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史实 historical facts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-13 11:17:43


史实 historical facts英语短句 例句大全

史实,historical facts

1)historical facts史实

1.Yi Yuan has substantial contents,not only recording many extraordinary things and conventions but also involving thehistorical facts of Han,Wei,Jin and Liu Song.志怪小说《异苑》内容丰富,既记载了许多传闻逸事,反映了当时社会的风俗人情,又涉及晋宋及前朝的诸多史实。

2.and focusing on Ding Wenjiang,Zhang Hongzhao,Zhang Yi ou,Weng Wenhao and the students graduated from the Instituted of Geology,this paper examines thehistorical facts of the institute,and clarifies some vague statements.根据《政府公报》等原始资料挖掘出大量新史料;以丁文江、章鸿钊、张轶欧、翁文灏和地质研究所毕业生为线索,对其史实进行考辨,并澄清了一些模糊的说法。

3.And questions such as concretehistorical facts,status and influence have not been made clear.《喻巴蜀檄》是司马相如名篇,论者甚多,但多是从研究《史记》、《汉书》的角度注解一些具体问题,而作为独立对象的综合研究很少,对其具体史实、地位、影响等问题则仍然不够清楚。


1.The"History Fact"and"History Cognition"in Chinese Law History Research中国法制史研究中的“史实”与“史识”

2.On the Different Language in the Same History Record Used by Weishu(魏书) and Beishi(北史);《魏书》《北史》相同史实部分用语比较研究

3.A Textual Research Done in the Historical Facts of Zunyi Normal College;遵义师范学院校史中若干史实的考证

4.Textual Criticism on Lost Record of the Several Historical Facts of Southwest Ethnic Minorities in "the Historical Records" and "the Book of Han Dynasty;《史记》、《汉书》失载西南夷若干史实考辨

5.The Historical Facts Regarding Shi Xiaoshan s Chu Shi Song and a Linguistic Study of the Work;史孝山《出师颂》的史实与文字考异

6.The Second Existence of Literary History--On the Practice of Literary History;文学史的第二重存在——论文学史实践

7.The book is historically inaccurate.该书内容与史实不符.

8.Evaluation of historic figures should be based on correct historic materials and need textual criticism.评价历史人物必须建立在史实的基础上,谨慎甄别、考证各种史料,以正确史实为据。

9.This is a historical fact of the past 500 years.这是近五百年来历史所遗留下来的史实。

10.On Wu Zhen"s Historical Textual Research考据史实独辟蹊径──吴缜的考据史学研究

11.He has honestly studied history.他实实在在地钻研历史。

12.The Existence of History in Historical Novels: Realism and Ideographicism;历史在历史小说中的存在:写实与写意

13.The Reasons for the Large Number of "Non-factual Records" in the Historical Records;浅析《史记》存在大量“非实录”史料之原因

14."Idea of Historical Reality" and New Changement of Contemporary Historical Novel;“历史真实”观与当代历史小说新变

15.Between history and reality--preliminary inquiries into the historical comments of Salt-iron comments;在历史与现实之间——《盐铁论》史论初探

16.Reality and History--the Second Argumentation On Japanese Textbook Issue;现实与历史——再论日本历史教科书问题

17.On the Teaching and Learning of Chinese History of Historiography《中国史学史》课程教学的探索与实践

18.a less in the facts of history.历史事实的一小部分。


historical fact史实

1.Because of the confusion rising from the mixture of fictions withhistorical facts in these novels, this paper tries to identify the fictional materials from the facts.由于这些小说与历史纪实错杂相间,较难分辨,本文侧重考察其自觉虚构的品格特征,指出它们非但不是史实,也不是虚实莫辨的历史传说,而是好事者有意虚构与创造所结之果。

2.There are several mistakes inhistorical fact and errors in understanding some historical evidence in the《On the Dividing within the Bachelor Class & Its Declining-Take Mrs.《东晋南朝家族的分化与士族的衰落研究——以琅琊王氏为中心》一文有几处史实错误,对一些史料在理解上,也有失当之处,故其中个别的结论也有待于商榷。


4)historical practice历史实践

paring thehistorical practices between industrialization and urbanization at home and abroad will provide beneficial guidance to lead to the balanced development between industrialization and urbanization.比较国内外工业化与城市化的历史实践,从中获取有益的经验和教训,在今后的实践中遵循其规律,走工业化与城市化协调发展之路。

2.By explaining the social background and the concrete contents of his filial piety viewpoint,reviewing thehistorical practice and analyzing the negative influence,on the basis of present social reality,the paper expressed the modern significance of Confucius s filial piety thought.通过阐发他的孝道观产生的社会背景、具体内容,回顾其历史实践并分析其中消极层面的影响,在立足当代社会实际的基础上,表达出孔子孝道观的现代意义。

5)Historical truth历史事实

1.Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, which has unshakable historical truth and legal basis.台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分 ,这具有不可动摇的历史事实和法理基础 ,一个中国的原则是两岸实现和平统一的基础和前提。

6)historical facts assumption史实臆断


