900字范文 > 政策性住房建设 Policy Housing英语短句 例句大全

政策性住房建设 Policy Housing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-18 05:09:18


政策性住房建设 Policy Housing英语短句 例句大全

政策性住房建设,Policy Housing

1)Policy Housing政策性住房建设

1.The Study on PPP Model in Project Financing ofPolicy Housing政策性住房建设项目融资的PPP模式探析


1.The Study on PPP Model in Project Financing of Policy Housing政策性住房建设项目融资的PPP模式探析

2.On the Policy Oriented and Development Countermeasures of Fasting the Construction of China s Cheap-rented Housing;中国加快廉租住房建设的政策导向和发展对策

3.A Study on China s Urban Housing Security System Building-Implication of Hongkong Housing Security System Policy and Mode;论我国城镇住房保障制度建设—香港住房保障政策与模式的启示

4.The Foundation and Legislation of Housing Policy Banks in China论我国政策性住房银行的建立及立法建议

5.Policy Studies of Housing Construction to be Thought as Growing Point of National Economy住房建设成为国民经济新增长点的政策研究

6.Study on the policy and measures of peasant housing building in Shanghai suburbs during "the 11th five-year";“十一五”上海郊区农民住房建设政策措施研究

7.Transition from Housing Accumulation Fund System to Policy Housing Financial System;住房公积金制度改制为政策性住房金融机构的设想

8.Influencing Factors and Policy Recommendations of Security Housing in Chongqing;重庆市保障性住房影响因素分析及政策建议

9.To strengthen the institutional improvement dynamics of the public accumulation fond for housing construction, and developing individual housing loan I have offered the conception and the policy suggestion in a more cost-effective manner;提出了加强住房公积金制度建设力度,并就大力发展个人住房贷款提出了设想和政策建议;

10.Establishing the Multi-stratified Public Policy Systems of Housing in China Urban and Housing Economy Research Group;建立多层次的中国住房公共政策体系

11.Mortgage-backed Securitization:Problems and Suggestions;住房抵押贷款证券化:问题与政策建议

12.Status Quo,Issue and Countermeasures of Chongqing"s Security Housing System Construction重庆市保障性住房体系建设现状、问题与对策建议

13.Study on the Policy and Government Administration Issue about the Public Housing保障性住房政策及政府行政管理问题研究

14.The Thought and Suggestion for Welfare-oriented Housing Construction in Shanghai对上海保障性住房建设的思考与建议

15.A Study on the Adaptability of Small-sized Housing in the Background of Chinese Housing Policy;中国住房政策背景下小户型住宅适应性研究

16.Some problems should be soluted in guaranteed house construction;保障性住房建设亟需解决的几个问题

17.This research provides some reference for the policy making and planning in the housing and community development in Shanghai in the nera future.论文对当今和未来一个时期上海城市住房与社区营建的政策制定和规划建设提供参考。

18.Suggestion on Affordable Housing Policy Reform;关于我国经济适用住房政策改革的建议


housing rebuilding policies住房重建政策

1.The current internationalhousing rebuilding policies after disaster has been shifted from housing construction and solving the problem of residence to comprehensive reconstruction and has formed an integrated reconstruction system which coordinates various reconstruction methods: public housing rebuilding,personal reconstruction,the community reconstruction and the permanent simple housing,etc.当前国际灾后住房重建政策已经由建造住房、解决居住问题转向综合性重建,并协调运用公房重建、个人自力重建、社区重建、永久性简易住房等多种重建方式,形成了一套整合性的重建机制。

3)the council"s housing policy市建住房政策.

4)Policy Housing Finance政策性住房金融

5)policy housing financial政策性住房银行

6)housing policy bank住房政策性银行

1.In the long run,to rationalize the contradictions in housing fund loan system,normativehousing policy banks should be established and "Housing Safeguard Law" should be formulated.长远来看,要理顺住房公积金贷款制度中的各种矛盾,应建立规范的住房政策性银行并制定《住房保障法》;在短期内,住房公积金贷款制度应建立有效的住房公积金贷款的委托-代理机制,出台界定中低收入家庭的标准、统一的住房公积金贷款协作机制以及以收入等级为依据的级差住房公积金缴存比例和级差住房公积金贷款利率机制。


