900字范文 > 边缘传热效应 heat fringing effect英语短句 例句大全

边缘传热效应 heat fringing effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-29 08:55:50


边缘传热效应 heat fringing effect英语短句 例句大全

边缘传热效应,heat fringing effect

1)heat fringing effect边缘传热效应

1.A compact interconnect temperature distribution model considering the via effect and theheat fringing effect考虑通孔效应和边缘传热效应的纳米级互连线温度分布模型


1.A compact interconnect temperature distribution model considering the via effect and the heat fringing effect考虑通孔效应和边缘传热效应的纳米级互连线温度分布模型

2.Tourism Development on Edge Effect and Suburbs Tourism;浅谈边缘效应与城市边缘地区旅游的开发

3.Thermal Effect of LD End-Pumped Laser Crystal Rods Based on Convective Heat-Transfer about Side Surface基于边界对流传热的LD端面抽运圆柱形晶体的热效应

4.Numerical Analysis of Edge Effect in Laminated Composite Structures层状复合材料结构边缘效应数值分析

5.Analysis on the Forest Communities of Dinghushan Guangdong--Ⅹ.Communities edge effect鼎湖山森林群落分析——Ⅹ.边缘效应

6.Research on the Construction of City Cluster in Nan-Xiang Region Based on "Edge Effect";基于“边缘效应”的南襄城市群构建研究

7.Approaches for the end effect restraint of empirical mode decomposition algorithm经验模态分解边缘效应抑制方法综述

8.The paper defines what the edge is, based on the edge effect of ecology,.论文从生态学中的“边缘效应”入手,界定了边缘区内涵。

9.Research of the "Edge Effect" And the Cooperation to Develop the Tourist Resources in Provincial Borderland of Hubei,Henan,and Shanxi;“边缘效应”与鄂豫陕省际边缘区旅游资源联动开发研究

10.Mathematical model of time edge effect in photoelasticity experiment and application study光弹性法中时间边缘效应数学模型和应用研究

11.Application of Genetic Algorithm Neural Networks in the Edge Detection of Ceramic Substrate遗传神经网络在基片图像边缘检测中的应用

12.Application of evolutionary algorithm improvement in picture edge detection改进遗传算法在图像边缘检测中的应用


14.Edge Effects on Forest Understory Vegetation and Soil Seed Banks;森林林下植被和土壤种子库的边缘效应

15.Analysis of Edge Effect of Composite Laminates Plate Based on Symplectic System;基于辛体系的层合板自由边缘效应分析

16.The Edge Effect of Community Patch in a Marsh in Sanjiang Plain;三江平原沼泽湿地群落斑块边缘效应研究

17.Estimation of the Causal Effect of Multinominal Exposure on the Marginal Mean of the Data;基于边缘均值的多项分布数据的因果效应估计

18.The Analyzes on Urban Edge Effect in the Course of Chang-Zhu-Tan Integration;长株潭一体化进程中城市边缘效应分析


mass transfer to the edge of electrode边缘传质效应

3)edge effects边缘效应

1.Influence ofedge effects on axial compression strength for filament wound cylinder;端面边缘效应对缠绕管件轴压强度的影响

2.Edge effects on material removal amount in ultra precise polishing process;超精抛光中边缘效应对材料去除量的影响

3.Analysis of dynamic characteristics of torsion micromirrors withedge effects;计及边缘效应的扭转微镜的动态特性分析

4)brim effect边缘效应

1.Pigment volume concentration,brim effect and geometrical deformation of polymer particles involve film formation procedure and final performance of water-based coatings.颜料体积浓度、边缘效应和聚合物粒子的几何形变关系到水性涂料成膜过程和涂料的最终性能,但是对这些几何效应的认识还不十分深入。

2.Thebrim effects introduced by RFCVD can be removed by source End-Hall deposition method.在此基础上叙述了采用End-H all源沉积DLC膜的方法,在简单说明其工作原理的同时给出了实验的各项技术参数;通过对实验结果和DLC膜样品的分析,可看出用End-H all源沉积方式能够消除RFCVD沉积方式所带来的边缘效应。

3.There is an obviousbrim effect of the nucleation when the size of the silicon substrate is less than .在硅片尺寸小于钼支撑架时 ,形核行为存在明显的边缘效应 ,即在偏压值低于 - 1 5 0V时 ,硅片边缘金刚石核密度急剧降低 ,远低于硅片中央 ;在甲烷浓度比较低时 ,硅片边缘核密度要高于中间。


1.Study on Edge-effect of Poplar Man-made Forest in Liaoyang Area;辽阳地区杨树人工林边缘效应研究

2.Edge-effect Training for Fuzzy Support Vector Machine and its application;边缘效应训练的模糊支持向量机及应用

3.With FE method, contactedge-effect, the stress concentration caused by contact apexes, can be procured.用有限元方法对过盈配合进行了详细的分析,据此指出了弹性力学方法的弊端和有限元方法的优势,有限元方法能够分析弹性力学所不能求解的接触边缘效应——由接触引起的边缘应力集中,由于考虑了应力集中的存在,用有限元分析方法对过盈配合进行设计和校核更符合实际情况,从而更合理。

6)End effect边缘效应

1.Because of its discontinuous magnetic circuit,the motor has transverse and longitudinal end effects.由于其磁路断续,电机运行中存在横向和纵向边缘效应;次级的入口和出口因气隙磁链守恒原理会产生涡流,并随速度上升而加大。

2.Moreover,we apply a new method of equal slope to solve EMD end effects.同时,针对经验模态分解的边缘效应,采用了一种基于等斜率的新方法,即增加极值点的斜率和临近极值点的斜率相等,与其它的边缘值处理方法相比较,该方法不仅利用了信号的内部特征,而且拥有计算简单的优点。

3.Considering the speed tracking effect is not so satisfactory and the intrinsic end effect of linear induction motor,we present a method for constructing the mathematical model of this motor to compensate the end effect,and develop a field oriented control system based on single neuron PI for line.针对此试验结果和此电动机本身固有的纵向边缘效应 ,提出了一种方法并建立了此电动机的数学模型 ,对边缘效应进行补偿 ,在此基础上设计了基于速度环单神经元PI调节的以转子磁场定向的矢量控制系统。


