900字范文 > 操作程序 Operation procedure英语短句 例句大全

操作程序 Operation procedure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-10 04:57:59


操作程序 Operation procedure英语短句 例句大全

操作程序,Operation procedure

1)Operation procedure操作程序

1.This paper introduces the technique of job hazard analysis, analyses with an example and gives the ideas of establishing operation procedures by integrating the measures into operations.介绍了工作危害分析方法,列举实例进行分析,并提出了将控制措施融入操作程序中的思路。

2.Normalized operation procedures are key of jet fuel quality control during shipment.规范的操作程序是船运航煤质量控制的关键。

3.This paper sketches experience in the operation procedure of circulating fluid-bed boiler,proposing to regulate steam temperature in advance,balancing water level regulation,quantifying coal supply regulation,discharging waste frequently and in small amount and dischanging ash in time.简述了循环流化床锅炉操作程序的体会,并提出汽温调节要提前、水位调节要均衡、给煤调节要量化、放渣操作要勤少与放灰操作要及时五项措施以及保证料层、风量、氧量、床温与汽压稳定五项目标,在生产中起到了良好的作用。


1.operating sequence diagram操作程序图操作顺序图

2.Operating Sequence of Project Completion and Settlement for General Contracting Project工程总承包项目竣工、结算操作程序

3.On the Working Principles and Operating Process of Employing Teachers in Universities;高校录用教师的工作原则及操作程序

4.CP/M:Control Program for Microcomputers; a registered trademark of Digital Research; an operating system.微机操作系统:微机操作程序;已注册的数字研究商标;一个操作系统。

5.operating system job control program操作系统作业控制程序

6.automatic operating and scheduling program自动操作和调度程序

7.general comprehensive operating superviser通用综合操作管理程序

8.operator external interrupt processor操作员外中断处理程序

9.tape overlap emulator磁带重叠操作仿真程序

10.operator communication manager (OPCOM)操作员通信管理程序

work operator service网络操作员服务程序

12.general-purpose operating system executive通用操作系统执行程序

13.operator-monitor communication操作员-监控程序间通信

14.operator right and left hand process chart操作者左右手程序图

15.data manipulation language processor数据操作语言处理程序

16.The application immediately cancels the print operation.程序立即撤销打印操作。

17.Operaing Widows Registry in VB Program;用VB程序操作Windows注册表

18.A software robot is a which can simulate the operation of an operator.软件机器人是模拟操作员操作的程序。


Operation sequence操作程序

1.On the basis of the System Non-optimum Theory and the forewarning management principle, a frame of the forewarning management system of civil aviation transportation disasters are discussed on an airline company, concerning such aspects as the guiding ideology, work content, operation model and operation sequence etc.本文基于系统非优理论和预警管理原理,以航空公司为主体,探讨了民航交通灾害预警管理系统的指导思想、工作内容、运转模式与操作程序。

2.This article defined the teaching model of open experiments and then analyzed its six structural elements,including theoretical basis,teaching aims,operation sequence,the roles of teachers and students,teaching tactics and assessment.文章首先界定了开放性实验教学模式涵义,接着分析了开放性实验教学模式的六个构成要素:理论基础、教学目标、操作程序、师生角色、教学策略及评价,并绘制了其中的操作程序图。

3., all kinds of innovative skills and techniques have its clear basic principle and operation sequence.列举法是一种成熟的创新技法,包括特性列举法、缺点列举法、希望点列举法三类,各类创新技法有其明确的基 本原理和操作程序。

3)operation process操作程序

1.Institutionalization and standardization ofoperation process is discussed from three links of before-interview,mid-interview and after-interview with reasonable division of labor,design of posts and definite duties.合理分工,设置岗位,明确职责,从考前、考中、考后三个环节着重研究公务员结构化面试的操作程序,进一步探讨操作程序的制度化和规范化,充分体现公务员结构化面试的阳光操作。

2.Results The technical management standardization can be stipulatedoperation process in therapists.结果:技术管理标准化规范了治疗师的操作程序,提高了技术水平。

4)Operating procedure操作程序

1.Concretely, the pape have r introduce the thought of datas recombination of our date base,the operating procedure and the results.针对本校图书馆现用自动化管理系统 (ULIS)的特点及其不足进行开发性改造 ,具体介绍了对本馆数据库的书目数据重组思路、操作程序及其结果。

2.By remembering the three stages of the finance budget management in our college for forty years, this paper puts forward four necessities in compiling the comprehensive finance budget, the compiling method and the operating procedure.通过对我校40余年财务预算管理的回顾,提出了编制综合财务预算的必备条件、编制方法和操作程序。

5)operating procedures操作程序

1.A three-tier formal data matrix based on the two-step quantitative planning strategy is proposed in this paper to support planning ofoperating procedures.为设计稳定、优化的化工操作程序,提出全新的基于两步法的三层标准数据矩阵综合操作程序方法。

2.From risk management techniques,the paper identifies,distinguishes the risks in the organizations of outdoor sports,as well as the efficient methods to tackle with them according to the traits of the outdoor sports and the organizations,thus establishing a series of standardoperating procedures on the risk management of outdoor sports organizatio.采用参与观察法、专家访谈法、文献资料法对户外运动俱乐部活动的组织风险管理进行研究,运用风险管理技术,结合户外运动及户外活动组织的特点,对户外活动组织中的风险进行确认、区分和选择有效的处理风险方式,旨在建立一套标准的户外运动俱乐部活动组织的风险管理操作程序。

6)operational sequence操作程序

1.Holds the view of no common adaptability ofoperational sequence of the adjusting method of standard air outlet which is stated in the texbook .认为教科书中所讲述的“基准风口调整法”的操作程序不具有普遍适用性。


