900字范文 > 复杂度分析 Complexity analysis英语短句 例句大全

复杂度分析 Complexity analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-10 23:06:25


复杂度分析 Complexity analysis英语短句 例句大全

复杂度分析,Complexity analysis

1)Complexity analysis复杂度分析


plicated Rock Fracture Image Processing and Geometry Complicity Analysis;复杂岩石节理裂隙图像处理及几何复杂度分析

plexity Analysis and Mathematical Model of DNA-Based Self-Assembly;DNA自装配的复杂度分析及形式化模型

3.Teaching Discussion on the Complexity Analysis Based on Recursive Arithmetic;基于递归算法复杂度分析的教学探讨

4.Analysis of Time Complexity in Recursion Algorism;关于递归算法时间复杂度分析的探讨

5.Preprocessing EEG for Lempel-Ziv Complexity Analysis脑电Lempel-Ziv复杂度分析的预处理

6.Research on AMR-WB Speech Coding and Its ComplexityAMR-WB编码算法研究和复杂度分析

plexity of periodic sequences S~∞ and ~∞ over F_pF_p上周期序列S~∞与~∞的线性复杂度分析

8.Analyse and Research of the k-error Linear Complexity of Periodic Sequences周期序列的K-错线性复杂度分析和研究

9.The instantaneous center method of plane complex linkages;平面复杂机构速度分析的速度瞬心法

10.Analysis of Supply Chian Management from the Point of Complexity从复杂性的角度分析供应链管理问题

11.Analysis of the Linear Complexity and Its Stability for Periodic Sequences;周期序列线性复杂度及其稳定性分析

12.Electromyography Analysis Based on the Entropy Theory and Complexity Measures基于熵理论和复杂度的肌电信号分析

13.Memory access complexity analysis of SpMV in RAM (h) modelRAM(h)模型下SpMV存储访问复杂度的分析

14.Analysis of the Quantitative Measure of the Complicate Degree of Programming;对程序复杂程度的定量度量方法的分析

15.On the Free Scale of Complex Eco-system and Relevant Emperical Analysis;复杂生态系统的无标度理论研究及其实证分析

16.Research on Theories and Methods of Complexity Analysis for Crop Water Requirement Scale Features;作物需水尺度特征复杂性分析理论与方法研究

17.Theoretical Analysis on Temperature Effect of Steel Structure of Exposed Complex Modeling;复杂造型外露钢结构温度效应理论分析

18.Research of Complex Fault Analysis in Dispatcher Training System;调度员培训仿真中电网复杂故障的分析及应用


complicated degree of analysis分析复杂度

3)software complexity analysis system软件复杂度分析系统

4)Complexity Analysis of EEG Signals脑电的复杂度分析

5)Complexity analysis复杂性分析

1.Research on Intelligent Engineering Reasoning Mechanism and Its Applicationon on Complexity Analysis of Power Demand-Supply Balance智能工程推理机制研究及其在电力供需平衡复杂性分析中的应用

2.ConclusionComplexity analysis could indicate the texture feature of B-mode ultrasonic images of.目的利用复杂性分析研究脂肪肝患者B超图像纹理改变,进而诊断脂肪肝。

3.Starting from complexity analysis based on the concept of entropy, we did some valuable research both theoretically and experimentally on SEMG feature .本文从基于熵的复杂性分析入手,对SEMG信号的特征提取问题和疲劳分析问题进行了深入的理论探索和实践研究。

6)complex cloud analysis scheme复杂云分析


