900字范文 > 保险学原理教学 Insurance principle teaching英语短句 例句大全

保险学原理教学 Insurance principle teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-21 18:31:18


保险学原理教学 Insurance principle teaching英语短句 例句大全

保险学原理教学,Insurance principle teaching

1)Insurance principle teaching保险学原理教学

2)teaching principle教学原理


1.Towards Effective,Efficient and Engaging Instruction;走向3E教学——三述首要教学原理

2.A Study of Educational Theory in Experiential Class;大学英语体验式教学的教育原理探究

3.Impart Knowledge and Educate People" and the Research About the Teaching Reform on the Philosophic Theory;教书育人与哲学原理课教学改革探讨

4.Application of the Theory of Education-Ecology to Composition Teaching教育生态学原理在作文教学中的运用

5.The Analysis of Implementing Effect of Cases Teaching in the Teaching of Principles of Management;案例教学在《管理学原理》教学中的实施效果分析

6.Guidance of Educational Psychology Principle on Middle-school Teaching Research;教育心理学原理对中学教学改革的指导

7.Educational Psychology Study of Teaching Model Reform of Metallography;金属学原理教学模式改革的教育心理学研究

8.How to Direct Students to Read Origianl Work in Philosophy Education;哲学原理课教学如何指导学生读点原著

9.Original Problem Teaching: The New Horizon of Physical Education Reform;原始问题教学:物理教育改革的新视域

10.Discuss of teaching system of module about the color TV principle course of higher vocational education;谈高职教育彩电原理课的模块化教学

11.Discussion about the Principle of Ideology Education in the Teaching of China Geography;略论中国地理教学中思想教育的原则

12.A Study on Teaching Tactics of the Master Programme in Education;论教育硕士课程的教学策略——以《教育学原理》为例

13.The reform exploration of theoretical teaching and practical teaching for principles of chemical engineering化工原理课程理论教学与实践教学改革探索

14.Principled Eclecticism in College English Teaching;大学英语教学中有原理的折衷主义教学

15.On the Case-based Learning in Teaching of Marxist Philosophy Principle;论马克思主义哲学原理教学中的案例教学

16.Application of Dynamic Teaching Methods in the Course of Politics Principles;动态教学法在《政治学原理》课程教学中的运用

17.Study in the Teaching Theory of "Automatic Control Principles" Course;“自动控制原理”课程理论教学研究

18.Educational Reform Experience for Principle of Chemical Engineering Course;化工原理理论教学改革的思路与措施


teaching principle教学原理

3)Principles teaching原理教学

4)Pedagogic Principle教育学原理

1.Research on Issue of Constructing a ScientificPedagogic Principle Discipline;教育学原理学科科学化问题研究

5)the teaching of the political principles政治学原理教学

6)the management of insurance enterprise保险企业管理学

1.The insurance and the management are the metro science ofthe management of insurance enterprise.保险企业管理学是保险学与管理学交叉而形成的一门边缘性、综合性的应用学科。


