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重介 Dense medium英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-14 11:48:01


重介 Dense medium英语短句 例句大全

重介,Dense medium

1)Dense medium重介

1.Discussion on optimization of slime water system and realization of washing coal with clear water in dense medium优化煤泥水系统 实现重介清水洗煤


1.Automatic Control of Magnetic Separation in Dense Medium Coal Preparation Plant重介选煤厂介质回收系统的自动控制

2.fluid bed heavy medium separator流化床层重介质分选机

3.This section highlights major shaping methods.本书着重介绍主要的成形方法。

4.Huntington-Heberlein process亨廷顿-希伯莱因重介质选矿法

5.The karst fissure medium can be regarded as dual medium of porosity.岩溶裂隙介质可视为双重孔隙度介质。

6.dual porosity behavior双重孔隙介质产层动态

7.meson-baryon interaction介子-重子相互作用

8.The correspondent changes from single phase reclosing mode to synthesis reclosing mode were introduced as well.并介绍了单重改综重所做相应的改变。

9.Media literacy: the most significant part for the quality education of youngsters;媒介素养:青少年素质教育的重中之重

10.Media Marketing Operation and the Reconstruction of the Civil Servants Media Literacy;媒介市场化运营与公务员媒介素养的重构

11.The paper mainly dwells on the frequency, usage, and semantics of prepositions.介词的频率,介词的用法,介词的语义是本文重点研究的三个问题。

12.Review of the Polarized Criminal Policy in the Western Countries;西方国家“轻轻重重”两极化刑事政策评介

13.The important properties and uses of manganous nitrate is introduced in this paper.简单介绍了硝酸锰的重要用途和性质。

14.Download and discover the mystery of Wik!这个游戏是重复的源,我就不多介绍了。

15.2 at some point along a scale from(one amount,weight,distance,etc)to(another)介于(数量、重量、距离等的)两个量度之间

16.Emphasis is put on the angle-inserting method of temporary support.重点介绍临时支护中的角钢插入法。

17.Direct discharge of waste liquid can cause pollution of environment.重点介绍化学镀镍废液处理的丢弃法。

18.Weights must be numbers between 0 and 6.权重值必须为介于0和6之间的数字。


triple medium三重介质

1.The study of well test interpretation method for atriple medium reservoir;裂缝和洞与井筒连通的三重介质油藏试井解释方法研究

2.Approach to fluid flow intriple medium fracture-cavity reservoirs三重介质缝洞型油藏流动问题初探

3.Well-test analysis of multi-branched horizontal wells in atriple medium reservoir三重介质分支水平井试井分析

3)air-dense medium空气重介

1.Coal dry beneficiation withair-dense medium fluidized bed(ADMFB) is a nonlinear,and multivariable coupling system.针对空气重介流化床干法分选系统具有多变量、非线性、强耦合和参数不确定性的特点,提出了两级串联结构的自适应模糊神经网络解耦控制策略,前级为基于连续性智能权函数规则的自调整模糊控制器,后级为基于动态耦合特性的自适应神经元解耦控制器。

2.This paper mainly discusses the contribution and the characteristics of mediumdraining screen in theair-dense medium separation system.本文简要论述了干法脱介筛在空气重介干法分选工艺系统中的作用及特点;阐明了干法脱介筛的工作原理及结构特点;说明其主要参数选取的依据及方法。

3.Principle and problems existing in use about 2ZQB2030 medium draining screen,the matching equipment of dry coal cleaning by use ofair-dense medium fluidized bed was introduced.介绍空气重介流化床干法选煤的配套设备2ZQB2030干法脱介筛的工作原理,分析运用中存在的问题,针对存在的问题提出了相应的改进措施。

4)triple porosity三重介质

1.Analysis on pressure behavior of trilinear flow model of vertical fracture wells intriple porosity reservoir;三重介质三线性流垂直裂缝井压力动态分析

2.According to limit conductivity vertical fracture conducted by hydraulic fracture intriple porosity reservoir, based on the Warant-Root model in double porosity, mathematical model with continues point source has been built firstly.针对三重介质油藏进行水力压裂后形成的有限导流垂直裂缝,结合沃伦—鲁特提出的双重介质模型,建立了三重介质连续点源解数学模型。

5)heavy medium coal washing重介洗煤

1.This paper introduces the components of the magnetite and the application and standard of the magnetite powder in theheavy medium coal washing,and probes into the management and control of the medium consumption in theheavy medium coal washing from three aspects of the quality of medium,the management loss and the technical loss.介绍了磁铁矿的组成及重介洗煤中磁铁矿粉的使用情况与标准,从介质质量、管理损失、技术损失3个方面探讨了重介洗煤中的对介耗的管理和控制。

6)dense media重介质

1.There are different species and diversities of gravity mine equipment and vertical-wheeldense media size classification machine is one of the important one of them.重力选矿的设备形式多样,品种繁多,立轮重介质分选机就是重力选矿的重要设备。

2.Analysis of Dense Media Density Automatic Control System;本文介绍了潘三矿选煤厂重介质密度自控系统的构成和工作原理,总结了该系统设计的特点,并分析了该系统在实际运行中存在的问题,提出了改进的措施。


