900字范文 > 热诱变效应 Heating mutagenesis effect英语短句 例句大全

热诱变效应 Heating mutagenesis effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-23 03:18:06


热诱变效应 Heating mutagenesis effect英语短句 例句大全

热诱变效应,Heating mutagenesis effect

1)Heating mutagenesis effect热诱变效应

1.Heating mutagenesis effect is occurred through the substitution of G-C base pair induced by heat, and heating screening effect produces higher forward mutation rate induced by other mutagens.热在微生物诱变育种中具有热诱变效应和热筛选效应,热诱变效应通过热引起DNA中G-C碱基对的置换实现,热筛选效应可以从其他诱变剂诱变的菌体中获得更高的正向突变率。

2)mutagenic effect诱变效应

1.A preliminary study onmutagenic effect of ~(60)Co-γ ray irradiation in Roegneria~(60)Co-γ射线辐射鹅观草诱变效应研究初报

2.The screening of high tannase producer andmutagenic effects of Aspergillus niger 9701 with low N + ions implantation were studied.研究了单宁酸酶高产菌株的选育以及低能N+ 离子注入黑曲霉 970 1 (Aspergillusniger 970 1 )的诱变效应。

3.Objective:To study themutagenic effect of gamma-rays on Coix lacryma-jobi var.目的:研究γ射线对薏苡诱变效应。


1.Studies on the Mutagenic Effect of Different Mutagens and Their Different Treating Methods to Maize;不同诱变剂与不同诱变方法对玉米诱变效应的研究

2.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Space Environment on Wheat Seed;空间环境对小麦种子诱变效应的研究

3.Study on the Induced Mechanism of N~+ Ion Beam Implanting Wheat Seeds;N~+离子束注入小麦诱变效应的研究

4.Mutagenic Effect of ~(60)Coγ-rays Radiation on Ginger;~(60)Co-γ射线辐照对生姜的诱变效应

5.Effect of Refuse Leachate on Micronucleus and Nuclear Anomalies in Erythrocytes of Misgurnus Anguillicaudatus;垃圾渗滤液对泥鳅红细胞的诱变效应

6.Mutagenic Effect of ~(60)Co-γ Rays on Ginger~(60)Co-γ射线辐照生姜诱变效应研究

7.Mutagenic Effects of MNNG Treatment on the Spinosad Producing StrainsMNNG对多杀菌素产生菌的诱变效应

8.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Phaffia rhodozyma Strain Induced by Microwave Irradiation微波对红法夫酵母的诱变效应的研究

9.Mutagenic Effects of Space Conditions on Rice Varieties空间条件对不同水稻品种的诱变效应

10.Mutagentic Effects of Aerospace and Biological Changes of Potential Mutants in Poa Pratensis L.;太空环境对草地早熟禾的诱变效应及其诱成突变体的生物学变化

11.Analysis of Mutation Effect of Maize (Zea Mays) Mutants Induced by Ethyl Methane Sulfonate (EMS);玉米EMS处理所得突变系的诱变效应研究

12.Study on Bioeffects and Mechanism of Mutagenesis Induced by Nuclear Reaction of ~7Li Ion Beams;~7Li离子束核反应生物诱变效应与作用机制研究

13.Relationships between mutagenic effects and treated methods of rice plants by ~(14)C碳-14对水稻诱变效应与处理方法的关系

14.Relationship between mutagenic effects and doses of ~(14)C on rice碳-14对水稻的诱变效应与处理剂量的关系

15.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Space Flight and Gamma Rays on Turfgrass;空间飞行与γ射线辐射对草坪草诱变效应研究

16.Inheritance And Irradiation Mutagenic Effects on Quality Characters in Indica Hybrid Rice;优质杂交籼稻品质遗传及辐射诱变效应研究

17.Effects of Ionizing Irradiation and Space Flight on Soybean Mutagensis;电离辐射和航天搭载对大豆的诱变效应

18.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Space Environment on Wheat M_2;空间环境处理对小麦M_2代诱变效应的研究


mutagenic effect诱变效应

1.A preliminary study onmutagenic effect of ~(60)Co-γ ray irradiation in Roegneria~(60)Co-γ射线辐射鹅观草诱变效应研究初报

2.The screening of high tannase producer andmutagenic effects of Aspergillus niger 9701 with low N + ions implantation were studied.研究了单宁酸酶高产菌株的选育以及低能N+ 离子注入黑曲霉 970 1 (Aspergillusniger 970 1 )的诱变效应。

3.Objective:To study themutagenic effect of gamma-rays on Coix lacryma-jobi var.目的:研究γ射线对薏苡诱变效应。

3)Mutagenic effects诱变效应

1.Mutagenic effects of bioflocculant-producing strains by N~+ ion implantation;氮离子注入生物絮凝剂产生菌的诱变效应研究

2.Mutagenic effects of microwave irradiation on high yield L-lattic acid producing strain Lactobacillus casei;微波辐照对干酪乳杆菌高产L-乳酸的诱变效应

3.A Study onMutagenic effects of Avilamycin-producing Strain Induced by Microwave Irradiation;微波对阿维拉霉素产生菌诱变效应的研究

4)mutation effect诱变效应

1.Mutation effect of High Altitude Environment on the Synthesis of Flavonoids in the Inflorescence of Celosia cristata L.;高空环境对鸡冠花黄酮类化合物合成的诱变效应

2.A preliminary study was made on themutation effects by space flight and azide mutations in rapeseed(Brassica napus L),including 9313A,9313B,P100A,100B and M_2AB.于9月进行中国“实践八号”卫星搭载,并在室内进行了化学诱变(NaN_3)复合处理,对甘蓝型油菜的诱变效应进行了较系统的研究。

5)induced effects诱变效应

1.In this paper,principal components analysis is applied to study theinduced effects of60Coγray onAmor-phophallus konjac.本文应用主成分分析法对60Coγ射线辐照花魔芋的诱变效应进行了研究。

2.As a result,the evident earlyinduced effects of Konjac were obtained.本试验开展了花魔芋早期诱变效应研究。

6)straininduced heating应变诱发热

1.The calculating formulas of thestraininduced heating and the temperature arising due tostraininduced heating were calculated in this paper.推导了应变诱发热及其引起的工件温升的计算公式,文中采用粘塑性模型,并考虑温升所引起的软化效应,对聚合物冷拉过程作了力学分析,修正了不耦合热分析所得结论。


