900字范文 > 车身控制系统 auto-body control system英语短句 例句大全

车身控制系统 auto-body control system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-10 04:13:40


车身控制系统 auto-body control system英语短句 例句大全

车身控制系统,auto-body control system

1)auto-body control system车身控制系统

1.Based on the analysis on the currently prevalent CAN/LIN network in on-board system,a strate- gy for effectively realizing the low power consumption in the bus-basedauto-body control system is presented.分析目前流行的CAN/LIN网络的车载系统,提出一种有效实现LIN总线车身控制系统低功耗的策略。

2.The architecture of in application programming (IAP) forauto-body control system is analyzed,and a field bus-based IAP method,which supports breakpoint downloading,is put forward.分析了车身控制系统在应用编程的体系架构,提出了一种基于现场总线,可支持"断点下载"的在应用编程方法。

3.According to the features of bus-basedauto-body control system,a new modeling method is proposed.针对总线式车身控制系统的特点,提出一种新的建模方法。


1.Research on Communication of Canbased Vehicle Body Control SystemCAN总线汽车车身控制系统通信的研究

2.Study on CAN-Bus Based Control System in Vehicle Body;基于CAN总线的车身控制系统应用研究

3.Design and Implementation of Body Control System Based on ARM;基于ARM的车身控制系统设计与实现

4.Design and Implementation of Body Control System Based on J1939基于J1939的车身控制系统设计与实现

5.Body control module design based on μC/OS-Ⅱ RTOS基于μC/OS—Ⅱ的车身控制系统设计

6.Design of vehicle body controlling IAP based on LIN bus基于LIN总线的车身控制系统设计

7.The Research and Design of Automobile Electronic Control System Based on CAN-bus;基于CAN总线的汽车车身控制系统的研究与设计

8.The Research and Exploitation of Automobile Electronic Control System Based on CAN-bus;基于CAN总线的汽车车身控制系统研究与开发

9.The Application and Research of CAN Bus in Car Body Control SystemCAN总线在轿车车身控制系统中的应用与研究

10.The Design and Research of Vehicle Body Control System Based on Controller Area Network;基于控制器局域网(CAN)的汽车车身控制系统设计研究

11.The Research and Application of Can Bus in Vehicle Body Control System;基于CAN总线的车身控制系统的研究与应用

12.Dual-Core Body Control System Based on SAE J1939 Protocol基于SAE J1939通信协议的双核车身控制系统

13.Research and Implementation of IAP for Bus-based Auto-body Control System总线式车身控制系统在应用编程的研究与实现

14.Structure and Maintenance of BCM on CHANAN ALSVIN SC7151A长安悦翔(SC7151A)车身控制系统的组成与维修

15.The Research and Application of Vehicle Body CAN-bus Control System;汽车车身CAN总线控制系统应用与研究

16.Body Electronicl Control System with CAN/LIN Buses;基于CAN/LIN总线的车身电子控制系统

17.Working Principles of Body Computer Control System on Modern Cars现代轿车车身微机控制系统的工作原理

18.Waveform Modulating System of Converter for Stud Welding of Car Body轿车车身焊装用螺柱焊逆变电源波形控制系统


body control system车身控制系统

1.The author introcuces the basic concept,function and principle ofbody control system,elaborates the basic form,principle,merits and shorcomings of the four modes of such system:centralized,decentralized,distributed and hybrid.首先介绍车身控制系统的基本概念、功能及基本原理,然后按照分散式、集中式、分布式及混合式4类,分别对各类车身控制系统的基本形式、原理、优劣特点作了详细阐述,最后对车身控制系统今后的发展趋势进行了深入分析并提出作者的观点。

3)Vehicle body electrical control system车身电气控制系统

4)electrical control system of automobile bodies车身电子控制系统

5)car-body control system车身网络控制系统

1.To improve efficiency of development of network basedcar-body control systems, which is currently low because of much repetitive work caused by different network topographical and functional definitions, this thesis purposes a new approach of designing such systems.车身网络控制系统具有系统功能复杂、拓扑结构不同且不同车型中功能定义存在较大差异的特点,随着系统的功能和可靠性不断增加、开发周期不断缩短,关于加快控制单元模块化设计流程的研究得到了重视。

2.To improve efficiency of developing network basedcar-body control systems,which is currently low because of much repetitive work caused by different network topographic and functional definitions,a new approach of designing such systems is proposed.针对汽车车身网络控制系统开发中网络拓扑结构、功能定义不统一导致应用层开发重复性工作大、开发效率低的现状,提出了一种通过构建符合AUTOSAR标准的车身应用层软件的模型,使功能定义及描述、软件代码自动生成,功能自动测试转化为基于模型设计的方法。

6)body control车身控制

1.The Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE)classified in-vehicle networks into four classes,in which the Class A for low-speed networks mainly apply forbody control system such as light control,doors and windows control.汽车电子协会 (SAE)将车内通讯网络分成四类 ,其中A类低速网络主要应用在灯光控制、车门车窗控制等车身控制方面。

2.A Real Time Core based on time slot is introduced and its application in automotivebody control is given.介绍了一种基于时间片的实时内核,并给出了该内核在车身控制中的应用。

3.With the development of fieldbus technology and intelligent chips technology of automobile, the research and application for vehiclebody control system, which adopts CAN/LIN bus as transmission network, arose more and more attention.随着汽车总线技术的和智能芯片技术的发展,以CAN/LIN总线作为传输网络的车身控制系统得到很大程度的研发和应用,影响系统的关键性能因素之一是硬件电路板模块的电气特性。


车身主动控制系统ABC-车身主动控制系统Active Body Control,ABC系统使汽车对侧倾、俯仰、横摆、跳动和车身高度的控制都能更加迅速、精确。车身的侧倾小,车轮外倾角度变化也小,轮胎就能较好地保持与地面垂直接触,使轮胎对地面的附着力提高,以充分发挥轮胎的驱动制动作用。而ABC的出现克服了悬挂设定舒适性和操控性之间的矛盾,最大限度地接近消费者对车辆在这两方面的要求。
