900字范文 > 租赁住房政策 housing rental policy英语短句 例句大全

租赁住房政策 housing rental policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-20 23:56:26


租赁住房政策 housing rental policy英语短句 例句大全

租赁住房政策,housing rental policy

1)housing rental policy租赁住房政策



2.Developing and Standardizing Urban Rental Housing Market:Significance and Measures;论培育和规范城镇住房租赁市场的意义和对策

3.We will establish a sound system for renting affordable housing and a system for leasing housing.建立健全廉租房制度和住房租赁制度。

4.Analysis on Economic Rental Housing and Its Operation Mode in Hangzhou杭州经济租赁住房及其运作模式分析

5.An investigation into residential leasing market based on different groups of tenants--a case study of Nanjing;立足于求租群体的南京住房租赁市场探察

6.Those rules were aimed at preventing foreigners from buying multiple properties for rental or resale.这些政策旨在防止外国人购买多套房产以租赁或转售。

7.vacate (rented) rooms搬出 (租赁的) 房间

8.Henceforth, using money to buy a living place or using rent to rent housing will become new methods.此后,用钱购买住房或用成本租金租赁住房将形成新机制。

9.The Spatial Politics of Low-Rent-House: Why It is So Slow for the Urban Low-Rent-House Policy to be Carried Out;廉租房的空间政治:为什么城镇廉租住房政策落实缓慢?

10.On the Policy Oriented and Development Countermeasures of Fasting the Construction of China s Cheap-rented Housing;中国加快廉租住房建设的政策导向和发展对策

11.Rent or buy: A research of the timing choice problem for individual real estate;租赁还是购置:个人住房投资的时机选择问题

12.The Working out of the Price Indexes for the Exchange and Lease of the Surplus Residential Buildings in Shanghai;上海市存量房(住宅)置换与租赁价格指数之编制

13.From Public Housing to Rent Vouchers: The study of the evolvement of housing policies for low-income households in the United States;从公共住房到租金优惠券——美国低收入阶层住房政策演化解析

14.The Research on Comparing Low-rent House Policy in China with Public Housing Policy in Japan;我国廉租房与日本公营住宅政策的比较研究

15.The Research on How to Define the Objects of Public Housing during the Implemental Course of Public Housing;廉租住房政策实施过程中廉租对象界定问题研究

16.On House-leasing Administration and Related Administrative Law-enforcement;试论长春市房屋租赁管理与行政执法建设

17.On house tenancy market of Nanjing City;南京市房屋租赁市场现状与发展对策探讨

18.The Application and Countermeasures of Finance Lease in the Real Estate Market in China融资租赁在我国房地产市场的应用及对策研究


Rent Policy房屋租赁政策

3)house-leasing problem住房租赁

1.This paper studied an onlinehouse-leasing problem that the old house is worth of selling when it isn t required;framework with risk-reward is embedded inhouse-leasing problem.在风险补偿框架下研究了具有二手交易价值的住房租赁问题。

4)low rented housing policy廉租住房政策

1.Analysis of the housing policy oriented the disadvantaged groups——theory discussion on the currentlow rented housing policy;浅析我国面向弱势群体的住房政策——对现行廉租住房政策的理论探讨

5)public rental housing公共租赁住房

1.A Rearch on the Housing Support Problems of the Migrants During the Movement of Urbanization——Also on the Problem of Striving the Public Rental Housing System城市化进程中流动人口的住房保障问题研究——兼谈推行公共租赁住房制度

2.In order to analyze the influence of housing characters on peasant housing rent of village-in-city and give advice forpublic rental housing policy,this paper introduces the Hedonic Price theory.为了分析住房特征对城中村内农民房租金的影响,从而为制定公共租赁住房政策提供借鉴,本文引入特征价格(HedonicPrice)理论,应用样本调查数据,建立深圳市城中村农民房的租金特征模型。

3.Second, developpublic rental housing.其次,大力发展公共租赁住房,对经济适用房租售结合,以租为主。

6)rental housing market住房租赁市场

1.This paper analyzes the features of housing rental and the significance of developingrental housing market.本文阐述了住房租赁具有住房使用价值的分期零星出售和住房融资两重属性,分析了住房租赁的特点和培育住房租赁市场的重要意义,提出了培育和规范住房租赁市场的对策措施。


