysis and Management System Based on EMR基于电子病历的糖尿病数据分析与管理系统的设计和实现

15.I keep these records here.我在这儿保管这些病历。

16.Research on the Method of Process Management in the Quality of Nursing Records;过程管理方法在护理病历书写质量中的应用研究

17.Design of Electronic Patient Record Architecture and Data-mining Based on Content Management;面向CIS的电子病历架构设计及基于内容管理的数据挖掘

18.Building Database Management System of Patient History in C/S System StructureC/S体系结构下医院病历数据库管理系统的建立


medical records management system病历管理系统

3)The administration plane of medical quality病历质量管理平台

4)History medical records management system历史病案管理系统

5)patient history database management system病历数据管理系统

6)Nursing record护理病历

1.Objective To explore the causes of defects in nursing record in department of gynecology and obstetrics,and to improve nursing record writing.目的探讨妇产科护理病历书写缺陷的原因,提高护理病历书写质量。

2.Method: Spot-checked 200 sets of medical records from April to December in , analyzed and marked following the standards of “Nursing record writing standard of Guangdong province".目的 :探讨现阶段护理病历存在的问题 ,并提出相应的对策 ,以提高护理病历书写质量 ,适应《医疗事故处理条例》的要求。


