900字范文 > 地方政府激励 incentives of local government英语短句 例句大全

地方政府激励 incentives of local government英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-10 05:06:35


地方政府激励 incentives of local government英语短句 例句大全

地方政府激励,incentives of local government

1)incentives of local government地方政府激励

1.With the Rank-Order Tournaments model as the benchmark,and discusses the relationship betweenincentives of local governments and land inputs,we found that both local governments,efforts devotion to economic development and the using of land resource at their disposal are optimally motivated.以锦标赛模型为基准,分析地方政府激励与土地要素利用之间的关系发现,锦标赛机制激发了地方政府在地方经济发展中的极大努力和对土地要素的最优使用;当预算约束被软化后,存在大量投入土地要素来换取高额奖励的现象,在土地要素存在多种使用途径情况下,锦标赛产生了地方政府之间的"攀比"现象,即地方政府均会将土地要素更多地投入到"投资少、见效快"的用途上去。


1.Encouragement to the Local Government and Institutional Arrangement in the Progress of Farmland Conversion and Urbanization;城市化进程中农地制度与地方政府激励

2.Analysis of the Relationship between Incentives of Local Governments and Using of Land Resources地方政府激励与土地要素利用关系分析

3.Research on the Incentive Effects of Property Tax to Local Government;房地产税对地方政府的激励效应研究

4.The Study on Incentive Policy and Competition Model of Local Government for FDI;地方政府吸引FDI的激励政策与竞争模型研究

5.Reconstruction of Incentive Systems and Game Analysis of Pollution Control for Local Government;地方政府治污的博弈分析与激励制度重构

6.Constriction and Incentive of Local Intergovernmental Competition:An Expanding Study;地方政府竞争的约束与激励:一个拓展研究

7.Analysis of Effectiveness of Local Government’s Economic Behavior’s Incentive in China;我国地方政府经济行为激励有效性分析

8.Study on the Incentive Mechanism for the Civil Servants Serving at the Functional Sections of Government of Beijing北京市地方政府职能部门公务员激励机制研究

9.The Incentive Mechanism of China s Local Government Behavior Pattern and Transition;中国地方政府行为激励机制与后发展时期政府行为的转变

10.The Optimal Incentive Contract between Central and Local Governments in the Grain-for-green Project:;退耕还林中的中央政府与地方政府最优激励合约

11.A Research into Local Government s Stimulation Mechanism of Cultivated Land Protection--An Analytic Framework Based on Team Theory;地方政府耕地保护激励机制研究——基于团队理论的分析框架

12.Explore of Government Motivate Ways Based on Green Supply Chain基于绿色供应链的政府激励方式探讨

13.Motivating and Regulating of Local Government s Action in the Construction of Bank s Ecological Environment;银行生态环境建设中地方政府行为的激励与规制

14.System Quality,Promotion Incentive Mechanism and the Local Government Behavior--A Micro-interpretation on Market Segmentation制度质量、晋升激励与地方政府行为——市场分割的微观解释

15.Australian authorities also encourage immigrants to use their mother tongue.澳洲地方政府也鼓励移民使用母语。

16.Incentive and Behavior:The institution Analysis of the Local Opportunism;激励与行为:地方机会主义及其制度分析——兼论地方服务型政府构建的动力问题

17.Government Credit Incentive to Government Achievements Based on Structural Equation;基于结构方程的政府信用对政府绩效的激励研究

18.Incentive for Leading Industry: the Local Governmental Behavior in the Form of Regional Industrial Cluster;主导产业激励:区域产业集群形成中的地方政府行为分析——以广州汽车产业集群为例


Government Incentives政府激励

3)motivating government激励型政府

1.Some abuses existed in the current excitation mechanism of the government are calling for the reformative and innovative access tomotivating government.在政府现有的激励机制中存在一些弊端,需通过变革与创新的途径建立有效的激励型政府。

4)governmental incentive structure政府激励结构

1.Baumol argued that changes ofgovernmental incentive structure would affect the allocation of entrepreneurship between productive and non-productive activities.鲍莫尔认为,政府激励结构的改变会影响企业家才能在生产性和非生产性活动之间的配置。

5)government motivation mechanism政府激励机制

1.Based on the product differentiation model with linear demand function and using the evolutionary game,this paper studies the positive effects of thegovernment motivation mechanism to the product choice of manufacturers.本文以线性需求函数的产品差异化模型作为研究基础,运用演化博弈论针对政府激励机制对制造商生产策略演化行为的积极作用进行了深入研究。

6)local government地方政府

1.Effective function analysis of thelocal government on the regional financial risk prevention and supervision;地方政府对区域金融风险防范及监管的有效职能分析

2.PRDlocal governments role in clustering innovation;珠三角地方政府在集群创新中的作用

3.The analysis of facilitory mechanism acted bylocal government in industry cluster;地方政府对产业集群的促导机制和效应解析


