900字范文 > 分流作业程序 diverting operation procedures英语短句 例句大全

分流作业程序 diverting operation procedures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-23 07:27:22


分流作业程序 diverting operation procedures英语短句 例句大全

分流作业程序,diverting operation procedures

1)diverting operation procedures分流作业程序

2)job stream processor作业流处理程序


1.In Series / 1, any program preparation facility or user task set running under control of the job stream processor.在IBM的Series/1中,在作业流处理程序控制下运行的任何程序准备程序或用户任务集。

2.operator external interrupt processor操作员外中断处理程序

3.data manipulation language processor数据操作语言处理程序

4.To reject new jobs in a multiprogramming system, while at the same time continuing to process jobs already entered.在多道程序系统中拒绝接受新作业,同时仍继续处理已送入的作业。

5.Contains vessels, containers, tanks, drums, and basins for process flow diagrams, materials handling systems, and feed systems in industrial and manufacturing processes.包括塔、罐、槽等容器,用于设计工业流程和制造流程中的工序流程图、原料处理系统和供料系统。

6.Pertaining to a program or job that interrupts regular ( or lower priority ) processing.用于修饰或描述程序或作业,它中断正常的(或低优先级的)处理过程。

7.Information processing--Program flow for processing sequential files in terms of record groupsGB/T15697-1995信息处理按记录组处理顺序文卷的程序流程

8.cobol library processorcobol 程序库处理程序

9.Some Problems in Scheduling Where Jobs Can Be Preprocessed and Semi-Hybrid Flowshop Problem;工件可预处理排序中的若干问题和半杂交流水作业问题的研究

10.Instead, that program"s right to access the processor is determined by the operations system"s processor manager.由操作系统的处理器管理程序决定程序访问处理器的权利。

11.COBOL transaction programCOBOL事务处理程序

12.Programs and routines used by manufacturer - furnished software, such as compilers, loaders, input / output handlers, etc.通常由厂家作为软件提供的一些程序和例行程序,如编译程序、装入程序、输入输出处理程序等。

13.a procedure for operating something or for dealing with a given situation.操作某物或处理给定情况的程序。

14.Task Group on Handling Procedures on Child Sexual Abuse Cases儿童性虐待个案处理程序工作小组

15.Production Scheduling in the Multi-items,Multi-paths, Multi-processes Situation;多产品、多流程、多工序的生产作业安排

16.Build your business systems and processes to handle all the operational functions of your real estate business.建置自己的营运系统和流程,处理所有房地产事业的营运作业

17.CALL Calls one batch program from another.从批处理程序调用另一个批处理程序。

18.In batch processing the jobs are run to completion in consequence.在成批处理中作业按顺序完成。


job stream processor作业流处理程序

3)job control block作业控制分程序

4)work flow作业流程

1.Study on Design Methods of the Work Flow in Distribution Center of Chain Store of Home Appliance;家电销售连锁企业配送中心作业流程设计方法研究

2.It is significant to analyze thework flow of traffic information call-center system taking the example of telephone query.采用分层设计思想,得出交通信息呼叫中心系统的结构层次,并以电话查询方式为例,分析交通信息呼叫中心系统的作业流程,具有十分重要的意义。

3.This paper introduces briefly the high-resolution satellite technology and its imaging products and probes the application of the high-resolution satellite image in the feasibility study of the UHV transmission project and in all the design phases of the 220 kV transmission project,and it also proposes the corresponding methods and thework flow.介绍了高分辨率卫星及其影像产品,探讨了高分辨率卫星影像在特高压输电工程可研设计阶段的应用以及在220kV输电工程全过程设计阶段的应用,提出了在特高压和220kV输电工程中应用高分辨率卫星影像的方法和作业流程。

5)operation process作业流程

1.The paper applies the thought of Petri Network in the design and analysis onoperation process of enterprise logistics in order to optimize and improve theoperation process of the enterprise logistics and finally gives out an example.将Petri网思想应用于企业物流的作业流程设计分析中,以期对优化和改善企业物流作业流程有所帮助,最后,用实例对生产企业的物流流程进行验证,其结果证明是可行的。

6)operation procedure作业流程

1.The configuration of management andoperation procedure of raw and fresh distribution center play an important role in reducing cost and increasing profit for distribution centers.生鲜加工配送中心管理机构的设置和生鲜采购加工管理作业流程对降低生鲜加工配送中心成本、提高其利润有着十分重要的作用,本文着重针对浙江农华优质农副产品配送中心生鲜作业流程的优化进行了研究。


