900字范文 > 控制系统/调光 control system/dimmable英语短句 例句大全

控制系统/调光 control system/dimmable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-25 16:23:30


控制系统/调光 control system/dimmable英语短句 例句大全

控制系统/调光,control system/dimmable

1)control system/dimmable控制系统/调光

2)dimmer control system调光控制系统

1.The framework of wholedimmer control system,the realization of hardware circuit and software flow were expounded emphatically.重点阐述了调光控制系统总设计框架、各个硬件模块电路和相应的软件流程。


1.Research on HID Dimmable Control System with ZigBee Technology;基于ZigBee技术的HID可调光控制系统的研究

2.A Brief Talk on the Application of Lighting Dimmer System in TV field;浅谈环境调光控制系统在电视领域的应用

3.Design of Control System for Spacial Light Modulator Based on C8051F005基于C8051F005的光外调制器控制系统设计

4.Design and Study on Move Control System of Laser-Resistance-Trimmer;激光调阻机运动控制系统设计与研究

5.Reserch and Design on the Laser Trim Table Control System of Laser Resistor Trim;激光调阻机光刻平台系统控制研究与设计

6.The Design and Realization of the Airfield Light Dimmer Control System;机场灯光调光器控制系统的设计与实现

7.Continuous regulation control system连续调整系统控制系统

8.The Research about Electro-optic Modulator Automatic Bias Control System and Control Device;电光调制器自动偏置控制系统及装置研究

9.Model Building of Acousto-Optic Modulator and Design of Laser Power Control System for Laser Direct Writing;声光调制器模型建立及激光直写光功率控制系统设计

10.Research on the Photovoltaic Grid-connected Power Conditioner System and It"s Control Strategies;光伏并网功率调节系统及其控制的研究

11.Design of Focusing Control System for Space Remote-Sensing Camera Based on Photoelectric Encoder基于光电编码器的空间相机调焦控制系统设计

12.Analysis and design of robust self-tuning IMC for opto-electronic tracking system光电跟踪系统鲁棒自调整内模控制设计与分析

13.Coordinate Control of DC-module-based Building Integrated Photovoltaic System直流模块式建筑集成光伏系统的协调控制

14.Photovoltaic Grid-connected Power Conditioning System Based on Active Disturbances Rejection Control基于自抗扰控制的光伏并网功率调节系统

15.Study on the Electromechanical Characteristic and Control System of Grating Light Modulator Based on MEMS;基于MEMS光栅光调制器的机电特性及控制系统研究

16.Design of Lidar Control System and Optimization of Transmitter-receiver Alignment激光雷达控制系统的设计与系统联合调节的优化

17.Our company is an enterprise specializing in producing CODE brand computer controller and power dimmer for lighting system.我司是生产CODE品牌电脑灯光控制系统和调光产品的专业厂家。

18.Design of Lighting Energy-saving System Based on Fuzzy Controlled Closed-loop Sequential Voltage Adjusting;基于模糊控制的闭环时序调压调光照明节能系统设计


dimmer control system调光控制系统

1.The framework of wholedimmer control system,the realization of hardware circuit and software flow were expounded emphatically.重点阐述了调光控制系统总设计框架、各个硬件模块电路和相应的软件流程。

3)optical control system光控制系统

4)modulating control system调制控制系统


1.Analysis of MAX-1000CCS of Fengcheng Power Plant;丰城电厂MAX-1000协调控制系统的控制策略分析

2.This text has analyzed the direct energy balance briefly,and has set up DEBCCS simulation model to one 600MW unit on simulink platform.直接能量平衡(Direct Energy Balance,DEB)协调控制系统在工程领域得到了广泛的应用。

3.It is difficult for the coordinate control systems(CCSs)of 450 t/h and 410 t/h circulating fluidized bed boilers(CFBBs)to be put into operation due to the strong coupling between parameters and the long time delay.针对450t/h、410t/h循环流化床锅炉由于各参数间的强耦合、大迟延导致的协调控制系统难投入问题,基于河北南部电网已投运机组现场试验得到的汽轮机、锅炉的传递函数,对循环流化床锅炉燃烧控制系统和机炉协调控制系统的控制结构进行了试验研究。

6)coordinate control system协调控制系统

1.The author proposes some recommendations for bringing the primary frequency control into full play and reducing its effect on stability ofcoordinate control system at the same time, and also proposes a method introducing DEH primary frequency control factor intocoordinate control system.介绍了一次调频参数的设置方法及对协调控制系统稳定性的影响,并且对如何在发挥一次调频作用的同时减少对协调控制系统稳定性的影响提出了建议,提出了将DEH一次调频因子引入协调控制系统的方法。

2.A new method to rectify the parameters incoordinate control systems is presented.提出了对电站协调控制系统参数进行工程整定的新方法 ,其整定准确度高、方法直观、试验工作量小、信息量丰富。

3.The retrofitting ofcoordinate control system of No.介绍对瑞明电厂 1号机组协调控制系统进行的改造 ,重点对锅炉主控回路、汽轮机主控回路、热量信号、风煤交叉控制的设计进行说明。


