900字范文 > 历史事实 historical facts英语短句 例句大全

历史事实 historical facts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-07 22:49:53


历史事实 historical facts英语短句 例句大全

历史事实,historical facts

1)historical facts历史事实

1.In the past 30 years,progresses have been made in the following aspects:subject of historical epistemology,object of historical epistemology,the relativity of historical knowledge,the idea ofhistorical facts,the way of treating western historiography,on the basis of thorough discussion.将近30年来,在历史认识主体、历史认识客体、历史认识的相对性、历史事实概念以及如何对待西方史学方面,都进行了充分的讨论,取得了长足的进步。

2.This paper discusses two types ofhistorical facts-those in witnesses expressions and those in the historians research process, and viewshistorical facts as a rhetorical construction.本文从历史亲历者表述中的历史事实和历史学家研究程序中的历史事实两个方面讨论历史叙述现象,指出历史事实是一种修辞建构。

historical fact历史事实

1.Though an autobiography,there are a great number of biographical andhistorical facts in the book.在这部自传中,传记事实与历史事实随处可见,极其丰富具体。

2.Marxist philosophy of history holds firmly that historical understanding can objectively and correctly reflect thehistorical facts.马克思主义历史哲学肯定历史认识可以达到对历史事实正确反映的客观性。

3.There is a severe dispute abouthistorical fact existing in the group of historical philosophy in China and foreign countries,which focuson great difference about the applying extensions and the meanings of thehistorical fact.中外历史哲学界对“历史事实”存在严重的争论 ,主要问题是关于历史事实的应用范围与含义上的分歧。

3)Historical truth历史事实

1.Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, which has unshakable historical truth and legal basis.台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分 ,这具有不可动摇的历史事实和法理基础 ,一个中国的原则是两岸实现和平统一的基础和前提。

4)On Historical Facts论历史事实

5)historical realities education历史事实教育

6)world of historical facts历史事实世界


