900字范文 > 城市地方政府 local government of the city英语短句 例句大全

城市地方政府 local government of the city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-02 19:45:17


城市地方政府 local government of the city英语短句 例句大全

城市地方政府,local government of the city

1)local government of the city城市地方政府

2)city government城市政府

1.The Research on Information Usability of City Governmental Portal;城市政府门户网站信息可用性的研究

2.Research on the City Government Information Resources Sharing Based on Functions Re-engineering基于业务重组的城市政府信息资源共享研究


1.Subcounty governments include municipal governments and township governments.县下的政府包括城市政府和乡镇政府。

2.Urbanization and Our Country City Government Management System Research;城市化与我国城市政府管理体制研究

3.Talk about the Influence of the City Government’s Function upon the City Development;浅谈城市政府职能对城市发展的影响

4.Urban management:the special economic function of city government;城市经营:城市政府的特殊经济职能

5.The municipalitys ideas and function on administering the city;论城市政府"经营城市"的理念与职能

6.“Digital City”:A Revolution in Municipal Administration;“数字城市”:城市政府管理的革命

7.The federal, state and city governments by no means cover the whole spectrum of American governmental units.联邦政府、州政府及城市政府,绝不能概括美国政府单位的整个范围。

8.Research on Problems of the Present Chinese Urban Government Financial Charging;当代中国城市政府财政收费问题研究

9.city hall:The building housing the administrative offices of a municipal government.市政厅:容纳一个城市政府行政官署的建筑物.

10.Reconstruct Government Organizations to Adapt to the Transition of Urban Governmental Functions;重构政府组织以适应现代城市政府职能转变

11.Study on Urban Government Behavior in Urban Competitiveness Management;城市竞争力管理中的城市政府行为研究

12.Study on Orientation of Chinese City Governments Functions Basing on Urban Basic Functions;从城市基本功能看中国城市政府职能定位


14.The status and behavior and function of the urban government in the urban operation;城市政府在经营城市中的地位、行为和作用

15.The Research on Information Usability of City Governmental Portal;城市政府门户网站信息可用性的研究

16.The detailed plan for a city shall be examined and approved by the people "s government of the city.城市详细规划由城市人民政府审批;

17.The plan for a district of a city shall be examined and approved by the people"s government of the city.城市分区规划由城市人民政府审批。

18.Innovative Regulation Studies of the Municipal and Public Infrastructures;城市市政公用事业政府规制创新研究


city government城市政府

1.The Research on Information Usability of City Governmental Portal;城市政府门户网站信息可用性的研究

2.Research on the City Government Information Resources Sharing Based on Functions Re-engineering基于业务重组的城市政府信息资源共享研究

3)Urban Government城市政府

1.The Positive Research of theUrban Government Information Portal Evaluation in Hubei Province;湖北省城市政府门户网站评价实证研究

2.With the development of economy and the society, the demand of citizen s public service to the urban government increases day by day, making the government have to expand its scale and function of organization.随着经济、社会的发展,市民对城市政府的公共服务的需求日益增加,使得政府不得不扩张其组织规模和组织职能。

4)municipal government城市政府

1.An analysis of affecting factors in the realization of profit from contest operation bymunicipal governments in China;我国城市政府赛事运营效益实现的影响因素

2.Study on the Influence of Digital Governance on Good Governance of Municipal Governments;数字治理对城市政府善治的影响研究

3.The new public administration and development of ICT impel the transformation ofmunicipal government governance mode; good governance will be the direction ofmunicipal government governance mode.新公共管理运动和信息技术的发展推动了城市政府治理模式的变革,“善治”成为城市政府治理模式进化的方向。

5)the market of local government地方政府市场

1.This relation of market formsthe market of local government.在振兴东北老工业基地进程中,作为不同利益主体的各级地方政府之间存在着交易关系和竞争关系,这种关系不能简单地用行政强制力和地方保护主义来加以调节,应采用市场的方式来解决,因此就构成了振兴东北老工业基地中的地方政府市场。

6)local government地方政府

1.Effective function analysis of thelocal government on the regional financial risk prevention and supervision;地方政府对区域金融风险防范及监管的有效职能分析

2.PRDlocal governments role in clustering innovation;珠三角地方政府在集群创新中的作用

3.The analysis of facilitory mechanism acted bylocal government in industry cluster;地方政府对产业集群的促导机制和效应解析


