900字范文 > 煤泥重介旋流器 Slime dense medium cyclone英语短句 例句大全

煤泥重介旋流器 Slime dense medium cyclone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 16:12:53


煤泥重介旋流器 Slime dense medium cyclone英语短句 例句大全

煤泥重介旋流器,Slime dense medium cyclone

1)Slime dense medium cyclone煤泥重介旋流器

2)coal cleaning by use of dense medium cyclone重介质旋流器选煤


1.Discussion on the production practice of reducing medium consumption with three-product dense medium cyclone coal preparation process三产品重介质旋流器选煤工艺降低介耗的生产实践

2.Application of HM cyclone for coal slime in the process of cleaning high-sulfur coal with difficult washability煤泥重介质旋流器在高硫难选煤分选工艺中的应用

3.The application of 3NWX1000/700 unpressurized feeding three-product dense medium cyclone in Fangezhuang Coal Preparation Plant3NWX1000/700无压给料三产品重介质旋流器在范各庄选煤厂的应用

4.The Application of the Heavy Medium Cyclones in Baoshishan Concentrating Mill重介质旋流器在宝石山选矿厂的应用

5.Analysis on the lowest particle size of effective separation by HM cyclone with un-pressurized feeding无压给料三产品重介质旋流器分选下限的分析

6.Research and practice of dense media for separation of phosphate ores分选磷矿用重介质旋流器的研究与实践

7.A study and practice on phosphorus separation by heavy medium cyclone重介质旋流器分选磷矿的工艺研究与实践

8.Probe into the Influence of the Technological Parameters on the Separating Effect of the Heavy Medium Cyclone工艺参数对重介质旋流器分选效果影响的探讨

9.Application of unpressurized-feeding three products dense medium cyclone in Coal Preparation Plant of Dongqu Mine无压给料三产品重介旋流器在东曲矿选煤厂的应用

10.The process transformation practice of dense medium two products pressure hydrocyclone group in Panbei Coal Preparation Plant盘北选煤厂重介两产品有压旋流器组工艺改造实践

11.Application of 3GDMC1200/850A three-product dense medium cyclone with unpressurized feeding in Xinzhuangzi Coal Preparation Plant3GDMC1200/850A型无压给料三产品重介旋流器在新庄孜选煤厂的应用

12.Analysis and Application of Flow Field of Pre-separation Gravity-fed Three-product Dense Medium Cyclone预分选无压给料三产品重介质旋流器的流场分析与应用

13.The Research on the Cleaning Effect and Energy Consumption of Structural Parameters of H.M. Cyclones;重介质旋流器的结构参数对分选效果及能耗影响的研究

14.Research of new type heavy medium cyclone applied to phosphorite dressing新型磷矿重介质旋流器的研究与应用

15.The Application of CFD Software in Optimizing the Dense Medium CycloneCFD软件在优化重介质旋流器中的应用

16.Calculation of Structural Parameter of Three-product Dense Medium Cyclone三产品重介质旋流器结构参数的计算

17.Numerical simulation of flow field in the gravity-fed 3-product H.M.cyclone无压给料三产品重介质旋流器流场的数值模拟

18.The Idea and Practice of Technological Process Transformation of Heavy-medium Powder for Coal Preparation选煤用重介质粉工艺流程改造的思路与实践


coal cleaning by use of dense medium cyclone重介质旋流器选煤

3)heavy medium cyclone重介旋流器

1.The high-sulfur coal desulphurization byheavy medium cyclone,flotation machines and falcon centrifuge equipment are used in experiment.分别采用重介旋流器、浮选机及Falcon离心机三种设备对滇东北地区高硫煤进行脱硫试验研究。

2.Useing non-pressure feed three-productheavy medium cyclone as the base key heavy medium system,can improve separating efficient and increase economic benefit and improve the coal preparation technology.为适应选煤技术的发展,对原有选煤工艺进行技术改造,采用以无压给料三产品重介旋流器为主的重介系统,可提高分选效率,增加经济效益,并使选煤技术达到一个新水平。

