900字范文 > 复信号分析技术 complex signal analysis英语短句 例句大全

复信号分析技术 complex signal analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-17 11:47:56


复信号分析技术 complex signal analysis英语短句 例句大全

复信号分析技术,complex signal analysis

1)complex signal analysis复信号分析技术

1.Study of application ofcomplex signal analysis to predicting karst-fractured ground water with GPR复信号分析技术在地质雷达预报岩溶裂隙水中的应用研究


1.Study of application of complex signal analysis to predicting karst-fractured ground water with GPR复信号分析技术在地质雷达预报岩溶裂隙水中的应用研究

2.Vibration Signal Analytic Techniques of Reciprocating Machinery Based on Fractal Theory;基于分形的往复机械振动信号分析技术

3.The Detection and Analysis Technology of Pressure Signal Collected from Reciprocating Compressor Cylinder;往复压缩机气缸内压力信号检测与分析技术

4.Analysis of the Parasitic Small Signal Coupling with RDSS RF SignalRDSS射频信号耦合寄生小信号技术分析

5.Analysis of the measuring signals applied to the error separation technique(EST) of three points三点法误差分离技术的测量信号分析

6.Worldwide Patent Analysis on LED Signal Display Technology全球LED信号显示技术专利态势分析

7.Research of Remote Signal Analysis Based on Matlab基于Matlab的远程信号分析技术应用研究

8.Analysis of technologies for transmission of sensor signals in optical access networks传感信号在接入网中传输的技术分析

9.Study on Multitone Signal Generator Using Noise-Shaping and TDM Technique基于噪声整形时分复用技术的多谐信号源研究

10.Research on Wavelength-Division Multiplexing of Interferometric Fiber Optic Signals;多路光纤相干检测信号的波分复用技术研究

11.Research on Time-Division Multiplexing of Interferometric Fiber Optic Signals;多路光纤相干检测信号的时分复用技术研究

12.Researches on New Techniques of Signal Optimization in OFDM System;正交频分复用系统信号优化设计技术研究

13.Research on Separation of Signal Components of Multicomponent Signal;多分量信号的信号分量分离技术研究

14.Signal Integrity Analysis and Research of Analysis Automatization Technologies on Simulation Waveform;信号完整性分析及仿真波形自动分析技术研究

15.Submarine Vibration Signal Blind Separating Technology Based on Independent Component Analysis基于独立分量分析的潜艇振动信号盲分离技术

16.Time-Frequency Analysis of Engine Vibration and Noise Signals and Research on the Blind Separation Technology for Source Signals;内燃机振声信号时频特性分析及源信号盲分离技术研究

17.The Application and Research of Blind Signal Separation in Gas Concentration Analysing盲信号分离技术在气体浓度分析中的应用研究

18.Study of Coal-Rock Interface Identification Base on Signal Analysis基于信号分析的煤岩分界识别技术的研究


random signal analysis technique随机信号分析技术

3)composite signal analysis system组合信号分析技术

1.0 with acomposite signal analysis system.目的研究使用组合信号分析技术的5。

4)complex signal analysis复信号分析

1.Thecomplex signal analysis also proves to be one of the best way to improve accuracy to interpret GPR images.作者利用复信号分析方法分离出地质雷达信号的瞬时振幅、瞬时相位、瞬时频率等参数 ,通过一维数值模拟对其进行多参数分析 ,并进行了工程应用。

2.Through Hilbert transform we can implement a signal scomplex signal analysis.借助H ilbert变换可实现信号的复信号分析,人工合成振动信号的复信号分析说明了瞬时振幅、瞬时频率二者在反射波识别方面均有很好的效果,用节理岩体模拟实验测得的信号分析表明,即使面波干扰严重,瞬时频率还是能有效判断节理反射纵波初至时刻。

3.Throughcomplex signal analysis,instantaneous amplitude,phase and frequency of signal can be presented.通过复信号分析可得到信号的瞬时振幅、相位和频率,节理岩体模拟试验测得的信号分析表明,即使面波干扰严重,由瞬时频率还是能有效判断节理反射波初至时刻,得到不同测线上的测点走时,在MATLAB平台上编制程序,由这些测点走时搜寻出反射波等时圆圆心,最终能很好地反演出节理产状。

5)Technology of demultiplex信号分离技术

6)technological complexity analysis技术复杂性分析


