900字范文 > 胃黏膜定标活检技术 the picketage biopsy technique英语短句 例句大全

胃黏膜定标活检技术 the picketage biopsy technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-30 03:38:59


胃黏膜定标活检技术 the picketage biopsy technique英语短句 例句大全

胃黏膜定标活检技术,the picketage biopsy technique

1)the picketage biopsy technique胃黏膜定标活检技术


1.Investigation on the Clinical Application of Gastric Mucosal Marking Targeting Biopsy;胃黏膜定标活检技术临床应用价值探讨

2.Pathological Changes in Gastric Polyp Tissues and Its Background Mucosa under Gastroscopy胃镜下胃息肉组织与背景胃黏膜活检标本病理变化的研究

3.Effect of rebamipide combined with Weifuchun on chronic atrophic gastritis by picketage biopsy technique定标活检技术评价瑞巴派特联合胃复春对慢性萎缩性胃炎疗效

4.Gastric Mucosa Biopsy Diagnosis and Clinical Treatment胃黏膜活检确诊胃癌与临床治疗关系比较

5.Histopathological Observation on 457 Tissues from Gastric Mucosa Biopsy457例胃黏膜活检组织病理形态观察及分析

6.Study of the relationship between syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine and pathological change of stomach mucosal biopsy in patients with chronic gastritis慢性胃炎中医证型与胃黏膜活检病理变化的关系

7.Endoscopic submucosal dissection with ligation for treatment of small gastric submucosal tumors originated from the muscularis propria layer应用结扎技术进行内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗胃固有肌层小肿瘤

8.The Feature of The Portal Hypertensive Gastric Mucosa on Narrow Band-imaging with Magnifying Endoscopy放大内镜窄带成像技术对门脉高压胃黏膜微细结构的观察

9.Objective To evaluate the existence of occult peritoneal metastasis,Douglas′ pouch biopsy was undertaken intraoperatively in patients with gastric cancer.目的采用术中道格拉斯窝腹膜活检的方法确定胃癌隐匿型腹膜转移。

10.Esophagus mucous hyperemia was found in 3 patients.鼻胃镜检查无1例鼻腔黏膜充血,仅3例示食管黏膜充血。

11.Curative Effect Observation of Treating Gastric Mucosa Prolapse by High Frequency Electrotomy Under Gastroscope胃镜下高频电切术治疗胃黏膜脱垂疗效观察

12.Effect of Controlled Hypotension on Gastric Intramucosal pH and Function of Gastric-intestines after Operation Using Two Different Anesthesia Methods麻醉控制降压对胃黏膜pH及术后胃肠功能影响

13.Diagnostic value of endoscopy for heterotopic gastric mucosa in the esophagus内镜检查对食管胃黏膜异位的诊断意义

14.Expression of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide in the Atypical Hyperplasia of Stomach Mucosa胃黏膜不典型增生中血管活性肠肽表达的研究

15.Value of endoscopic ultrasonography guided endoscopic submucosal dissection with ligation for diagnosis and treatment of gastric stromal tumors内镜超声指导应用结扎技术进行内镜黏膜下剥离术对胃间质瘤的诊断和治疗价值

16.The learning curve for EMR with circumferential mucosal incision in treating intramucosal gastric neoplasm采用环形黏膜切口的内镜下黏膜切除术治疗黏膜内胃肿瘤的经验曲线

17.Expression of CDw75, Skp_2, PTEN Protein and Telomerase and Their Relationship in Gastric Carcinogensis;胃黏膜中CDw75、Skp2、PTEN蛋白表达、端粒酶活性及与胃癌的关系研究

18.Influence of butylamine roxatidine acetate on seroactive fractions in rats with gastric ulcer正丁胺基罗沙替丁乙酸脂对胃溃疡大鼠胃黏膜活性因子的影响


gastric mucosa biopsy胃黏膜活检

1.Objective To study the relationship between thegastric mucosa biopsy diagnosis and clinical treatment.目的研究胃黏膜活检确诊胃癌与临床治疗之间关系。

3)marking targeting biopsy定标活检技术

4)Biopsy mucosae活检黏膜


1.The Study in Clinical and Pathological Diagnosis of Congenital Megacolon and Allied Diseases in the Methods of Histochemical Diagnosis in MucosalBiopsy and Immunohistochemical Labeling of Intestinal Ganglion Cells;先天性巨结肠及其同源病临床与病理诊断研究——黏膜活检组织化学诊断及节细胞免疫组化标记

6)The stomach sticks the membrane biopsy胃粘膜活检


胃黏膜胃黏膜gastric mucosa衬覆在胃腔面的一层组织,是胃壁的最内层。在活体呈微红色,胃空虚时形成若干皱襞,充盈时则皱襞展平。黏膜表面有许多胃小凹,由上皮深陷而成,小凹的底部有3~5个胃腺开口。黏膜上皮与胃小凹及胃腺的上皮相连续。胃黏膜具有防止H+迅速由胃腔侵入黏膜本身,以及防止Na+从黏膜内迅速向胃腔弥散的特性,这种特性称为胃黏膜屏障。它是由胃上皮细胞顶部的细胞壁和连接邻近细胞的紧密连接构成的一个脂蛋白层,离子物质不能透过,当某些因素(如药物)以适当的浓度和时间与胃黏膜接触后,可破坏黏膜屏障,造成胃黏膜肿胀、出血等后果。