3.The importance of developingheavy medium cyclone separation technology and reliability based design of coal preparation system are introduced in brief.介绍了发展重介旋流器选煤技术及可靠性设计的意义 ,分析了选煤工艺系统可靠性分析的结构模型、分选系统的可靠性指标预测模型 ,探讨了系统设计时的可靠性分配原则及故障率权重分配法 ,对分选系统的设计及运行管理具有指导意义 。

4)Dense medium cyclone重介旋流器

1.The paper reports the application of large diameter dense medium cyclone in Chengzhuang Colliery Coal Preparation Plant and problems found in its operation as well as suitable measures taken to deal with them.介绍了大直径重介旋流器在成庄矿洗选厂的应用情况以及在运行过程中出现的问题,提出了改进措施,同时就今后大直径重介旋流器的应用提出了有关建议及注意事项。

2.The technical reform and experiment situation of dense medium cyclone coal preparation process in Baodian coal preparation plant are introduced in this paper.介绍了鲍店选煤厂重介旋流器选煤工艺的改造与试验情况。

5)HM cyclone重介旋流器

1.Application of the process with three-productHM cyclone and two-stage slime flotation;三产品重介旋流器—煤泥两段直接浮选工艺的应用

2.And a project is put forward to rebuild Fuqiang coal preparation plant adopting cleaning circuit with unpressure feedingHM cyclone.针对富强选煤厂存在的煤炭洗选效率低、矸石中上浮煤量大等问题,提出了无压给料重介旋流器选煤技术改造方案。

3.According to the characteristic of alterant quality of raw coal, efficient coal preparation process system based on compressive three-productionHM cyclone is adopted to separate raw coal of 50-0mm.辛置选煤厂针对原煤煤质变化后的特点 ,采用有压给料三产品重介旋流器为核心的高效选煤工艺系统分选 5 0~ 0mm原煤 ;对旋流器一段及二段中心管的直径和插入深度、二段底流口的直径等进行了优化调整 ,同时调整了介质泵的工作频率及悬浮液密度等参数 ,取得了分选效率高、产品质量稳定等显著效

6)Dense-medium cyclone重介旋流器

1.Discussion on separation process of dense-medium cyclone;重介旋流器分选工艺问题探讨


短锥旋流器短锥旋流器short cone hydrocycloneduanzhul xuonf一uq-短锥旋流器(short eone hydroeyClone)一种离心选矿设备,系将普通水力旋流器的锥角增大到900一1200而改制的。例如当锥角由200增至900时,锥体的长度将变成原来的1/6左右,常用锥角为90“~1200。短锥旋流器的结构见图。矿浆由砂泵或借高位压鸯1 争300短锥旋流器 1一给料管;2一溢流管;3一底流口 力箱沿设备圆柱体的切线方向给入筒体后,矿物颗粒 在随矿浆向下作螺旋形运动的过程中,按沉降速度的 不同沿径向排列,沉降速度小的轻或细的颗粒由中心牙溢流管排出;相反,粗或重的颗粒则向器壁移动并向下 转移。由于锥体的锥角增大,沿器壁向卞流动的矿浆受 阻,遂在圆锥底部形成一个旋转床层。床层内的颗粒在 旋转剪切运动中发生松散一分层,轻矿物分布在上部 被向上流动的液流带至溢流管排出。重矿物则分布在 下层由底流口排出。结构稍加改变的水介质复合旋流 器也是一种短锥旋流器,其特点是锥体由三段不同锥 度的圆锥复合而成,锥度由上而下逐渐增大。短锥旋流 器主要用于砂金的粗选,也用于选煤,将煤与研石、硫 铁矿分离。分选一lmm砂金,当富集比为1。时,回收 率可达95%。 (范象波)
