900字范文 > 自动定标 Auto-picketaging英语短句 例句大全

自动定标 Auto-picketaging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-07 17:28:23


自动定标 Auto-picketaging英语短句 例句大全



2)automatic calibration自动标定

1.Research on inclinometer sensor"automatic calibration system倾角传感器自动标定系统的研究

2.Based on the technique of the new typical chemical flow system,the working way of the traditional continuous flow and manual calibration have been got rid of,and the intermittent static measuring-type andautomatic calibration are realized.作者研制的在线痕量钠离子分析仪,根据能斯特响应的原理,以新颖的化学分析流路系统为核心技术,摒弃了传统技术形成的连续流动和手工标定的工作方式,借助于单片机技术,实现了间歇式静态测量和全自动标定的方式。

3.In software,introduces the techniques in temperature remedy,automatic calibration and linearization.详细介绍测量通道的设计思想,以及放大电路的温度补偿、仪表的自动标定技术和线性化方法等。


1.Research and Realization of the Auto-calibrating System of the Electronic Controlled Engine;电控发动机自动标定系统研究与实现

2.Technique of continuous auto-calibration of redundant strapdown inertial system余度捷联惯导系统连续自动标定技术

3.An Automatic Antenna Correction Parameters Measuring System航天测控天线光电标参数自动标定系统

4.Research on the Clibration Device of Airport Runway Surface Friction Tester;机场跑道摩擦系数测试车自动标定系统的研究

5.Design of Auto Calibration System for Field Bus Intelligent Instrument;现场总线智能测控仪表的自动标定系统的研制

6.Research on Auto-Determination of the Parameter Values of Pulse-Coupled Neural Network;脉冲耦合神经网络模型参数自动标定算法研究

7.automatic radar beacon sequencer自动雷达信标定序器


9.auto tag closed cup flash-point tester自动标记闭杯闪点测定仪

10.Automatic Placement of the Labels on the Vectorgraphs;复杂矢量图形文本标注自动定位方法

11.The Calibration and Verification for Auto Soil Moisture Monitor FDRFDR土壤水分自动监测仪的标定与检验

12.Research on adaptive location and communication technology of moving objects移动目标自适应定位与通讯技术研究

13.Setting Work Coordinate System Using Three-point Arc Automatically三点圆法实现工件坐标系的自动设定

14.On the Relationship between Goal Orientation and Physical-esteem of Undergraduates in Their Physical Activities大学生体育活动目标定向和身体自尊

15.Automatic Processing Algorithm of Calibration Pattern for Structured Light Vision Sensor结构光视觉传感器标定靶标的自动处理算法

16.Fully automatic camera calibration method based on circular markers基于圆形标志点的全自动相机标定方法

17.Customize your mouse settings, such as the button configuration, double-click speed, mouse pointers, and motion speed.自定义鼠标设置,例如鼠标键配置、双击速度、鼠标指针和移动速度。

18.The specified custom pin map is read-only. You cannot add, move or delete any custom labels.指定的自定义标位地图为只读的.不能添加,移动,或删除任何自定义标志.


automatic calibration自动标定

1.Research on inclinometer sensor"automatic calibration system倾角传感器自动标定系统的研究

2.Based on the technique of the new typical chemical flow system,the working way of the traditional continuous flow and manual calibration have been got rid of,and the intermittent static measuring-type andautomatic calibration are realized.作者研制的在线痕量钠离子分析仪,根据能斯特响应的原理,以新颖的化学分析流路系统为核心技术,摒弃了传统技术形成的连续流动和手工标定的工作方式,借助于单片机技术,实现了间歇式静态测量和全自动标定的方式。

3.In software,introduces the techniques in temperature remedy,automatic calibration and linearization.详细介绍测量通道的设计思想,以及放大电路的温度补偿、仪表的自动标定技术和线性化方法等。

3)auto calibration自动标定

1.Design of Auto Calibration System for Field Bus Intelligent Instrument;现场总线智能测控仪表的自动标定系统的研制

2.Anauto calibration system of intelligent instrument based on FCS was designed.设计并实现了一种基于FCS智能测控仪表的自动标定系统;该系统是在大连交通大学三合实验室开发的SHCAN2000现场总线控制系统的应用的背景下提出的,利用现场总线进行数据采集处理,通用串行总线(USB)作为与计算机数据传输接口;对系统进行了设计和实现,解决了仪表的自动标定问题;实验表明,在本系统标定下的仪表相比传统智能测控仪表的标定,它具有快速方便、简单易用、精确稳定等特点,满足了工作精度的需要。


1.Design ofauto-calibration system for gas detectors;气体探测器自动标定系统的设计

2.This paper proposed algoriyhms of cameraauto-calibration for three uncalibrated images which taken from common CCD digital camera.实验结果表明,所述的同一场景3张影像的相机自动标定综合算法是正确有效的。

3.Cameraauto-calibration is one of the key problems of metric reconstruction based on image sequences in computer vision.相机的自动标定是计算机视觉中根据影像序列进行场景欧氏重建的关键问题。

5)dynamic self-calibration动态自标定

1.In allusion to the problem ofdynamic self-calibration,a novel self-calibrating algorithm for visual position based on particle swarm optimization(PSO) is suggested in this paper.针对动态自标定的问题,提出了一种改进的基于粒子群优化(PSO)的自标定位置视觉定位算法。

6)automatic scaler自动定标器

1.The overall design idea, gross structure, the structure characteristics and selection of circuits of anautomatic scaler are described.介绍了自动定标器的设计思想、总体结构以及各部分电路的结构特点和选取 ,并简要说明了软件实现的功能。

2.The HW-3204automatic scaler has some drawbacks.分析 HW-32 0 4型自动定标器的电路工作原理及存在的故障 。


