900字范文 > 借阅管理 management of lending medical record英语短句 例句大全

借阅管理 management of lending medical record英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-29 21:43:24


借阅管理 management of lending medical record英语短句 例句大全

借阅管理,management of lending medical record

1)management of lending medical record借阅管理

1.Themanagement of lending medical record is an important aspect of medical record management,with the wide use of the medical record,more and more people come to borrow medical records.病案的借阅管理是病案管理的重要内容,由于病案的利用的不断拓宽,借阅病案的人员越来越多而复杂,随之而来给病案的借阅管理工作带来一系列新的问题。


1.The elementary introduction to the advantage of offering service of "open shelves" and perfect its management system in the library;浅谈开架借阅优势 完善开架借阅管理制度

2.A Books Managing System Base on Access基于Access的图书借阅管理系统

3.The Design and Application of Library Lending Management System in Hospital医院图书借阅管理系统的设计与应用

4.Faults and Countermeasures of Computerin Book Loaning and Managing;计算机在借阅管理图书中的失误与对策

5.Developed based on Windows Forms Design and implementation of CD attached-books lending management system基于Windows Forms开发的随书光盘借阅管理系统的设计与实现

6.Analysis on "Violation Psychology" of Readers under the Integrated Administration Model of Borrow,Read and Collection借阅藏一体化管理模式下读者违规心理浅析

7.Problems in the Open-shelf System on Computer in the University"s Library高校图书馆微机管理开架借阅问题浅析

8.Analysis on"readers violations and countermeasures" under the pattern which borrowing, reading and collecting areunited in college library;借阅藏一体化管理模式下读者违规现象及对策

9.Management of Open-shelf Reading in University Library;完善北京林业大学图书馆开架借阅的管理工作

10.The Link Management of the College Library s Open Bookcase;谈高校图书馆开架借阅模式下的环节管理

11.Management Mode and Application of University Library in Collecting-Circulating-Reading-Consulting Integration;高校图书馆“藏、借、阅、咨一体化”管理模式及其实践

12.Open-shelf Reading and Administrating of Stack Room Stocks in University Library;大学图书馆库本书库的开架借阅与管理

13.A Study on Dynamic Management Pattern for University Library Borrowing Regulation大学图书馆借阅制度动态管理模式研究

14.Borrowing administration and service in circulation apartment in the school libaray by computer图书馆流通部实行计算机借阅的管理与服务

15.The Research on the Collecting-Circulating-Reading-Consulting Integrated Management Model in University Library高校图书馆“藏、借、阅、咨一体化”管理模式的探讨

16.Research & Development Resource Center Database Management System Based on RFID Technology;基于射频识别(RFID)技术的资料中心借阅信息管理系统

17.Open-stack Service of College Librarg Issur Analysis;高校图书馆开架借阅中错乱架的根源剖析及优化管理模式探讨

18.Improvement of the educational management and the system of book-lending--An analysis of the cancel of the overtime fine about book-lending管理育人与图书借阅制度的完善——论图书超时款的取消


management of library card借阅证管理

3)integrated administration model借阅藏一体化管理模式

1.The paper has analyzed the "violation psychology" of readers under theintegrated administration model.分析了借阅藏一体化管理模式下,读者违规具有无意、垄断、不健康“性”、贪念、仿效、报复、发泄等各种心理。

4)Management Information System for Borrowing and Reading Books书刊借阅管理系统

5)library lending management system图书借阅管理系统

1.According to the practical situation and working condition of our hospital,we designed thelibrary lending management system by use of Delphi database software.根据本院实际情况和工作需要,利用Delphi数据库开发软件设计了图书借阅管理系统。


1.Managing librarian"sborrowing-book in university高校图书馆馆员借阅管理探讨

2.This article mainly analyses the problems in theborrowing of case file in the hospital and puts forward some appropriate countmeasures.全文就病历档案借阅存在的问题进行剖析,并提出病历档案借阅的相应对策。

3.In the writing,the author attempts to discuss the origin of "borrowing guide" and its effect on free access service in a college library and give his own view on the methods of "borrowing guide".文章论述了图书馆“导借”服务理念的由来及其在高校图书馆全开架借阅中的作用,并对高校图书馆开展“导借”服务的具体方法和注意事项提出了自己的见解。


