900字范文 > 管节 pipe section英语短句 例句大全

管节 pipe section英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 16:42:26


管节 pipe section英语短句 例句大全

管节,pipe section

1)pipe section管节

1.The investigation of the cracks produced at the inner wall of 1117pipe sections of composite large concerete pipe piles and examination for pipe wall cores of 11 pieces is introduced, and maln causes for producing cracks in the inner wall of piles & relevant countermeasures are analyzed.介绍对复合法混凝土大管桩1117节管节的裂缝调查及11节管节内壁的取芯检查,分析了管节内壁产生裂缝的主要原因及所采取的相应措施。


1.She directed the planning of the festival.她统管节日活动的筹划.

2.The first item on the program is woodwind quintet .节目单上的第一个节目是木管五重奏。

3.Strengthened energy saving management reconstruction, improvement energy saving and lower consumption;加强节能管理与改造 促进节能降耗

4.chronic bronchitis, arthritis, etc慢性支气管炎、 关节炎等

5.allergic nodular angitis变应性结节性血管炎

6.PSMR (Pneumatic System Manifold Regulator)气动系统歧管调节器

7.cased-muff coupling刚性联轴器,套管联轴节

8.We need a length of pipe.我们需要一节管子。

9.button control for wind musical instrument valves管乐器栓塞调节按钮

10.festival concert中乐/弦乐/管乐节音乐会

11.Extraction of full and half of pipe can be chosen.可整管和半管提取,有效节约试验成本。

12.The roll management is the key step of the teaching management in universities.学籍管理是高校教学管理的中心环节。

13.Information flow management--the key factorof supply chain management;信息流管理——供应链管理的关键环节

14.Strengthened energy saving management and increased the level of enteprise management;强化节能管理 提升企业管理水平

15.Financial Management: The Key Point of Modern Business Management;财务管理:现代企业管理的中心环节

16.Analysis research of the tubular joints of the round main pile and square brunch pipe钢管结构圆主管与方支管相贯节点的分析研究

17.Intraosseous Phlebography of Tibia Upper End in Osteoarthritis of Knee膝关节骨性关节炎胫骨上端骨内血管造影

18.adopting advanced energy-saving management method to dig up energy-saving potential.开发应用高层次的节能管理方法,深挖节能潜力。


hose union软管联管节

3)corrugated tube波节管

1.Numerical simulation and the theoretical analysis with field synergy principle were carried out for the heat transfer and flow state incorrugated tubes,and four specifications ofcorrugated tubes were analyzed to point out the influence of different Reynolds number and geometric sizes of the tubes on their heat transfer.利用数值模拟方法并结合场协同理论,考察了工业上4种常用规格波节管的管内流动及传热性能,指出了不同的雷诺数Re以及结构尺寸对波节管强化传热性能的影响。

2.Simulation solution to three specifications ofcorrugated tubes has been done using Ansys.利用Ansys对3种不同规格波节管进行了模拟求解,得出了湍流状态下波节管内流体的速度场和温度场,从微观上说明了波节管的强化传热机理。

3.Acorrugated tube heat-exchanger tube-sheet design method ofcorrugated tube by smooth tube of equivalent wall-thickness was introduced,finite element method and electrical-method were used to the design method.介绍了用当量壁厚的光管代替波节管进行波节管换热器管板设计的方法,并用有限元和电测实验对该设计法进行了验证。

4)choke manifold节流管汇

1.Multi-stage choking & killing system is composed of multi-stagechoke manifold and control system(choke control box,process control box,and control software included).多级节流压井系统由多级节流管汇、控制系统(节控箱及工控箱、控制软件)构成。

5)tubular joint管节点

1.Experimental research of homemadetubular joint on fatigue property;管节点国产化疲劳性能的试验研究

2.Fatigue analysis oftubular joints in a Truss Spar platform;Truss Spar平台桁架管节点疲劳分析

3.Analysis and calculation of fatigue life of unconventionaltubular joints;非常规管节点疲劳寿命分析与计算

6)throttle pipe节流管

1.It introduces the design of water spray extinguishing systems which installed in liquid warehouse and expound the importance ofthrottle pipe and its calculation in this paper.本文介绍了设有高架液体介质仓库内的水喷雾灭火系统的设计原则,节点流量、压力的计算,并阐述了设置节流管的必要性及节流管的计算。


