900字范文 > 管节预制 tube element prefabrication英语短句 例句大全

管节预制 tube element prefabrication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 18:40:14


管节预制 tube element prefabrication英语短句 例句大全

管节预制,tube element prefabrication

1)tube element prefabrication管节预制

1.The technical development intube element prefabrication,tube element waterproofing,docks and foundation treatment are discussed in this paper.沉管隧道工法为水下隧道建设的主要工法之一,其关键工序包括管节预制、浮运、沉放对接和基础处理等。

2)segment precasting节段预制

1.In this paper,the principal construction techniques for the main arch of the bridge are briefly described,in which thesegment precasting,cable crane installation and construction monitoring are included.简要介绍主拱的主要施工技术,包括节段预制、缆索吊机安装以及施工监测等。

2.The construction of a reinforced concrete deck box arch bridge was carried out bysegment precasting,cable crane installation and cantilever erection by the aid of stayed cables with the cables fixed by the anchors embedded in rocks.上承式钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥,采用节段预制,缆索吊机安装,扣锚索悬臂架设。


1.Geometric Shape Control of Precasting of PC Box Girder Segments by Short-Line Match Method预应力混凝土箱梁短线法节段预制线形控制

2.Study of Precast Large Segments of Corrugated Steel Webs of Prestressed Composite-beam Bridge大节段预制波形钢腹板预应力组合梁桥研究

3.Key issues of prefabrication of the pre-stressed concrete box segments using the short line casting method预应力混凝土箱梁短线台节段预制关键技术

4.Alignment Control for Short-line Precast Segmental Bridges短线法节段预制拼装桥梁线形控制探讨

5.On Box Girder Precast Segment Assembling by Short-line Method & Alignment Control Technological Principle短线法箱梁节段预制拼装及线形控制技术原理

prehensive Application of Construction Techniques for Segmental Precasting and Cantilever Assembling to Bridge Works节段预制、悬臂拼装工艺在工程中的综合运用

7.Application of Short-line Segment Prefabrication Method in Hongkong Houhaiwan Trunk South Section Project短线节段预制法在香港后海湾干线南段工程中的应用

8.Method and technique of segmental prefabrication, transfer gantry hoisting, splicing on arch timbering in construction of Xinyang Shihe River Bridge are introduced.介绍信阳狮河大桥采用节段预制,龙门桁车提运,拱架上拼装等施工方法和施工工艺。

9.An Alignment and Attitude Control System for Precast Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges;节段式混凝土桥梁预制阶段线形与姿态控制系统

10.Research on Transportation Proposal for Pre-Fabricated Segmental Deck of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel-Bridge Section B6上海长江隧桥B6标预制节段桥面运输方案研究

11.Principle of Precasting Concrete Segmental Girders of Hau Hoi Wan Sea-Crossing Bridge,Hongkong with Short-Line Match Method香港后海湾跨海大桥预制混凝土节段梁短线台座法预制原理

12.Research on the Related Problems in Design of Precast Segmental Concrete Bridges with External Tendons;预制节段体外预应力混凝土梁桥设计中有关问题的研究

13.Study on the Mechanical Characteristics of Precast Segmental Concrete Box Girders with External Tendons;预制节段拼装体外预应力混凝土箱梁受力特性研究

14.Researching Manufacture of Newly Prefabricated Box Beam Segment Bridge Erector and Technology of Assembly Quality Control新型预制箱梁节段架桥机的研制及拼装质量控制技术

15.Fabrication Technique and 3D Shape Simulation for Integral Pre-assembly of Steel Tower Segments in Nanjing 3rd Yangtze River Bridge;南京长江三桥钢塔节段制造及整体预拼的三维仿形分析

16.Research and Application of Cantilever Assembly Equipment to Prefabricated Segmental Box Girder of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel-Bridge Section B6上海长江隧桥B6标预制节段箱梁悬臂拼装设备研究与应用

17.Study on Construction Technology for Pre-fabricated Segmental Box Girder Cantilever Erection in Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel-Bridge Section B6上海长江隧桥B6标预制节段箱梁悬臂拼装施工技术研究

18.Prefabricated Construction Technology of Matched Short-Molding Method for 60m Segmental Box Girder of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel-Bridge上海长江隧桥60m节段梁短线法匹配预制施工工艺


segment precasting节段预制

1.In this paper,the principal construction techniques for the main arch of the bridge are briefly described,in which thesegment precasting,cable crane installation and construction monitoring are included.简要介绍主拱的主要施工技术,包括节段预制、缆索吊机安装以及施工监测等。

2.The construction of a reinforced concrete deck box arch bridge was carried out bysegment precasting,cable crane installation and cantilever erection by the aid of stayed cables with the cables fixed by the anchors embedded in rocks.上承式钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥,采用节段预制,缆索吊机安装,扣锚索悬臂架设。

3)precast segment预制节段

1.The main parts of the approach bridges of Sutong Bridge are of twin prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges with spans each 75 m of constant cross sections and six lanes on the carriageways,and the superstructures of the parts of the bridges were erected byprecast segmental assembling construction method.苏通大桥主引桥为双幅6车道75 m跨等截面PC连续梁桥,其上部结构采用预制节段拼装架设的施工方法。

2.Theprecast segmental construction technique is widely used in the viaduct structures for both vehicular and light rail systems.预制节段拼装连续梁桥可广泛应用于高架桥和轻轨等建设项目。

4)prefabricated segment预制节段

1.Based on the practice and summary of Hu-Min Viaduct (II) construction in Shanghai by erectingprefabricated segments span by span, des-cription is made of the mechanism and way of computer-aided control (CAC) over the load transformation, a key step of workmanship.通过对上海市沪闵路高架道路二期工程中预制节段逐跨拼装施工的实践和总结,在介绍预制节段逐跨拼装施工的基础上,叙述了运用荷载转换这一关键工艺进行计算机辅助控制的原理与方法。

2.Described hereby are the initial study and summary of the key measures and precautions taken during the construction ofprefabricated segment span-by-span installation of Hu-Min Rd Viaduct (II), and Jungong Rd Viaduct (Contract A1.1标军工路高架预制节段逐跨拼装施工的实践为基础,初步探讨、总结了该类施工方法在技术管理上前期预备阶段、实施准备阶段、实施阶段的主要方法和注意点。

3.The elevated bridge in the partial main line of Shanghai Humin Elevated Road Phase II Project used theprefabricated segmental erection construction technique by spans.上海市沪闵高架二期工程部分主线高架桥采用了预制节段逐跨拼装的施工技术,主线桥宽达25m,底面为弧形。

5)recasting pile unitin jecting预制桩节

6)precast nodular pile预制节桩

1.This paper introduces the basic shapes of the nodular pile,summarizes two cast-in-site tests which have been done in Tianjin soft clay and one model test forprecast nodular pile in sand soil,and analyzes some test curves,and sums up the researches on the bearing mechanisms of nodular pile made in the three tests.给出了节桩的基本形状,简要概括了有关预制节桩在天津软黏土中进行的两个现场试验和一个砂土中的模型试验研究,并且分析了一些试验曲线,总结了这3个试验对节桩承载机理的研究。


